Chapter 32

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It has been five years since that fateful day when Khushi and Anjali left RM. One left to live in happiness, while the other to get to know the real world and to be independent. The Raizadas haven't seen either of them ever since that day. They do hear about Khushi through Payal who has after 3 years forgiven Akash and decided to give one more chance to him. Together, they even have a six-month-old daughter, Ayushi. Payal who is in contact with Khushi tells the Raizadas about her life, from time to time.

Manorma (worried) - Payal bitiya...

Payal comes rushing towards Manorma hearing her scream with a worried voice.

Manora (upset) - I think our Ayushi bitiya, will be like me... look at her... there were so many toys to play with me... and she chose the makeup set that I recently bought... she was about to put it in her mouth... but in time I took it off and now she is crying...

Payal starts laughing hearing the scenario. Her daughter's obsession with makeup only reminds her of Manorma and she is hoping secretly that at least her daughter will know how to use the makeup.

Manorma (frowning) - HHBB... whats so funniez (What's so funny?)

Payal (containing her laughter) - nothing maaji... give her to me... it's after all nearly 4 pm... time to talk to Khushi...

Payal takes little Ayushi from Manorma's arms and heads upstairs while Manorma watches this with teary eyes. Of course, Manorma could join Payal and talk to Khushi but the guilt would eat her alive. She could have done something to stop the wedding, however, she stood there and watched Sheetal and Arnav's marriage. An apology doesn't fix everything and even if Khushi did forgive her, she is too disgusted in herself to look at Khushi, eye to eye.


Khushi (surprised) - Oh my god... out Ananya... looks so cute...

Aryan (jealous) - mumma... I am still here... how can you call someone other than me cute? I thought I was your favourite son... But... this is betrayal... I am so hurt...

Payal who watches Aryan being dramatic laughs while little Ananya claps her hands with laughter.

Khushi playfully smacks him, while Aryan being dramatic acts like he is angry.

Aryan (playfully angry) - how can you mumma? I will complain to my superman about you...

Aryan rushes outside, while Khushi's smile vanishes.

Payal (upset) - How is this possible, Khushi? I thought you weren't in contact with Arnav for all these years... I thought you still haven't forgiven him...

Khushi upset) - Jiji... actually while leaving RM, I promised Aryan that he can still talk to his superman... even after we leave... as I didn't want to break their bond... and also it was the best way to get the custody... so every day, Arnav and Aryan talk... However, not once have I heard his voice... the call happens only between those two...and everything they talk about is confidential... I am missing his voice Jiji... not once did he ask Aryan if he could talk to him... I always asked Aryan after his call... did your Superman ask about me? And he always said no... did he move on again, Jiji?

Payal (upset) - No Khushi, he hasn't moved on at all... in fact, he has started being more considerate towards the family... He comes home early and even leaves after having breakfast... he used to come late, but ever since Ananya was born... he comes early... and you know the bond that Arnav has with Ananya is so special... I mean if Ananya is crying... she would only be consoled by Arnav...

Khushi (upset) - then why doesn't he want to talk to me?

Not wanting to discuss Arnav anymore, Khushi changed the topic. Soon, a laughing Aryan comes in with a rose which has an apology written on it, making Khushi smile.

Payal (worried) - What's this, Khushi?

Khushi (smiling) - Jiji... I have been getting these roses since I left RM... it never stopped.... Every day it gives different messages...

Payal (smiling) - Who is it from?

Khushi (smiling) - Arnav...

Payal (worried) - What? How come you never told me? This guy.... Can't he let you live in peace... Why does he constantly bother you?

Khushi (upset) - Jiji... actually, I love these flowers... and the messages he sends shows his regret... and his guilt... as long as I don't see his face... I am fine... every time, I see his face... I think of his betrayal... and don't worry Jiji... I haven't forgotten what he has done... all these flowers go in the bin after I read the letter...

Payal (annoyed) - who are you trying to fool Khushi? Yes, the flowers must go in the bin... but you are desperate to see him... you miss him Khushi... yes, you haven't forgotten any of his deeds... but you have fallen weak in his love again... and want to start a new life with him... (Khushi tries to interrupt)... I may not be your biological sister Khushi... but I know you... I won't put my opinion on you... I will be happy with whatever decision you make... I have seen his regret as well... he has become a completely new man... I heard from Akash... that Arnav knows where di is... but not once has he gone to meet her... and that he hasn't given her any extra support... he cleared to the media... that you were, are and will be his wife... even if you both get divorced... he took in all the bashing from the media for marrying again, despite loving you... if that wasn't enough... some angry mob tried to harm him... for hurting you like that... he survived but he didn't file a case against them... as he feels he deserves that...

Khushi (worried) - Jiji... why didn't you tell me about this earlier?

Payal (upset) - Because, I was scared Khushi... that you will forgive him... but there is no point hiding it anymore... you love him too much... (smiling)... anyway, tell me about Lavanya and Naheji...

Khushi (smiling) - Jiji... they both fell in love and confessed on their two year anniversary... and now, they are expecting their first child... Lavanyaji is 5 months pregnant... I want to go see her... but... after dadaji's death... dadi is very lonely... and has gotten really sick... so I didn't have the heart to leave her... anyway... Tell me about di...

Payal (upset) - I have heard her lifestyle from Akash... it's not the best but she is working hard Khushi... she lives in a one-bedroom house... and it's not hers but she got it on rent... she works as a teacher... after leaving the business field... and then on weekends she goes to the orphanage and teaches the children there... I guess she is remanding... no one in the Raizada mansion has gone to meet her... nor has di made a move to meet them...even Amanji has stopped calling... to ask about the divorce papers... I think he has gotten to know what di is doing to earn his forgiveness... I think it will take di a really long time to go to Amanji... anyway, let's talk about you now... so? How is it in Australia? What's your job?

Khushi (smiling) - Everything is alright here... mum and dad told dadaji and dadiji... the truth after we came to Australia and after so much persuasion from me... they accepted the couple... and they still consider me as their grandchild... two years ago... dadaji passed away... and now... dadiji is sick... I work in a big business Jiji... and they have promoted me recently...

Suddenly Khushi hears Aryan's scream and immediately cuts the call to look for Aryan. A worried Khushi rushes downstairs to see a shocked Aryan at the doorsteps. She rushes towards Aryan, worried he might have got hurt, however, is surprised to see the great ASR standing at the front door with roses in his hands.

Arnav (smiling) - can I come in?

Khushi moves Aryan and herself to welcome the unwelcome guest.

Arnav (bending on his knees with roses) - Khushi... I am sorry for not prioritising you in my life, now being a good husband... for showing a lack of trust... for hurting you, for manhandling you... and I am not going to blame anyone except myself for all the problems in our life... I am sorrier for marrying Sheetal... even if it was a fake marriage...  I shouldn't have taken such a step...  it was both rude and stupid. Will you give me one last chance to redeem myself? Will you give me one last chance to treat you like my queen instead of a slave... will you go out with me?

Khushi (teary-eyed) - What's all this?

Arnav (still on his knees and smiling) - I want to redeem myself Khushi... I want to be the reason behind your smile... and not pain... I promise you that this time, I won't make you cry... I will trust you... and if I fail to do all this, then I will never show you my face... And I don't want to immediately marry you as I want to give this relationship a new name before we get married... I want us to get to know each other more... I know you will need more time to forgive me for betraying you... and I want to give you all the time you want... I will not marry you now... but we can at least date... if you don't feel comfortable... with me... then we don't have to be together... it will be all up to you... Please Khushi... give me... give us... one more chance...

Khushi (teary-eyed) - but... why now?

Arnav (smiling) - I know you wanted time... Khushi... And that's why I have been keeping a distance from you... like you wanted... but I can't stay more away from you Khushi... I always asked Aryan about you... Every call... wouldn't end without me asking about you... I made Aryan promise not to tell you... as I didn't want to hurt you... today is valentine's day... What better day than today to share my feelings with you?

Khushi (making him stand up) - I will accept you Arnav... but I promise you that if you hurt me one more time... then I will never come back to you... ( hugs him with tears while Arnav hugs her back)

Aryan (smiling) - YES! I am so happy... now I will see Superman most days... and I don't have to talk to him on phone... but mumma... you didn't answer him...will you go out with him?

Khushi (upset) - the wound in my heart is still fresh... and it hasn't healed... Arnav... I am not ready to be in any relationship with you... however, I want to start as friends... 

Arnav (smiling) - I respect your decision Khushi, let's start slow... friends?

Arnav holds out his hand, and Khushi gives out hers. Both shake their hands with a small smile, while Aryan has a huge smile on him and jumps seeing his two favourite people, bonding.

The end. Sorry, no epilogue for the story. Please do tell me your views on the story.  Thank you so much for all the support for this story. Do check out my other stories and do comment and vote for this part. Also, I genuinely apology for those who didn't want Arshi together. As I have mentioned at the start of the story, this is an Arshi ff and therefore, they will end up together.

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