Chapter 7

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I am about to leave the house when di stops me in my way. What now?

Di (crying) - Choote... Aman...Amanji left me...

Me (annoyed) - Di, don't you remember what I told you? If you marry Aman then don't expect me to help you in any of your problems... Aman isn't a bad guy... but he isn't right for you... and I knew... that you wouldn't be able to adjust to his life and therefore I told you not to marry him but you still married him... now you have to deal with your problems yourself...

Di (angry) - What are you saying choote? Is this a way to talk to your sister? Yes, I married Amanji without your consent... but that doesn't mean that you don't sympathise with your sister... have you forgotten that this sister has been with you through thick and thin? Did you forget that she was the one that looked after you after our parents passed away? I can't believe that you forgot all this and this is all because of this...

Before di, could even mention Khushi I leave the scene as Khushi may not have loved me truly but I did. This has become a regular drama at home, ever since Nani passed away which was a month after Khushi left me...all di did was blame Khushi for every small problem in our house and she would try to make Sheetal seem better then Khushi. What can I say about Sheetal?

Flashback - 6 months ago

I forcefully push Sheetal away from me seeing di there. Sheetal immediately starts bleeding as she had hit the side of my head.

Di (angry) - Choote!

Di immediately goes towards Sheetal and helped her up.

Di (angry) - Is this a way to treat women? How can you push her like this?

Di leaves the room angrily with Sheetal to bandage her. I should apologise to Sheetal, I didn't mean to hurt her. I am about to leave the room to apologise to Sheetal when mami stops me in my way.

Mami (annoyed) - HHBB... Arnav bitwa... wheres phati saree?

Before I could answer her, I see HP coming in with a worried expression. Where did he go this late? I go towards HP to question him while mami follows.

Me (angry) - Where did you go HP?

HP (sweating) - I... went for fresh air...

Me (eyeing him) - tell the truth before I turn into ASR...

HP (scared) - I went to give Nk, Khushiji's passport

Me (angry) - What the... when did you go?

HP (scared) - I left around an hour ago... and they have already left as Khushiji was going to board the plane 10 minutes ago...

Mami (screaming) - HHBB... phatti saree left Arnav bitwa...

Hearing Mami's scream everyone comes towards the living room and mami again screams the same thing.

Payal (angry) - My sister would do nothing like that...

Mami (angry) - Khoon bhari taang... don't yous dares to do somethings like that to my son... I told you Akash bitwa that middle-class girls are cheaters...

Payal (angry) - Just shut up... my name is Payal... not Khoon bhari taang and secondly don't forget my dear mamiji that even you were a middle-class girl... and coming to cheating then... my sister would do nothing like that...

Mami/Akash (angry) - Mind your language... Payal/Khoon bhari taang...

Payal (angry) - Why should I? When she doesn't know how to mind hers? I have been tolerating her taunts for such a long time and as a husband, you should be telling your mother to respect me... and naniji (looks at her) you are the elder in this house yet you say nothing to your daughter-in-law... oh wait, I remember how can you? After all, you only speak up if the issue is related to your granddaughter? The grand-daughter that knows nothing about standing up for herself... all she can do is blackmail her family... and trust the wrong people.

Sheetal (angry) - Hey, mind your tongue... you can't speak like...

Suddenly, Sheetal gets a tight slap from Payal who stares at her with anger.

Payal (angry) - This is a family matter Sheetal...and you need to stop interfering in our personal where was I, oh yes... (turns to Anjali) so ever since your useless husband left you... what have you achieved? Nothing! Right (starts to clap)... wow, you coward lady... if my husband did something like that to me... then I will stand up on my feet... I will show the world that I am capable of looking after myself... but you... wow... all you did was get sympathy from your family and spend your brother's money.

Me (angry) - That's enough... you cannot speak to my sister like that...

Payal (angry) - And this small child, Aarav who is just a guest can speak to your wife like that... I don't have time for all this... I am leaving!

Payal goes to pack her things while everyone stands rooted in their spots. Soon she comes down and stares at everyone with anger but as soon as she sees Akash, her anger turns into disappointment.

Payal (upset) – You know what Akash, I regret falling in love with a coward guy.

She silently leaves the place and after a few minutes of silence, everyone starts to disperse

Di (shouting) – Stop! I don't want anyone to call Sheetalji as an outsider... she will be known as the daughter in law of this house... Choote's wife...

Everyone stares at di with horror including me...I am not ditching Khushi for Sheetal... no way... Khushi can never cheat on me... never...

Nani (annoyed) – No! We have listened to you for far too I will decide... Sheetal... you have been in this house for far too long... you were a guest of Khushi bitiya and that's why I kept silent but not any more... please leave within 4 days and Anjali bitiya... I want you to start working within a week...

Mami (annoyed) – mummyjis how cans asked Anjali to work? She has twos brothers that work for her.

Nani (angry) – You haven't heard my punishment for you Manorma... you are on cleaning duty for 5 months for having this attitude... stop trying to spoil Anjali... Payal was right, I being the eldest in this house didn't even see your attitude towards Payal and Khushi bitiya... I have been the worst grandmother... and from now on if I hear another English term from your mouth then I will send you back to your house... do you understand Manorma?

Mami bends her head down and leaves the place, obviously embarrassed. Di also leaves the place while crying.

Flashback ends

Sheetal's hand jerked me out of my flashbacks and I immediately move towards the driver's seat, while Sheetal goes to sit beside me. I am about to stop her when I see di staring at us.

Precap - Khushi in India

Next Update: Monday

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