Chapter Fourteen

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Tony POV

I walked into the brightly light room and saw Peter restrained in a chair. He had blood all over his torso and his arms were completely torn up. I walked up closer to Peter and saw that he also had a deep gash running across his jawline. I went quickly to his restraints and started unbuckling all of them. I was able to unbuckle his legs but when I went up to his arms I almost fainted at what I saw. One of his arms had a broken bone sticking out of his skin and from the looks of it, it had healed that way.

"Ple...please....don't..touch it," Peter slurred.

"Kid I have to take off the restraints, okay? Quick and easy," I mumbled.

I pulled off both restraints and threw them to the ground. Peter screamed in agony but it had to be done. The rest of the team ran inside to check on what was wrong. When they got a look of the kid it seemed like they froze out of horror.

"Steve get Bruce to go to the Med Bay," I muttered to Steve from across the room still trying to figure out the best way to pick up Peter.

"I'll see if he will answer-"

"No tell him what happened then ask him to come, he will."

Steve nodded and walked outside to make the call and notify the rest of the Avengers what happened. I reached down to pick up the kid but he told me to stop.

"Pete, I have to get you out of here," I mumbled tears coming into my eyes.

He looked at me miserable but nodded his head slowly. I wrapped my arms around him and picked him up while he moaned in pain. I signaled to Bucky and Loki that it was time to go. Bucky walked in front of us while Loki walked behind in case there was any threat or problem. Steve had called Bruce and after he went back inside and grabbed Doctor Octavius and his metal arms. When we got outside I laid Peter down on a bed in the jet. Bucky and Loki got behind controls while Steve restrained Dr. Octavius in the back of the jet. When Peter was secure on the bed he fell asleep so I went to the back of the jet to pay Dr. Octavius a visit. When I walked in the Doctor looked at me and smirked as I closed the door behind me.

"What the hell do you think is funny?" I yelled no longer able to contain my fury at what he did.

"It's funny how you think I won't get out of this and do that again."

"Oh you won't, you little son of a bitch," I growled walking closer to him.

"I will do that-"

I punched him in the face cutting him off. His nose broke and he started to bleed.

"Please finish that sentence and see what I do next Octopus."


That was it I couldn't contain my fury any longer. I punched left and right and in the gut. I don't know how long I was using him like a human punching bag when the door suddenly opened and Steve walked in.

"Tony!" Steve yelled rushing forward and pulling me away from the doctor.

"Steve let me go!" I yelled fighting back, but it was no use.

"Tony your going to kill him."

"Which is exactly what he deserves," I said with venom.

"Come on let's go," Steve said while dragging me out of the room.

"Go wash up," Steve said looking at my hands covered in blood.

I nodded and went to the bathroom cleaning myself up. When I got back to the front everyone looked at me but I just shrugged it off and walked over to Peter who was still sleeping. I ran my hand through his curly brown hair and held is icy cold hand.

"How could I let this happen to you?" I muttered trying not to cry in front of everyone.

The rest of the ride was uneventful except for me punching the hell out of the bastard Octopus. When we finally arrived at the Tower we saw all of the Avengers waiting for us on the landing pad, including Dr. Banner. I picked up the kid, carefully avoiding his arm, and walked out of the jet holding him. When I stepped outside everyone gasped at Peter in my arms. Bruce ran forward and started looking over the kid as we walked to the Med Bay.

"We need to get him to surgery right away," Bruce mumbled while surveying the kids screwed up arm.

I nodded and brought the kid to the surgery room. While Bruce prepared for it I mixed up a strong sleeping medicine that would keep the kid under. Peter slurred and opened his eyes.

"Wh...what are you doing?" He asked looking around the room.

I saw that he was starting to panic as he saw all of the tools and instruments we were going to use on him.

"Calm down kid, okay? Look at me, I'm right here. Nothing will happen to you as long as I am here. Even when you do stupid things I will always protect you no matter what," I said trying not to think of how he was captured under my watch three days ago.

Peter suddenly lunged forwards and hugged me. His breathing was ragged and he was tensing up in pain, but he held his grip on me. I hugged him back and he seemed to sigh with relief that I did.

"I missed you so much. I knew you would come for me," Peter said through chocked sobs.

"Peter I love you too," I mumbled into his shirt hugging him tightly, not wanting to let go anytime soon.

He seemed to be in the same mood because even after Bruce told him it was time to start he didn't let go or loosen his grip.



"I'm going to give you a sleep shot so that Bruce can fix your arm. When you wake up we can hang out some more but we need to fix that," I say pointing towards his arm with a bone sticking out.

He looks at me wearily and lays back down on his bed with a grunt. I grab the shot and bring it near him, he flinches away.

"Bud I promise this will hurt for one second and then we can be together again," I mumbled to him heartbroken at how he was reacting to all of this stuff even though he knew it would help him.

"I- I trust you," he said not breaking his eye contact with me.

I nodded and grabbed the shot. I slowly stuck it into him and released the sleeping fluid.

"Calm down and let it take over okay?" I said making sure that Peter was relaxed.

"I love you," he mumbled before he was completely knocked out from the shot.

I walked out of the room and the doctors started work. The procedure would take about three hours.

Enough time for me to interrogate Dr. Oc.


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