Chapter Sixteen

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Peter POV

I blinked my eyes open as they were suddenly blinded by bright lights. Not knowing where I was I shot up and panted looking around the room. I instantly regretted sitting up when my torso screamed in agony at me. I yelped and grabbed it trying to get rid of the pain.

"Woah kid stop moving," I heard Tony say from my side.

I was about to ask what was going on when I felt his hand gently push me back into a laying down position. With a grunt I fell back down onto my bed and laid still to avoid agitating my cut.

"Wha....what happened," I muttered still a little groggy from the medicine they gave me.

"We had to fix up the wounds Dr. Oc gave you. Your speed healing slowed down because you haven't eaten a lot so we had to stitch and staple somethings," Bruce said answering my question for Tony.

My face paled when I heard him say staple. That meant scarring.


Panicking I pulled up the covers and looked at my torso. It was covered in small little staples and healing at what looked like a normal rate. I sighed and pulled up the covers with an audible grunt. Tony looked at me worriedly as I sat back down on the bed.

"Don't worry kid it shouldn't scar that deeply, we just need to get you some food so you can get your speed healing back up," Tony said trying to calm me down.

"Okay. Did you fix my arm?" I coughed out not wanting to look at it and be reminded of what the doctor did to me.

"Yup kid, almost as good as new. You'll need to keep it in a cast for a couple of weeks even with your speed healing but it should be fine," Tony said smiling at me.

I nodded understanding what he was saying and kept my gaze fixed on him, not wanting to look at my arm.

"Pete, you got to look at it eventually," Tony muttered sadly realizing what I was doing.

I shook my head slowly.

"Pete it isn't that bad! You should be more nervous to look at it when your cast comes off," Bruce said inputting his opinion to help.

Realizing there was no way out of it I breathed deeply and looked towards it. It was covered in a red and blue cast but had cuts trailing all along my pale skin. It was back in a normal position and wasn't bleeding like crazy anymore. I felt my eyes sting as I remembered what Dr. Octavius did to me.

"Where is Dr. Octopus?" I asked wanting to hear that he was locked away for good and would never hurt me ever again.

"He.....well he is dead," Tony mumbled to me.

I looked at him shocked for a minute wondering if I heard him correctly. Before I could ask anything else though he changed the subject on me.

"So kid are you hungry? Me and Bruce made this wheelchair thing so that we can bring you upstairs and have a family meal," Tony said smiling at me.

I decided to ignore the fact the doctor died and just nodded my head along with his idea, I was starving. They unhooked me from everything and lifted me up into a wheelchair next to my bed. After I was settled down Tony pushed me to the elevator and we went upstairs. When I the elevator doors opened all of the Avengers turned their heads and stared at us. After a few awkward minutes they smiled warmly at me and Clint held up some pizza for me.

"How are you feeling Spidey? Want some pepperoni pizza or cheese?" Clint asked.

"Pepperoni please," I said smiling while Tony wheeled me over to the sitting area in the living room.

"Mr. Stark are you sure you want me eating in here? I don't want to mess up any furniture," I ask seeing all of the pristine white furniture.

"It's fine kid knock yourself out," he said laughing at me while the rest of the Avengers quickly gathered around on the sofa and chairs.

After a few minutes everyone was settled with pizza, popcorn, and candy ready to watch a movie.

"What are we watching on the magic screen today?" Loki asked.

"Kingsmen," Hawkeye yelled.

"No! Divergent!" Nat screamed.

"World War II in color," Steve muttered to which everyone laughed.

"Edge of Winter," Bucky screamed not long after.

Soon the whole room was yelling at each other and Clint had even started throwing popcorn at everyone around the room. Finally Thor spoke up.

"Let the boy of spiders pick!"

As if synchronized everyones head turned to look at me while I was trying to be very quit. Suddenly everyone was yelling what I should choose.

"Umm, can we watch the Hobbit?" I asked because I loved the classic stuff.

As the movie played everyone got quit. After a few minutes Rhodey and Sam were asleep while Thor started to snore deeply. Twenty minutes went by and Loki, Bucky, and Clint fell asleep wrapped in covers and still holding on to their popcorn. Nat, Wanda, and Vision eventually went to sleep along with Bruce around the halfway mark. When everyone except me and Tony had finally given into sleep I turned to Tony.

"So what happened to him?" I asked sheepishly not wanting Tony to get mad that I didn't drop the topic.

"I told you he is dead."

"How did he die I thought he was in a cell?" I asked completely lost on what happened.

"I killed him," Tony muttered not meeting my eyes.

"What! Why!?" I whispered loudly.

"He threatened you again and hurt you in horrible ways. I couldn't control myself and had to put an end to him. I'm sorry if you are disappointed in me Peter but I will do everything in my power to protect my son!" Tony said defending himself.

I was about to tell him that what he did was wrong when I suddenly realized something that made my eyes light up and smile.

"Peter are you okay?" He asked obviously expecting a different emotional response from me.

"Did I give you to much drugs? Peter, are you high right now!?" Tony whispered a little panicked.

"No no no," I mumbled still smiling at him, "I'm not on drugs Mr. Stark."

I laughed while Tony looked at me in confusion.

"Then what is with the drunk smile? I just told you I killed someone!" Tony whispered.

"You also called me son," I whispered turning back to the TV.

Tony let the information sink in and laughed numbly to me.

"Yeah will you are my kid until May comes back," he said smiling at me.

I smiled and remembered that I had the rest of summer with him.

"Hey Tony? Can you move me on the couch next to you?" I asked.

"Sure kid."

He walked over to my chair and lifted me up. I groaned but tried my best not to scream. When he finally set me down next to him I was exhausted.

I felt my eyes start to close.

"I love you," I said before hugging him and letting sleep take me.

"I love you too kid."


Thanks so much for reading! Leave comments and message me if you want me to make a sequel or another book!!

Give me ideas that you want me to write about.

Thank so much love you guys 💚

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