Chapter Twelve

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Loki POV

"So your telling us that we attacked Peter and tried to kill him because we were being controlled by a new tech called C.O.N.T.R.O.L?" Clint asked looking at me like I had grown antlers.

"Yes and I just gave you a cure and made myself immune," I said urgently knowing that Peter must need our help.

"Where are Tony and Peter?" Steve asked after he carefully surveyed the room.

"That is why I cured you guys. Tony turned and is at the charity event while Peter was taken by the doctor. I haven't located him yet," I said sorrowfully.

All the Avengers (except Tony and Peter) looked at me and jumped into action.

"Okay Avengers, we all have to go to the charity event and find Tony and Peter. Sam, Rhodey, and Vision you guys are going to focus on getting everyone safely out of there, create a perimeter. Nat and Clint you are going to work on locating the kid while me and Bucky work on restraining Tony if he has agone bad. Loki will administrate the cure and Thor will help bring down the doctor. Ready? Good  let's go," Steve said breaking down the plan.

I grabbed the cure and then we all went to the jet and headed towards Midtown Tech, where the charity was being held. When we got there, there was fire, people running and screaming, and destruction as far as the eye could see. The Avengers quickly filed out into position and I went with Steve and Bucky to look for Tony Stark.

"Tony!" Steve and Bucky shouted for what felt like minutes.

Finally as we walked by Dr. Octavius' stage we found a pile of webs on the floor. Bucky shoot through some of it and of course the billionaire was right under it.

"Open his mask," I said as they pulled him out of the web.

Bucky did as I said and tore of the Iron Man mask. When his mask came off I quickly grabbed the cure and shoved it down his throat. We waited for a few minutes when suddenly his eyes shot open and he flailed his arms in the air.

"Where am I? Where is Peter?" He said still gasping for breath.

"It's okay Stark. We have just cured you and the rest of the Avengers are cured as well. We haven't found Peter yet," I said trying to reassure him.

"He took him," Tony sputtered while trying to stand.

"Who did?" Bucky asked completely confused.

"Him! Dr. Octavius!" Tony practically screamed at us.

"Oh gods," I muttered as realization hit me.

Peter POV

I felt a horrible pounding in my head when I finally came back into consciousness. I woke up with a start as everything came back to me in a sudden rush. I looked around frantically to see where I was. After what felt like minutes my eyes locked onto an office table a few paces in front of me. It had a syringe and a little piece of tech with the label C.O.N.T.R.O.L on it. I had a horrible feeling that I knew what was about to happen and started fighting against my restraints with all the strength I could muster.

"I wouldn't do that," a voice said laughing at my failed attempts to get loose.

"Who is there? What do you want?" I asked as my spidey sense went bonkers.

"I am Dr. Octavius but honestly just a person who wants to get information," the strange man said.

"Information?" I was honestly lost by this point.

"Yes. I know that you are friends with a certain Iron Man and I would love to know how to replicate his suit. I know he taught you how to fix and do certain things to the suit and I would love to hear everything about it," Dr. Octopus said while creeping around in the dark room.

"I won't tell you anything that information is classified," I yelled at the direction I heard him last.

I heard a deep laughter and suddenly lights were turned on inside the small room. I was winced and closed my eyes quickly trying to let them adjust. When I opened them again I saw that I was in a blank cement room with no windows and one door in front of me. It was painted a dull gray and there were tools and metal equipment everywhere.

"So you don't want to talk? Are you sure? Cause we can do this the easy way or the hard way," he said picking up a small dagger.

"You will kill me before I talk," I said trying not to show my fear.

"At the end of this... you'll wish you were dead."

Tony POV

"I put a tracker in the kids suit we have to track it back to him and rescue him," I muttered frantically trying to find out how to get the kid back.

We were back at the Tower. All of us cleared the entire area but couldn't find any sign of Peter. We were brainstorming ideas when I finally realized I had the tracker in his suit. It was going to be our best bet for finding Peter.

"Friday track Peter's suit now!" I yelled up at the AI trying not to panic.

"He appears to be in a storage unit just north of Midtown Tech. Shall I send you directions?"

"Yes," I yelled while pulling up a giant screen.

I found where he was and marked it down. I also put that location on a paper map incase his signal went down or connection was lost.

"Everyone come we need to go now!" I yelled while putting on my Iron Man suit.

"Don't do anything stupid Tony," Steve muttered.

"What do you mean Capsicle," I growled, we were wasting precious time.

"Don't run in there and get yourself killed. I know you love him but you could make the situation worse."

"That is why I have back up," I said while putting all had into the thrusters, "Meet you guys there."

I took of to the storage unit

If they laid one finger on that kid....

Peter POV

Dr. Octavius walked up to me in the brightly lit room and smirked.

"Ready for round one? Here is how it works. I ask a question and you give an answer but if I get no answer then...." he held up a small knife, "get the picture?"

I looked at him with fire in my eyes and scowled.

"Okay question number one. Where is the tracker on your suit?"

Shit the tracker!

I had completely forgot about it but I suddenly felt a wave of relief wash over me. They would find me.

"Where is it?" Dr. Octavius suddenly yelled.

I didn't answer but it was on the suit near my waist. My spidey sense went off suddenly and I tried to flinch out of the way but was bound by my restraints. I suddenly felt a cold metal blade pierce my skin. I yelped and winced in pain but he didn't remove the blade.

"Do you like that? For the record I know where it is. While I had Stark drugged he answered a few of my questions," he said while pushing the blade sideways across my torso and tearing the suit where the tracker was.

He pulled his knife out and I screamed, it hurt so much. He pulled the tracker off of the suit and threw it to the ground before crushing it. He looked and smiled at me menacingly before dragging the blade down my check bone.

"Like I said, you'll wish that you were dead."

Where are you Tony?


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