Chapter Eleven - Cole

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"What?! Just happened?!"

I knew what happened. The score's even again, that's what happened!

The wind was just encircling my arm completely, like my electricity usually would if I let it go uncontrolled.

I let it wrap itself around. I reached out my palm and...BAM!!! Out shot a wave of wind, ripping through my ears and distorting the world itself.

 I thought about whether this was a fluke. An accident. Did she mean to do that?

I waved my arm through the air in a figure eight motion. When I completed it, wind furiously wrapped itself around my arm again, almost completely relentlessly. I felt like I had no control over this one. Not like the other ones.

"Cole. Is that...yours to keep?"

"I sure as hell hope so."

I took the wind on my arm and clapped my hands. The winds erupted into a wave spiraling around me, disorienting all the things it connected with.

"This is a new power. Whether it's one to call my own though...we'll have to wait and see for that one."

Elize sat down, cross legged. She heaved out a sigh.

"Well, she ran away. What do we do now? Was she the next one?"

"She had to be. If she's zooming around trying to completely end us, she's clearly our enemy."

Zooming around. Who did she think she was? She might as well have been blue and spiky. Not to mention that she self-destructed when we outsmarted her so easily.

"Maybe she wasn't actually who we were looking for. I don't think she'd be taken down as easily as that, especially since everyone we've fought so far has known exactly who we were and what our powers were."

"Yeah, you've got a good point. So far they've been prepared fight us. It's kind of up to us to decide though. Who knows if this is exactly where we're supposed to be?"

Elize donned a pouty look. She put her hands on her knees and started levitating. Since when could she lift up herself?

"Bah, whatever Cole. I believe in my abilities enough to bring us here to begin should to."

"I mean, you've never made a portal. I think you can get my skepticism here."

I thought it was clear enough. But it was hard to believe that Elize just knew where to go. It didn't really seem complete.

She dropped back to the ground. She blew her hair out of her face.

"Pfft, fine then. I guess you're right on that one. At least you got something from this yeah?"

Wind still encircled my arm. It completely enveloped the small of my arm, and my jacket kept flowing, even from the small amount of wind constantly orbiting. How powerful was this...?

I outstretched my arm and then pulled it back, clasping my hand with it. Somehow, I knew it would disperse the wind. It felt strangely natural.

I guess Elize with her runes was no different.

"I really wonder...did she mean to give me this power?"

"Well, I guess we can't know really. I got my runes from Eric, and we know why for her reasoning, it's unknown. That's even if she meant to do that."

"Well, whadda we do now?"

She scratched her hair, like it had lice. 

"I think we should leave. This might've not been the place..."

She stopped talking for only a moment, only to be immediately interrupted by our favorite disembodied ally, Edward.

"Whoa! You children shouldn't be here! This place is too dangerous right now. Get out of there!"

Elize looked pissed. She started floating again, although I still wasn't sure if she noticed or not.

"What do you mean Edward? If SOMEONE would've liked to contact me, maybe we could be out of here and where we're actually supposed to be."

"Sorry dear, but I was...caught up in something. That portal you made didn't help me to find you either."

Elize blushed. She must've thought it was her fault.

"R-Right. Sorry."

I decided to speak up about the wind. If anyone knew as to why I had it, it would probably be Edward. Right?

"Erm, Edward. We ran into a lady that ran super fast, almost like the wind. And speaking of wind, we defeated her using Elize's time manipulation. Afterwards, she seemed to self-destruct, and I inhaled a vapor that came rushing towards me after she disappeared. Suddenly, my arm was enveloped with wind. Any idea as to why?"


Elize was just as eager for an answer as I was. She couldn't really hide it, as she kept bobbing from side to side awaiting an answer.

"I don't know."

Elize fell through the ground. She slipped over and screamed, so I think it was safe to assume that she didn't mean to do that.

"W-Why?! You don't have any clue?"

"I do not. In fact, I have no memory of any person on Senex who had control over wind."

Elize climbed back upward to the surface, her face red hot from embarrassment. 


"Calm down, jeez. It's fine. You act like I don't lose control ever."

Her face relaxed. Was it that simple?

She straightened herself.

" don't even know of anyone with that ability? That doesn't make sense. Everyone we know with powers is from Senex. There's no way that they would've been from the regular world. It's not possible."

Elize looked ready to fall through the ground again. She had to be right with this one. There wasn't any other place like Senex, especially when it comes to the populous. Like she said, not possible.

"I agree with you Elize. It's not a possibility with all that we know. All we have known, all our lives. Why would something new like this come up? It doesn't seem right..."

I imagined Edward as a man, in front of us, accompanying us on our quest. Of course, I guess it was a lot to ask. He barely got five minutes with a physical form.

I looked at Elize. Her blue eye glistened in the sun, and distracted me from my thinking.

Stay strong for her.

"Ah, you children are correct. But it's of no matter. Hopefully she doesn't come back to try and tempt you again. I will bring you to your next location, but feel free to use it as a resting point. The target...he won't be leaving for quite a while."

Edward's voice had sarcasm in it. Was this even serious?

"Fine then Edward. No questions anymore. Just bring us where we need to be. We've already wasted enough time here."

I held up my palm. I summoned a ember of fire, a ball of ice, a wisp of electricity, and a gale of wind, each small enough to fit in it.

"I dunno Elize. I would say this trip was far from a waste of time."

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