Chapter Three - Cole

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It was pretty surprising to see Elize suddenly before me, even with her new haircut. Ah, but I could never forget those eyes, strangely stern, yet always concerning. Weird combo, but she makes it work I suppose.

I wasn't sure if it was her at first. She seemed so different when it came to her looks. I wondered why she would've thought to go to a barber or something before trying to find me. Although, I guess it didn't look like I was trying very much. 

I'd been a couple days since I randomly woke up here, and a citizen called it 'Wakefield'. I was baffled at how I got here, but I couldn't say, "Oh sorry, never seen a real person before." No, that just wasn't going to work. 

Aside from that, looking for Elize has been a challenge. I was afraid that maybe I was the only one transported from Senex, but it seems in the end she proves me wrong. It surprises me that she was the one who ended up finding me. While looking, the only thing I thought to myself was,"Am I looking as hard as Elize would be looking?" 


I had indeed felt a strange presence earlier today, but I thought nothing of it. I mean, couldn't have been anything right? I still wonder...

"Cole! Oh my gosh, I've been so worried! I just randomly woke up here, and...I was scared Cole. I needed to find you."

Yup, definitely not looking as hard as her. 

"Hey, listen. It's gonna be fine alright? I wanted to come out here, but not like this. Oh, Gramps is gonna kill us."

She was pretty hysterical. I mean, I understood completely. We were thrusted out here by who knows what, and we were completely lost. And finding Senex would be practically impossible without someone from there helping us out. 

"Cole, the way I found you, I accepted help from a voice in my head..."


"I'm sorry! I just really wanted to find you, we need each other out here."

"No, no, that's okay, I'm glad you found me but...a voice in your head?"

"He randomly made his presence as a voice in my mind, I could feel it. I think...I think it's someone originally from Senex, someone with telepathy."

I suppose she made a decent assumption. What else could it be? Someone just talking to her in her head? No other option. This guy had to have powers like us.

"Well, now what do we do? You reckon we find this guy? He must have answers, right?"

"Yeah...yeah, you're right. But how do we find this guy?"

She made a good point. I wondered as to why he led Elize to me, rather than the other way around. I guess it didn't matter, we found each other, but why choose her? Could I even hear this guy?

"Hey Elize, why did this guy help you out?"

"Cole, you think I know? He appeared, he helped, he left. What can I gather from that?"

It was a dumb question. Of course, she couldn't have a clue as to who this guy is or what his motive is.

"Did you ever try talking back to him?"

"No, no I didn't. Maybe I should try it? I don't know if he's still 'here'."

"It's worth a try. Go ahead."

She took an unnecessary step back. She also unnecessarily put her hands up to her mouth.

"Hello? Guy? Creeper in my head? Who are you? Where are you?"

I half-expected an explosion, but no such thing occurred. Instead, Elize stood still, awaiting a response as I was, until suddenly she put her hand to her head, seemingly in pain.

"Ow! Ow, not so loud!'re not able to reach? Closed off? What?"

"Elize! What the hell is going on!"

"He spoke back! He's saying he can't talk to you, because something about you is closed off. He said he needs to be able to speak to you."

"Well dude, sorry but first off, I don't want you inside my head, and secondly, I don't know what you want me to open up."

"He's saying, you need to show your power. He says he can only talk to the strong. You have to show it to prove worthy to be spoken to."

I was sure this was crazy, or a prank by Elize, or a test, or a dream, or something other than what was currently happening.

It was none of those things. This was reality. 

"Well, what should I do? I've never thought myself powerful."

She looked about, but then started laughing.

"He said that anyone can juggle Cole. Prove you can do more."

"Alright then buddy, I'll just put on a show for you then."


We walked to a more secure spot to avoid detection. We didn't actually know if regular people could see our stunts, but it wasn't worth risking. We were hidden on Senex for a reason.

During the walk, I thought of what I could do to show what I might consider later on to be 'mastery' of my abilities. I thought my plan would be sufficient enough. I'd chain my abilities together, showing control over an immense and immediate surge of power.

I put out my hands, and as I wished, out popped fire. I'd gotten pretty good at manifesting smaller, controlled fires, snowballs, and wisps, but large amounts was pretty tiresome.

Looks like I was about to get tired.

My fire continued to grow in size, flame, and intensity. I had to contest it's power by using my second hand, to keep it from getting out of hand. This showing was about control after all.

This fire grew to a size I thought was enough, comparable to a sizable bonfire. From there, rather than just containing it, I stepped it up a notch and released it outside of my grasp, only to retain it and keep it within control. I did this repeatedly, letting it grow larger and larger, and slip farther and farther and farther out of reach, until I let the entire thing release, an instant blaze of heat. I kept it somewhat in check, until I retained the entire inferno into my hands once more, and collapsed it on top of itself. The fire dispersed.

Next was ice. Instantly after my fire stunt, I slammed my foot into the ground and shortly after, snow started slowly drifting down upon us. Twenty seconds later, a blizzard was upon us. Using power of cryomancy, I started shaping the ice how I wished, forming it into multiple objects. First a shield of ice was conjured in front of me, one of exquisite design, and one that almost made me fall flat on the ground. Another creation was a hammer, upside down floored into the ground, and one that would freeze to the touch. My final creation was a set of dual swords I had occasionally practiced creating from time to time. They were equally weighted in my hands and felt strangely light to wield. The swung quick and deadly, and shattered when I slammed them into the ground. Right on cue, the blizzard subsided. Even with the blizzard there, I still sweat.

My final show of power was control over lightning, certainly the most exhausting of the three. I decided to begin quickly, letting my hands blitz side to side in speed while drenched in lightning and blinding light. I put my hand to the ground and allowed a bolt of electricity from the ground to crawl up my arm, and then shoved it upward as the bolt unleashed from my arm, causing a crackle of thunder to boom above. My final action was creating an orb of electricity, similar to the one I was previously juggling. I took the seemingly powerless object and crushed it, causing the area around me surge with electric power. 

And after that act, there it was. It had reached an end.

I was ready to pass out. I dropped to my knees and face planted to the floor. The final thing I heard before I hit the ground?

"You've done well Cole. Now rest. We have much to speak of upon your awakening." 

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