chapter eighteen

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tw/cw for this chapter: brief mentions of killing, curse words at the very end.


the next day wednesday was like tyler's alarm, going into his room a little after she woke up and pulling the drapes open. the rising sun shining through the windows was enough to wake him as he groaned and brought an arm across his eyes as he turned away from it.

when he didn't make any effort to get up she went over to him and pulled off the covers. she was thankful he didn't sleep naked and so was he.

"hey!" he exclaimed and she just gave him a deadpan look from the edge of the bed.

he sat up as he rubbed his eyes, "why are you waking me up so early?"

"it's not that early," she stated back simply which made him decide to grab his phone from the nightstand and check the time. it was eight in the morning.

"you and i have very different definitions of what's early. i like to sleep in, in case you didn't know," he told her as he turned his phone off and set it back where it was.

she gave him a slightly amused look and it made him wonder if she was only doing this to annoy him.

"do you have a reason for this or not?" he asked when she didn't speak, wanting to know what this was for. he hated getting up so early and wanted to sleep more since he had gotten to bed late.

"i want to work on some other ways for you to get your emotions out today. today we're going to go outside. early morning is the best time of day for that, it's the most relaxing," she finally explained as she moved to stand back by the window, looking out into the forest.

tyler nodded a little as he stretched, "you know i do that on my own sometimes already, right?"

she looked back at him with a raised eyebrow, "you do?" she hadn't known for sure, she had hoped he did and was glad to find out he actually did.


"that's good," she replied and he hummed in response before getting up and going through the dresser, trying to figure out what to wear today.

"any idea of the weather right now?" he asked her.

"it's a bit chilly," she replied as she looked back at him for a moment. he nodded as he pulled out a sweater and some khakis and she looked away, respecting his privacy to get dressed.

"i don't see why it matters if you're going to transform," she added subconsciously as an after thought. it was more of an assumption. she figured it would make sense though to let the hyde out and roam around sometimes, so it wouldn't try to come out at other times.

"i'm more careful with that now. since i have more control over when i transform i try not to ruin clothes," he explained simply as she heard some rustling of fabric, signaling he was working on getting dressed.

"i see," is all she said in response. she was getting lost looking into the woods and suddenly remembered what happened last night when she was looking out the window. at that reminder she quickly turned away from the glass, directing her gaze to the floor.

"hey, you okay?" he asked, having noticed her odd behavior.

when she didn't respond or move he spoke again, "i'm dressed now, by the way."

she nodded as she looked up and took him in for a moment, he looked good in the forest green sweater.

"so... are you okay?" he then asked again as he stepped a little closer to her, giving her a comforting sort of smile that was obviously still tired.

she nodded, not wanting to tell him about it still. it was one time. she'd keep it a secret unless it happened again. besides, she had sort of promised she would tell him about it if it did happen again anyways. "yes, i'm fine," she replied as she held his gaze, trying her best to not seem like she was lying.

he nodded back in response and she took that as a good sign before she walked past him, gesturing for him to follow. he understood and they started walking towards the back door of the house so they could head into the woods.

the walk was silent until he spoke up, asking a question, "why are you coming with me? do you really trust to be near me when my hyde is out?"


he gave her a curious look, "why? he could hurt you."

"he won't hurt me," she explained simply.

he let out a light scoff, "you think you know him better than me?"

"i know you better than you know yourself, i've been observant," she shot back.

"tell me why you don't think he'll hurt you," he said.

"you've stopped him before. that one time when i caught you transforming in your room? i know you have enough control to not let him hurt me. or if not, he at least won't kill me," she had stopped and was staring at him, giving him a pointed expression.

tyler looked a little guilty as he knew she was pretty correct, he just was more worried there'd be a weak moment when he wouldn't be able to stop or control the hyde. he still didn't have total control, after all. he didn't feel like trying to explain that to wednesday though.

he didn't have to because she inquired, "do you believe that?"

he shrugged, "kind of, but you know..."

her eyes showed understanding, "i know. it'll be okay."


they carried on walking until they got to a nice clearing in the woods and she stopped to look at him again, "does he still hate me?"

tyler looked a little taken back as he thought for a moment, one of his hands starting to fidget with the end of the sweater. "he did...i've talked to him, he's calmed down. he doesn't necessarily like you yet, but i don't think he wants to kill you. he's more interested by you, i think. because of how different than laurel you are." he knew he hadn't directly answered her question but that was the best he could give as he wasn't really sure if hyde hated her or not. it felt like he did sometimes but he wasn't sure since he had such a mix of emotions and feelings towards the girl.

she seemed unfazed by most of his answer and only asked in response as she rose an eyebrow, "he's comparing me to his old master?"

tyler felt himself starting to become awkward and tense, "kind of... yes."


he sighed, his fidgeting getting worse. she noticed and grabbed his hand by the wrist, just holding it up in between them as she waited for his answer, "because you're one of the only people who's ever been 'nice' to me. to us."

she slowly let his wrist go, "i see."

"yeah." he gulped.

"have you written anything in your journal yet?" she changed the subject of the conversation, knowing he didn't want to get any deeper into the current one.

he let out a nervous sort of laugh as he nodded, "i have. stayed up last night a bit writing in it, it helped more than i thought it would." he'd never let her know how most of what he wrote was about her. by him, and the hyde. he had decided he'd find "safe pages," pages that would be okay for her to read without it being too awkward or embarrassing. he knew it would probably be helpful for her to know the hyde's thoughts on her but they were so mixed and intertwined with his own that he didn't want to let that happen, he didn't want to share that much.

she nodded, "that's good. i assume i won't have to tell you to continue using it, then?"

he smiled, feeling a bit proud of himself, "correct."

she almost smiled back at him before she walked over and sat on a flatter patch of grass.

he watched her for a moment before saying, "i think i'm going to go on a run."

"okay, i will stay behind."

she turned away to give him privacy again as he stripped off his clothes and transformed. the hyde took off quickly and quietly, not bothering to look back at wednesday.

she wasn't sure how long he'd be gone for so she was glad she had brought a journal of her own. she pulled it out from her little satchel bag and set it on her lap as she started jotting notes in it, mostly updates about tyler and the hyde.

after about an hour had gone by (wednesday knew because she had brought her watch but also by the sun's placement in the sky) tyler returned and she noticed, looking up at the hyde form that seemed to be trying to approach her quietly.

she raised an eyebrow as she shut her journal before speaking, not sure if hyde would understand or not, "trying to sneak up on me?" her expression turned amused as hyde tilted his head like a confused puppy.

she knew she should feel scared again but for some reason she felt he had no bad intentions right now. he just seemed curious. she decided to test the waters by offering one of her hands to him, seeing what he'd do.

he stared at it for a moment and as he got closer she was reminded of his size and started second guessing her decision. she's put to relief though when he moved his head forward and pushed it gently against her hand, almost as if he was asking for pets. it seemed so strange for a creature like him to be acting like a domestic and especially friendly one. she was starting to think tyler had him more under control than he thought.

despite her surprise at his current behavior being closer to that of a dog than a murderous monster, she petted him a little bit, finding herself asking, "tyler?"

she wasn't sure if she should be concerned or not at the hyde being this submissive. especially since he had tried to kill her before.

at the utterance of his name the hyde looked up at her, meeting her eyes. his huge crazed eyes looked a little more human than normal and she felt a surge of pride flow through her at realizing the amount of control tyler was having over the beast. this revelation made it nearly impossible for her to believe any of her visions would actually happen. she knew though this would only make her more concerned though if they continued. what were they trying to tell her, if anything?

she was still confused, her eyebrows furrowed, but she felt herself start to smile a bit, "this is amazing."

the hyde bonked his head against her hand once more before running off towards tyler's outfit of the day and she turned around again as she waited for him to change back.

when she felt a tap on one of her shoulder's she knew he was back as she turned around and looked up at him, he looked a lot more exhausted than he had when she woke him up but he had a proud smile. "impressed?" he asked, his tone half teasing.

she rolled her eyes before slowly nodding, "yes actually." he smiled more as she added, her tone as equally teasing, "i'm almost convinced i can have the hyde as my pet."

he let out a soft laugh, "he'd be the best bodyguard ever."

she seemed to contemplate for a moment before nodding in agreement, "i suppose he would be."

tyler hummed in response before noticing her journal and sitting down next to her, "what are you writing?"

"notes, updates."

"on me?" he pretended to act surprised.

she gave him a slight glare, "yes. you and the hyde."

"i'm honored," he replied as he smiled annoyingly.

her glare increased in intensity as he laughed a little before he looked around for a moment. once his gaze settled back on her he spoke, a bit more serious but some lightheartedness left, "i have some questions, if you'll let me ask them."

she gave him a look, "i don't need you asking me again how i feel-"

he chuckled, "not those types of questions."

she gave him a doubtful look.

he put his hands up in surrender, "i promise."

"fine, go ahead," she responded with an edge that warned him to not joke around. mostly just because she felt a little too vulnerable in the moment. too weak. she knew if any question came close to being about her feelings she might accidentally spill her guts.

she met tyler's soft and curious gaze and knew she was fucked. there was no way in hell she could rid her feelings for him. she had fallen for him and despite everything, she had fallen hard.


longest chapter at 2180 words! i know updates are taking longer now but i am at least glad chapters are staying long. i could have technically made this chapter even longer too but decided against it so i could give y'all an update finally. wrote this at like 1 am again so apologies if it doesn't make sense or if there are any errors, i haven't reread it yet lol. i will be on spring break soon so i'm hoping i'll be able to get some more chapters out then but for now, take this. hopefully it's good :)

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