chapter four

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the conflicted girl tried to shove all her thoughts about him away but they only came back when she barely heard some sobbing from down the hallway.

despite telling herself she shouldn't, she got up and made her way to the room it was coming from, noticing now that she was closer it was tyler who was crying.

she gripped the door handle and slightly turned, seeing if the door was unlocked or not. it was so she carefully opened it and stepped inside the room, noticing once she closed the door that tyler had turned to look at her, wiping his face a little bit, "wednesday?"

"tyler," she said back, keeping a neutral expression. she would be careful to not let him know of her conflicting feelings towards him. that would make her such an easy prey and she would be sure to not let that happen again. she may give him another chance but she wouldn't trust him again that easily or let him know her feelings.

"what do you want? i doubt you've come to comfort me," he asked kind of harshly. he looked away from her.

"no," she agreed, looking around the room for a moment before taking a couple steps towards him, "i'm only going to say it once but i'm sorry."

tyler looked back at her with a confused and slightly surprised expression, "why? you're not someone who apologizes."

"i understand you were being controlled and forced to do those things. i've come to learn they weren't you." or at least, she hoped. she knew for the most part it hadn't been him but she didn't know everything, especially about hydes.

he nodded as he let out a sigh, "do you hate me?"

"i have one question i'd like you to answer first." she took a seat on the bed next to him. she needed to know if any part of him was bad or if it all had been because of the hyde.


"while i know you were being controlled, in the police station you admitted to everything and talked about how you grew to enjoy killing, so, do you?"

tyler let out another sigh and shook his head, she noticed a tear fall down his face, "no. the hyde... it's like a whole other part of me, it has a sort of personality of its own - a cruel, blood thirsty one. sometimes it comes out and the actual me can't do anything about it. it's like i'm forced to watch and hear what the hyde says when most of the time it's how it feels, not me. the hyde enjoys killing, i don't."

wednesday nodded at his response, thinking a little bit, "do you think you could gain more control over it now that your master is dead?" she wanted to have hope for him.

he nodded a little, "yeah... i think so, i hope so."

"me as well," she replied quietly before she got up and started to head back towards the door.

"wednesday..." he called, having got up to follow her.

she stopped and looked back at him, waiting for him to ask the question again and he did, "now that i've answered that, tell me, do you hate me?" his eyes looked sad like he knew what the answer was going to be but she knew she'd surprise him.

"unfortunately, no," she said simply before leaving. that would be all the insight she'd give him in relation to her feelings for a while. he didn't need to know anymore and even if he did she wouldn't know what to say.

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