chapter sixteen

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tw/cw: slight mentions of wound and hurting oneself again.


once wednesday had taken some time to calm herself again she went to find tyler. she wanted to help him with picking out a creative hobby and to watch him and make sure he wouldn't hurt himself again. she was concerned about that.

she found him in his room, where he seemed to be most of the time. she noticed he was laying on the bed staring at the ceiling. before she moved further into the room she paused for a moment, listening to check to see if he was crying or not.

he wasn't but when she moved to sit on the bed she saw the shimmer of a couple tears fall down his cheeks as he let out a breath. his eyes were closed. she stared at him for a moment in silence, taking in his features and again noticing the signs that he wasn't doing so well mentally. bags under his eyes, messy hair, the wound on his arm. she hated seeing him like this.

she kept her eyes on his face as she finally spoke. "hey," she started softly, trying not to scare him too badly but failing.

his eyes shot open as he jumped, turning his head to look up at her as he muttered, "jesus christ wednesday." he was obviously embarrassed as he quickly moved to wipe his tears but she stopped him, gently wiping them for him instead.

"you don't have to be embarrassed," she let him know. she didn't want him to feel like he couldn't cry or show his emotions in front of her. she knew that he knew she wasn't a fan of those things but tyler needed to let them out, he was burdened with too many negative feelings and memories to be expected to keep them all bottled in. she understood that.

he smiled a little bit at her as he sniffled and nodded, "i know you don't like weakness and emotion though."

she had finished wiping his tears and brought her hand back to her side, "you have a reason to. you shouldn't keep it all in."

he sighed, "i just wish i could forget it even happened. i wish my life could go back to how it had been before thornhill unlocked the hyde."

wednesday nodded in understanding, "i know. we'll do our best to make things better for you. starting with you picking a creative hobby." she didn't want to take too long to get to her point of why she was there. and it would be better the sooner they figured this out anyways, so he could start using it soon.

tyler groaned.

she gave him a scolding sort of glare, "it's important."

he sighed again and brought a hand up to run it through his tangled curls that he hadn't been bothered to brush, "i know. i just don't know where to start."

"would you like to take out your emotions in a more calm or violent manner?" she asked nonchalantly.

tyler knew better than to question it and that it would actually help her to help him. he shrugged, "it depends on the day."

"well, for violently i suggest painting, for calmly, i suggest writing. there's also the option to go out and tear up stuff if you need to get anger out. take it out on something like a tree, rather than yourself," she explained. there were endless options of hobbies but those were her suggestions of the ones she knew. as long as he would take his anger out on something, whether in a hobby or out in nature, instead of himself. that's what mattered, that he wouldn't do anymore harm to himself.

tyler nodded at her words, thinking about it. it made sense, but he still felt he wouldn't be any good at either of the hobbies, "what would i even write or paint?"

"anything. doesn't necessarily have to be coherent. especially paintings. for writing, you could write down your thoughts and feelings or about your day or anything you think may help you feel better."

he nodded again, "okay, i think i'll try that."

"please," the word spilled out of wednesday's mouth before she could catch it. she never said that word and meant it.

tyler raised an eyebrow and decided to tease her a little bit, "want me to pick up a hobby that badly?"

she gave him a glare, "i want to make sure you won't hurt yourself again."

he surrendered a little and lost his confidence, "yeah, i know."

without saying anything she grabbed the hurt arm again to look at the wound, it looked basically the same as it had earlier besides the fact that the bleeding parts were all now scabbed over. "did you put anything on this?" she asked him.

he shook his head.

"did you at least clean it?"

another shake of his head.

she scoffed in disbelief as she stood up and directed him to stand up also. once he did she grabbed one of his wrists and led him to the bathroom. he laughed nervously as she told him to sit down on the toilet.

she got out a rag and ran it under the tap for a minute and applied some light soap before turning the sink off and moving to place it over his wound. he flinched slightly but she ignored it as she wiped across and around it, making sure to get all of it.

once she was satisfied she set the rag on the sink and got out some antibiotic cream, moving to apply some of that. tyler let her do it wordlessly. he couldn't stop a smile from forming on his face though. while the situation wasn't necessarily something to be happy about, he was since this was just proof of how much wednesday cared. she might not make it verbally clear but taking care of his wound so thoroughly was a sign.

once she was done with that she put it away and got out some bandage. she grabbed his arm again as she wrapped the bandage across the wound, tucking it underneath itself to keep it in place. once she was officially done she worked on putting all the materials away as he finally spoke, "thanks doc."

he did it purposely to get a reaction out of her and while he didn't get a super obvious one, he did get one. wednesday was reminded of the last time she had patched him up at those words and she gave him a light glare before letting out a soft sigh. she did her best to ignore the comment, "you can get up now."

once he did she spoke, asking a question and surprising him, "how have the scars on your chest healed?" she was genuinely curious.

"oh... they're alright. pretty healed, definitely gonna leave some lifelong scars though," he replied, laughing nervously.

"let's hope your arm one doesn't," is all she said in response.


"i'm going to sleep now, you should too. or if you can't, try writing some," she told him as she left the bathroom and headed towards her room, him following her.

"okay," he replied as she entered her room and grabbed a journal from one of her desk drawers before coming back and handing it to him.

"thanks," he smiled.

"put it to good use," she told him, almost as a warning. she gave it to him to use so she was expecting that. he seemed like he'd follow through though, which was good. she'd find out soon enough.

"i'll try my best," he replied, keeping his smile.


he hummed in response and when he didn't leave she gave him a look, "you're not expecting me to say goodnight, are you?"

he let out a small laugh, "no, but it would be nice if you did."

she let out an annoyed breath as she muttered a firm goodnight before moving to turn and head back into her room.

he caught her by her wrist though, "are you okay? i haven't really asked since... you know."

she met his eyes, "i'm fine."

"be honest with me wednesday," he gave her a sad look as he let go of her wrist.

she hesitated, "i'm over it now. i'll be fine, as long as we figure this out." she was over it since they had discussed it. and she'd be fine as long as they figure it out. as long as her vision doesn't come true. she knew she could still tell him about it but she still didn't see what it would help so she kept it to herself. beyond that, she was fine.

"i hope we do."

"we will," she said firmly. she'd do everything she could to make sure of that. mostly because she was afraid of what would happen if she didn't.

he nodded at her, "goodnight now, then?"

she nodded back in reply, "yes. goodnight." she worked up the effort in an attempt to give him a small smile. a comforting one. one that said we'll get through this, i promise.

tyler was lucky enough to understand its message as he smiled back before heading to his room, holding the journal close to his heart.


sorry if this chapter was boring, i don't know if i made it interesting enough, especially the part where she was taking care of his wound. i really struggled to get this chapter out, ngl. sorry if it doesn't make sense or anything either, idek lol, i wrote majority of this in an hour and a half at like 2 am sooooo

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