chapter thirteen

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that morning as she got ready and dressed wednesday couldn't stop thinking about the kisses, but she also couldn't help but to wonder how long it would take for her to have another vision. she hoped she wouldn't at all but she doubted that. she didn't know it would come to her in a nightmare that night instead.

wednesday was in high spirits, or at least what was considered so for her. she was a little less grumpy and sarcastic than usual, something that couldn't even be ruined by thing teasing her. her mood remained the way it was at breakfast and while she knew it would probably go down because of her parents, she felt a sort of warmth around her heart at the sight of tyler again, knowing what they had done earlier.

tyler was in an incredible mood and wednesday hoped he wouldn't give anything away because of that, he seemed a bit too obvious and if he kept it up she knew her parents would probably question it.

and surely enough they did, her not surprised it was her mother who spoke, "you seem awfully bright and cheery this morning, tyler. how come?" all of the family's eyes went to him and he gulped, feeling a bit nervous and pressured.

he was caught a bit off guard as he met eyes with wednesday, giving her a sheepish look as she gave him a glare that was obviously telling him to be careful with what he said. she might just murder him if he let her mother, of all people, know that they had kissed. twice.

"i just got a really good night's sleep," he responded simply as he smiled innocently, careful not to directly look at wednesday though she knew he was hinting at how she had visited and helped him twice. he was hinting at the kisses they exchanged but only she knew that.

"that's lovely to hear, i imagine that must be a bit rare for you after everything that has happened?" mortica replied, it was more of a question. her expression was sympathetic.

tyler nodded a little, "yeah, it is." he kept on a small smile and wednesday noticed the knowing sort of look on her mother's face, feeling that she somehow knew that tyler had been given some sleep medicine. even though wednesday had been sure to put it back in exactly the same spot she had found it. her mother had a weird way of knowing some things and wednesday hated it.

wednesday ignored it though until her mother spoke to her as well, "you also seem a bit less grim than you normally are, dear."

she was glad it was raining so she had some sort of excuse, "i'm content with the weather right now as it is giving me motivation and inspiration for my novel." she figured that wouldn't be too unbelievable.

"of course," the elder replied, a satisfied smile on her face.

luckily for the pair the rest of breakfast was rather calm and no more questions about their moods were asked.


a while after it was over wednesday sought out her mom, finding her in the study. she went straight to the point as she stood in the doorway, "do you know anything about hydes?"

her mother looked back at her and smiled softly before shaking her head, "unfortunately i do not, your uncle fester would know the most."

"i've already consoled him," wednesday replied. he had given her a bit of information but not much and especially not enough to fully understand hydes and how they worked and affected the person they're apart of.

mortica nodded, "i'm not sure i can be of much use to you then, i apologize. i know you're wanting to learn about them so you can help tyler with his."

wednesday only questioned again in response, "do you think any of our books would have any information about them?"

mortica thought for a moment, "there'd be no harm in checking our creature books or even something like the strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde, i know enough to know that a hyde is sort of like another personality of a person."

wednesday nodded, making a mental note of that so she could look for it later. she spoke again, referring to tyler, "he needs help soon." she knew it would only be a matter of time before his hyde would start giving him problems. if it wasn't already.

mortica nodded solemnly, "we'll all try our best to wednesday, i promise."

wednesday didn't care about a promise, she wanted information, anything at all, "do you know what happened to his mom?"

"it's all a bit of a blur to me honestly. i knew her pretty well back in school, we had been friends. but something happened one day that caused her to be banned from the school, as well as all hydes. i never really got the truth about it. i lost touch with her after that."

wednesday nodded, that was better than nothing but it still wasn't super helpful. she wanted so badly to know what had been the cause of his mother's death, if it was because of her hyde at all or not. so she could know how much at risk tyler was of falling into the same fate.

"anything else, my love?" her mother questioned, giving her daughter an empathetic expression. wednesday's expression was as neutral as ever but she knew she was worried for the boy.

"no. if i think of anything further i'll ask another time."

the older woman nodded, giving her daughter another soft small smile as the girl left.


this chapter is kind of a filler tbh as i'm just struggling to get through this day and into the next night because that's when this story will get a whole hell of a lot darker and interesting. i'm contemplating if i should just do a time skip to night or not. if not i have an idea of what else can happen during the day but i'm curious what y'all would prefer.

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