Fear or Hope

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*Shneplestien's POV*
we all walked back down the stairs to rest on the Couch, JJ was pacing In the living Room before seeing all of us any sighing a silent sigh of relief. Jackie then asked "OKAY time to answer some questions Anti, or Jack or whoever it is, first how is Jack in Antis body, second who is that guy, and third what are we gonna do with him we can't leave him in Antis room?" I nodded as we all sat down to hear what 'they' had to say Anti began debating with himself before Jack's voice suddenly became louder "YES ANTI" he said as the body then recoiled despite the fact that it just yelled "okay we will answer your questions in order Jackie first when I was a child I was very lonely and Anti was a lonely ghost so we became fast friends and he shared my mind until the channel was powerful enough to give him a body of his own sure he wasn't canon yet but a lot of people seem to like him and so I use the same logic to jump into his body second, I do not know who the guy is he appeared in a couple of my dreams he seemed almost kind until I got in too close and finally third, I was hoping you guys had a plan because I've no clue what to do?" Antis voice then cut through "before you ask Jackie cause I know it's on your mind hes been in my head since you found me in the alleyway he just hasn't talked at all for some reason" he said sneering at nothing. Chase then said "So he heard your entire talk with us about that place?" Anti nodded while Marvin and Jameson were very confused. I smile and asked "Vhy don't we all sleep togezher tonight for zafety?" Everyone smiled and grabbed blankets and pillows before all settling down on the floor
*end of POV with a time skip*

*Jackieboy man's POV*
'What time is it' I think to myself I have been  stareing at the sealing for who knows how long I sit up and look to everyone sleeping peacefully, before I notice the clock saying that it was midnight last time I looked at it it was only 3am. Gosh I have been awake for awhile I begin to head to the kitchen as I hear a muffled voice and look back to see Anti tossing and turning being the hero I am I rush over without thinking shaking him till he responded "J-Jackie I-I'm okay. But what are you doing up so late?" I stand up again "oh my super sences told me to wake up." He looked at me clearly seeing my lie we both walked to the kitchen where on the counter lay 2 white pills next to a peace of paper with Shneplestiens handwriting that said ' take your pills and get some sleep for once Jackie we all care for you' - Doctor Shneplestien. Anti smerked as I snatched the pills and crumpled the note sighing before getting a glass of water. Anti and I headed back to are spots and I watch him drift of to sleep. I glance down at the pills in my hand taking them as I said "Alright Shnep I'm getting some rest heh, Chase is right you care too much. I sure hope you take care of yourself" *end of POV*

With that the house fell silent as the mysterious visitor paced his temporary prison having already tried unlocking and breaking down the now magic coverd door a feeling of happiness downstairs and a feeling of revenge upstairs what are you waiting for?

Antisepticeye, Jameson Jackson, Chase Brody, Henrik von Shneplestien, Jackaboy man, Marvin the magnificent, YOU SHOULD REMEMBER WHAT MY NAME IS AND FEAR ME

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