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Veronica's POV

WHEN GEMMA walks into the living room, relief washes over me instantly. I've been worried about her all night, since she hasn't been here. But, I assumed that she was fine.

I guess I just missed her.

"Hey," she takes a seat beside me, and leans back, "what are you watching?"

I answer, "some cooking show. You okay?"

She nods and sighs, "yeah, just tired. I think I'm going to spend the day in bed."

"Out late partying?" I ask, playing it off with a laugh. I don't want her to think that I'm interrogating her. But I do want to know where she's been. Did she meet someone? Did she spend the night with them?

Am I becoming a crazy person? Maybe.

"It's a long story. I might tell you the details later," she gets up and stretches her arms. "I'll see you later."

"Okay, let me know if you need anything."

Jack's POV

I HAD trouble sleeping all night. I'm on my fifth cup of coffee this morning, and extremely anxious.

Eleanor walks into our room, with a towel wrapped around her head, "did you wash your hair without showering again?" I laugh.

"Yes, Jack, can you stop teasing me about it?"

Eleanor dyes her hair every now and then. And doesn't like rinsing the excess color out all over her body. So she just washes her hair by leaning into the kitchen sink.

"Never," I stretch my arms, "I think I'm going to give mom a call," I reach for my phone on the nightstand.

Eleanor clears her throat, and looks at me disapprovingly, "you're so nosy," she grabs the phone from my hand, "so that's what you were thinking about all night? If your mom and Gemma are bonking?"

"No?" Of course, I'm not thinking of that exactly, "I want to make sure everything's fine."

"Yeah, right. You're way too obsessed with your mother's love life."

"Not. Let's just drop the subject."

"Whether or not they were a thing, you should back off."

I'm curious. Taking Gemma there was, of course, a strategy for them to be alone together. And I'm hoping they've gotten a chance to, you know, work things out.

Gosh, I really am a weirdo. I'm practically trying to get my mom laid.

"Fine," I huff out a breath, "I'll help you blow dry your hair to keep my mind busy."

Gemma's POV

"SO ARE you raising rent or something?" Helen looks at me dead in the eyes.

"No, I'm wondering if you want to purcha—"

"Does it look like I can afford to?" She snaps at me. I guess she really hasn't changed since high school. Still has an attitude.

"I wouldn't know. But I can work on a good price. I'm trying to—"

Will she let me finish a sentence?

"How do I know that you really own this place? Show me the paperwork," I have half a mind to give her notice to get out. But I remind myself that I'm not an asshole.

"It was my grandfather's, as I already told you. He's dead."

"Yeah, yeah. But how do I know that he actually left this place to you unless you show me the paperwork?"

I grab the folder from my handbag, and hand it to her. I'd flip to the page where it has my name on the transfer papers, but I'll let her figure it out.

"Hm. Okay," she hands it back to me, "why do I have to give you money?" Huh?

"You want me to give you this place for free?"

"Beatrice told me what you did for them. Why can't I get the same?"

I rub my temples, "that's different."

"How?" Helen crosses her arms over her chest, "I was like family to Mr. Cohen too. I think he'd want me to have this place."

"You're just renting," she looks dumbfounded, "I can't just—" I groan, "you should get yourself a lawyer then."

I turn to leave, but she speaks, "does it look like I can afford a lawyer?" With all that attitude, I bet you can.

"Figure it out."

My head hurts and I need a cup of coffee. But I can't go to the bakery. Since Audrey basically filed a restraining order. It feels like it.

I spot a cafe down the street, and decide to go there, "hey!" Someone taps my shoulder. And I see a familiar, little boy beside my leg, "Gemma?"

It's that lady from the fair. Zoey? It's a pretty basic name to remember, "yeah, hi."

This boy is so cute. I just want to pinch his cheeks, "hwello."

"Hi, I almost didn't recognize you without that lightning on your forehead."

He smiles and giggles.

"He cried when he had to take a bath that night," Zoey mentions, "you want to sit with us?"

I nod without thinking. We grab a booth, and I look at the two of them. They're both cute. And have that instagram family look going for them. I'd heart their pictures.

"Is the coffee good here?" I ask.

"As good as everywhere else. We come for the chocolate chip cookies."

Carter nods, "you like nookies?"

"Yeah. Yes I do," I look at Zoey, "I can go stand in line and order."

"Sure," she tells me what they want, and tries to hand me cash, but I refuse.

When I come back with the nookies, Carter gleams with excitement. I wonder if my biological kid would be that cute.

"Yum, yum," he exclaims while trying to chew.

"Are you going to be at the football game this weekend?" I'm assuming that she's talking about a highschool football match.

"No. I haven't been to one of those since I was fifteen."

"Wow, really? You should come then. My little brother's the quarterback."

"I don't know anyone there—"

"You know me," she smiles, "I know it's weird. But anyone's invited."

I shrug, "football's not my thing, but thanks."

She sips on her coffee, "guess I was just trying to ask you out. Dinner then? It's more private."

I swallow. Is she asking me out with her kid right there? He seems engrossed with his snack, but it's still awkward.

"Are you—"

"Come on. It'll be fun."

"Yeah, sure," I rub the back of my neck, "it should be fun."

Veronica's POV

"WHAT ARE you doing tomorrow?" I ask Gemma, as we watch an episode of our show.

"You got plans for me?" Gemma looks at me, her hand filled with popcorn.

"Yeah. I'm going bowling with the girls. You should come."

"Introducing me to your friends already? We haven't even been on a date yet."

I laugh and punch her arm gently, "stop trying to find ways to ask me out."

"Ow. I was just joking," she pouts, "I actually have a date with someone. You're not the only pretty girl in this town."

I could almost blush. She does have a way with words sometimes, "you should bring her. The more the merrier."

"You sure you won't get jealous?"

I roll my eyes, "nope. I'm happy for you. Maybe I'll bring a date too."

"Really? Who?"

I can sense that jealousy in her voice, "I don't know yet."

"And I'm accused of being a heartbreaker. You've got women lining up for you, huh?" Gemma asks me.

I shrug, "it's a short line. But it's there," I shove popcorn into my mouth, "is she the same person you were with the other night?"

"What if she was? Regretting not snatching me for yourself yet?" Gemma laughs and nudges my shoulder with hers.

"I'm happy that you met someone. I bet that she'll be a great travelling buddy."

Gemma sticks out her tongue, and blows raspberries. How mature, "yeah, maybe," she says.

"You seem enthusiastic," I'm being sarcastic, "she might be the mother of your children, you never know."

Gemma places the palm of her hand against her forehead and laughs, "the woman I was with that night is definitely not the mother of my children—if I ever have any."

"Why not? You'd be surprised who—"

"Oh, trust me. She'd jump off a cliff first before even considering settling down with me. I'd rather put my hopes on a unicorn jumping out of my ass."

I furrow my brows, and look at Gemma as she laughs hysterically. Then, she sighs and leans back against the couch, with a sudden frown on her face.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

She huffs out a breath, "that night, I got drunk at a bar. Jack was there. And he took me to his mom's place, because I was too drunk to tell him where I live."

"And Jack is?"

Gemma exhales a loud breath, "Sabrina's son."

"Oh," now, I understand her whole she'd jump off a cliff first rant, "are you okay, Gemma?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just embarrassed about it. She wants to be friends. Friends. After all that. She's crazy," Gemma shakes her head, "I don't need crazy in my life."

"Maybe it's a good way to resolve the issues you two have. It might be one step closer to you getting over her."

Gemma looks at me in disbelief, as though I offended her, "you're serious?" She shakes her head, and crosses her arms over her chest.

"What?" I ask.

Gemma says, "one step closer to getting over her? Really? I've been over her for over fifteen years, Veronica."

I know Gemma really believes that she is. But I'm sure that the two of them still have feelings for each other. I'm no genius, but it's obvious.

"If you say so."

Gemma grunts and starts pacing the room. What I said is really bothering her. Which makes me certain that I'm right. If I'm wrong, it wouldn't bother Gemma that much.

"Don't be ridiculous. I'd be the biggest dumbass on the face of the earth if I still had feelings for that woman!"

Is she having a panic attack? Gemma begins to mutter under her breath. Things that I can't understand. Is that portuguese that she's speaking?

"Gemma, please sit," I walk over to her, and place my hands on her shoulders from behind, "Gemma?"

"I don't have feelings for Sabrina. I'm serious, Veronica."

Gemma turns into my arms. And for the first time, I hold onto her. She rests her head against my shoulder, and I wrap my arms around her. She seems to need the comfort.

I say, "I'm not saying that you love her. But there's unresolved feelings between you two. Feelings that might always be there."

"It's the first love thing, huh?" Gemma asks, "most days, I forget that she was even part of my life. But seeing her—it brings up back all that shit I've buried."

I stroke my hand over her shoulder blade, hoping to keep her calm, "the problem is that you buried it. It'll always be unresolved," I say.

"I should hire a therapist then?" Gemma sighs.

"Maybe. If you need someone to talk to—to help you understand your own feelings. And I'm always here for you to vent to."

"Thanks, Veronica. You're a good friend."

Gemma's breath against the side of my neck, causes my skin to tingle. There's this feeling surrounding my heart, causing it to thump fast enough that I'm worried Gemma will notice.

Gemma's POV

IT'S SAFE to say that Veronica is a big tease. We flirt, she tells me to stop, and we do it all over again.

I do think that the best thing for me is to start dating again. I need to get to that point where I don't want to ask Veronica out anymore. Or imagine what her tongue tastes like...

"Don't you have to pick up your date?" Veronica teases, as I sit beside her. I look at the bowling pins, standing together, waiting to be toppled over.

"She'll be here shortly, Veronica. Still jealous?"

Veronica shrugs, "nope, but I'm going to kick your ass at bowling."

"I thought we're on the same team," I laugh amused.

"Yup. But I always get the highest score. You'll be jealous of how good I am."

Veronica smirks. So she's competitive. It's attractive.

I notice Zoey walking over to us, a smile landing on her lips, "hey! Almost thought I came to the wrong place. Couldn't find you for a momen—" she looks behind me to Veronica, "oh, hey, didn't think you'd be here."

I remember that they briefly met at the fair too, "Zoey, you remember Veronica."

Zoey nods, "yeah, vaguely," she shrugs.

I turn my attention to Veronica, and realize that she's trying to not laugh. What's so funny?

"Great. We can get started," Maggie runs over to us with a pair of bowling shoes in her hand, "who's ready for an ass whooping?"

"Me first," Veronica says and picks up her bowling ball. And heads for the front of the alley.

"We haven't even decided teams," Maggie sits and slips the shoes onto her feet. She looks at Zoey and wiggles her eyebrows, "and you must be?"

"Zoey," she answers.

"You'll be with Gemma and Beatrice. And me, Veronica and Penny will be the other team," so Veronica and I will be competing. Maggie looks around, "is that good for everyone?" She yells.

Veronica swings the bowling ball, and makes a strike. Penny lifts her hands in the air and says, "I'm on the winning team, so I'm really good."

Veronica turns to me and does a victory shimmy, "you're next, Gemma," she points.

I'm getting nervous. Getting a strike doesn't seem that hard. If Veronica can do it so easily, maybe I can too.

I position myself, and rotate my wrist, preparing to swing the ball forward. I just have to throw the ball in the center, and get a strike, hopefully. That's the goal.

Stretching my neck side to side, I take a glance behind me, and see Zoey and Veronica talking. I look forward, and narrow my eyes. It's now or never.

As the ball rolls onto the alley, I can already feel defeat, when it hits the bowling pins on the far left, only knocking four down.


"You've got another shot, Gemma," Maggie tells me, and hands me the bowling ball.

I think less this time, and let the ball blast from my hand. That doesn't do the trick either, because I only get two more pins from the middle.

"Good try," Beatrice says and taps me on the shoulder, "you'll do better on the next round."

I shrug it off and nod. Looking over to Veronica, she smiles like she already knows that her team is going to win, and maybe she's right.

"Well, it's a good thing I have other talents," I walk over to Zoey, disregarding Veronica for a moment.

Zoey places her hand in mine, which surprises even me, "hey, you did good. Stop being so tense," she squeezes my hand.

I can't help myself from trying to find a reaction out of Veronica. Looking at her, she seems to be minding her own business.

"Thirsty?" I ask Zoey, "I'll get us something to drink."

I slip my hand out of her grasp, and head over to the snack kiosk. It won't be my turn again for the next few minutes.

Standing in line, I watch Zoey swing the ball, and almost hit a strike. But she missed one. And gets it on the second try. I like Zoey. And I'm likely going to take her on an actual date sometime soon. It'll be good for me.

"Gemma your turn's coming up!" Maggie yells, as I try to tell the cashier what I want. I'm excited to try again. I really want to get at least one strike tonight.

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