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'Calm'- This was what anybody who would see him sitting silently on the shore with his legs stretched in front of him would say but I was completely aware of the chaos running in his heart and mind.

The soft glow of the moonlight was radiating on his face making his face look more handsome than ever. Had it not been the cap which was hiding his black lustrous hairs , I am sure the salty breeze would have been playing with them.

Still not deciding what I am going to say , I started moving towards the figure sitting in the crowd yet secluded from the world around him. I was barely two feet away from his back when I heard,

" I don't know why but my heart knew you will come here."

Hearing him after such a long time made me realize how much I missed his deep voice . Not saying anything and trying to calm my racing heart , I completed the distance between us and sat beside him , still not glancing towards him.

" So , How are you Miss Rathore ? ", He said completely turning towards me.

"Same as you," I quietly replied . I could feel his gaze boring into me but I kept my face straight because I knew the moment I would look into those chocolate brown hypnotizing orbs , I would break down.

"Oh Really !! I thought you were enjoying your family time and No, Your condition is not same as me because I was certainly not enjoying the distance you had created between us for god knows what reasons."

Taking a deep breath to compose myself , I turned my body towards him keeping my eyes on the golden sand and said,

"I know you are angry wit....."

" I am not angry , I am hurt Adi ,"he said in such a vulnerable voice that made my insides churn.

"I..I don't know from where to start Zain."

On not getting any reply , I continued ,

" The day you dropped me to my house after the gift segment , I got a call from my father asking me to come home as soon as possible without telling me reason. I was scared Zain and without thinking anything , I packed my clothes and reached Udaipur taking the next flight . When I reached there , I got to know that my mother had met with an accident and her condition was critical . Doctors were not sure whether she would survive . She ..She was in coma for one month and I didn't tell anyone because I didn't have strength . It took her nearly four months to become completely fine .

Rest one month I spent in thinking about my feelings for you. I was confused but now I know."

"And what do you know Adi ?", he said in his soft husky voice .

As I lifted my eyes to meet his , my dam broke and I lunged myself on him keeping my hands around his neck and hugged him really tight.

He didn't waste even a second in wrapping his hands around my waist and pulled me closer to himself.

"Shh.. Adi , Calm down ," he said stroking my hairs and kissing them.

"I..I missed you Zain,"I said between my sobs trying to form a coherent sentence.

I felt his soft lips touching my earlobe and he softly whispered,"I missed you more than you can ever imagine ."

He held me in his arms till my sobs subsided . Gently releasing me , he wiped my tears and tilted my head upwards with the help of his thumb and forefinger so that I could see in his understanding eyes. He placed a feather like kiss on my forehead and I closed my eyes . Placing his forehead against mine, he said ,

"I want you to forget everything that happened in these five months. You complete me Adi . I don't know when my heart started beating for you but now it would not be able to live without you . I want to be with you in every difficulty. I know our journey together will not be bed of roses but with you, it will be worth travelling.Trust me when I say that I will be with you in every moment of sadness and happiness but first you need to give me a chance .

Miss Aditi Rathore , will you accept me in your life ?"

Cupping his face , I gazed into his eyes and questioned myself when did I become so lucky in my life.

"I will not accept you in my life because you are already present in my heart and without heart, there is no life.I need you in my life more than anything else . Are you ready to stuck with me for forever ?"

"Gladly",Replying with tears in his eyes and the most beautiful smile on his face, he pulled me in his arms which have become my home .

No more words were spoken except the soft whispers of humid breeze and splashing of waves on the golden sand and this was how stars and moon became witness to the union of two hearts.

Finally, this is completed.

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