Live From Black Star Radio: Cas and Thomas

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Live From Black Star Radio

Featuring Cas and Thomas

Cas: "Alright. Since we're the only 2 Americans in the whole agency, can I ask about where you're from?"

Thomas: "Yeah yeah. I grew up in Montana."

Cas: "Oh yeah?"

Thomas: "Yeah. Watched my dad BLEEP my cousin and everything."

Cas: "Wait wait wait. Are you serious?"

Thomas: "Hell no man! My parents were conservative as BLEEP! White picket fence, mom dressed like she came from the BLEEP 50s, American flag on a big BLEEP pole. The true American dream."

Cas and Thomas: laughter

Cas: "Alright then, how did you become... well, essentially a redneck?"

Thomas: "I have family in Alabama. Spent the colder months there because BLEEP Montana's winters and BLEEP. They had a farm, so I always helped with the chores."

Cas: "Did you ride on a tractor?"

Thomas: "Yep. Fell off the BLEEP too. Hurt like hell. Wish I landed in one of those huge hay bales."

Cas: "I think it's pretty cool you got to experience farm life. Even cooler that you take care of the grounds at the agency. The flowers and grass look great, man."

Thomas: "Thank you thank you. Alright, how about you? What was your childhood like?"

Cas: "Nothing better than living in SoCal with Hippie parents. No meat and holistic healing."

Thomas: "At least that explains why you're so frail."

Cas: "Hahaha. I was at least lucky enough to have parents to support vaccines, other than that it was a pagan Wicca nightmare."

Thomas: "Wow."

Cas: "Did contribute to my fashion choice though. Wore black because I was always ready to die ya know, haha."

Thomas: "You've got a really... dark sense of humor. And then the type of music Yami Kawaii makes is really heavy."

Cas: "We try to cater to those who have their own mental struggles. Tell them it's okay and to reach out for help."

Thomas: "I really admire that. We come from a country that really doesn't value mental health and just let's those in need fall to the wayside."

Cas: "America sucks, lol."

Thomas: "Did you just say lol?!"

Cas and Thomas: laughter

Cas: "The boss is a bad influence with her speech pattern. It's kinda cute though."

Thomas: "Oh you think our boss is cute?"

Cas: "... I think you're cute."

Thomas: "Alright folks, we'll be back after a brief break!"

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