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Question of the chapter-

Would you date a guy like Jason?

Janet's P. O. V

"I just have one thing to ask. You just agreed to become his bodyguard, that doesn't make me his assistant bodyguard, right?" Steven asked me, his expressionless face back on.

"Yeah," I nod before contemplating on whether I should apologise or no.

Was I too harsh on him?

"Listen, if you want a photo just ask."

Never mind.

I narrow my eyes at him before shaking my head and leaving, his expression not changing throughout.

What an ass!

I move out and just then the bell signals the end of the class. People walk out of classes and some go towards lockers while others go to their next classrooms, whispering and some groaning about how bored they are already.

I move to my locker and grab my books, my stomach tingling with excitement as if it's the very first class I'm ever going to attend.

I won't lie, it's weird, but it's true. I have barely attended class this week since the year started and I'm looking forward to attending.

Finally something normal.


If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

This is by far my favourite quote and this quote consoles me whenever I don't get what I want.

Just like it's doing right now.

I walked into my history class to find I and Jason share this class, as well.

Jason is surrounded by the students who are asking him, more like bombarding him with questions. His face has gone red and his narrowed eyes are staring at all those people, who have surrounded him, suddenly interested in his presence.

I rush to the crowd and that's when I hear a girl asking,"Why did Janet cast you opposite Kiara, who is pretty and popular?"

I immediately step in between and in front of Jason, separating him from the crowd.

"Do you guys know what's the difference between you guys and the news reporters?" I ask no one in particular and they look taken aback. They look at each other, waiting for someone to respond.
The girl who asked Jason that question speaks up.

"That they are reporters and we're not?"

I scoff before plastering a sarcastic smile on my face."No. The difference is that they actually get paid for poking their noses in other people's business."

That seemed to have registered exactly how I wanted it to because they all gulped and immediately turned and scurried away to their desks.

I turn around to see Jason frowning into space and I sigh.

I move to my desk and just then the professor walks in. I settle down and everyone adjusts in their seats, ready for class to begin.

Professor Thompson looks up and adjusts his spectacles on his nose. He looks around and I'm sure he is searching for some student to start off with.

Professor Thompson is famous for spending the first fifteen minutes of class by, what he calls, socialising and getting to know his students better. He discusses the current affairs of school and the world and one student is picked up to speak and interact with him.

"Jason Wellington," he calls out and immediately the class turns in his direction.

Jason stands up in his place and Mr Thompson continues talking."Since drama was a major mode of entertainment in the past and you're selected as a lead for the school drama this year, tell us how you feel."

Fuck me sideways.

The entire class, all the students except Jason turned around and smirked at me while I looked ahead the the teacher, rolling my tongue in my mouth.

Jason is looking at me as well, a scowl evident on his face. He walks towards Mr Thompson slowly, wasting as much time as possible.

Just then the door swings open and Steven Rome walks in, in all is glory. Everyone's attention turns to him. The girls have their eyes fixed on him and the guys are giving him suspicious looks.

Has to happen, he decides to walk into class once in a blue moon.

"Are you Steven Rome's twin or its actually happening, you have actually come to class," Mr Thompson taunts Steven and he rolls his eyes before replying.

"I don't have a twin."

"Go on and sit in your place," Mr Thompson orders and Steven glances at him and Jason before turning.

Suddenly while turning, he stops and looks at Mr Thompson again.

"Is he going to give a speech or something? If yes then I think I'll come in later," he says and starts moving towards the door again when Mr Thompson bursts.

"What? You just came in?! Go and sit before I have to report you to the principal!"

"And you'll say what to him? That you waste fifteen precious minutes, where you could teach us, in socialising? And you want to complain about me because I didn't want to socialise?" Steven gets back at him and some one from the back laughs out loud but immediately stops when Mr Thompson looks at him.

Everyone in class, including me, is making a conscious effort to hide their smiles or control their laughter. I however fail miserably when I smile, all my 32 teeth showing.

Steven looks at the entire class, his expression not changing. His eyes meet mine and just for a fleeting moment, I guess I saw his eyes soften and his lips twitch up. But they were gone faster than they came.

Or maybe you're hallucinating.

"Okay Jason, go back to you're place. Since Steven Rome decided to grace us with his presence, I will teach for an extra ten minutes by cancelling my discussion session.

The class groans in realisation while Steven gives him a half sarcastic smile, before taking his seat right in front of me. All the girls turn around and smile at him, making their interest clear and the guys smile at him with that respect in their eyes.

Yeah, he walks into class, says one cool thing and the class is already worshipping him.

I look at Jason who looks relieved. He looks at me and looks away immediately, not even sparing me a smile.

I bite my bottom lip and look ahead, to realise Steven caught the entire exchange. He looks in front immediately and I fidget with the pen in my hand, lost in thought.

Have I taken the right desicion by dragging Jason and Steven, the school's most weird guys, into the middle of all this?

Did Steven, just now, in his own twisted way, help me?


"Steven, wait," I call after a walking away Steven.

He stops and pauses before turning around to face me. I sigh and I'm ready to say what I practiced in my mind throughout the class.

"Thank you," I say and he narrows his eyebrows at me first. He was about to say something when he stops, just nodding instead.

I sigh."So what, you're back to the ice cold, expressionless Steven?"

His head snaps up at me and I visibly flinch under his angry gaze.

"So what do you want? In the morning you said you liked the old Steven better, didn't you? Besides, you shouldn't care and expect anything, relating to my behaviour Janet. We're being punished for being caught in an inappropriate place together and we have a deal that needs to be respected. Other than that, we have absolutely no connection. After this one month of drama, we're going to be strangers again. Get that clear."

I frowned harder with each sentence he said and now that it's over, my face is red with humiliation and anger.

What was I even thinking?

"You know what? You're absolutely right. For one month, I have to bear you as a co-worker and we have absolutely no other connection together, so I'm sorry for going easy on you. Tomorrow, at 3 after school, we will have our first meeting in the auditorium. Keep in your phone handy and your ears perked up. You make sure I don't have to send anyone in search of you again, because I will make sure you're in trouble if I have to."

I retort, making sure my tone is authoritative and downright rude. His jaw clenches a little but he gives me a curt nod. I glare at him, looking him in the eye for a few more seconds before leaving for my next class.


A/N - I hope you guys liked this. Please do vote and comment, tell me what you guys think :)

Thanks you for reading and please keep reading :)

I love you guys :)

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