Cute Pirates And Laughing Goons.

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Janet's P. O. V

Why did I come on time again?

Yeah, because you're a fool.

Sad thing it took you alot of leg pain and time wastage to understand that.

What on earth I'm I talking about? Well I had to meet Steven outside the nearby costume rental and, as usual, he decides to show up late and I, as usual, come on time and I'm waiting like a fool.

I tap my foot impatiently and look around, growing annoyed with every passing second.

That's it, I'm leaving. This work is pending because of him and he gets to answer Mrs McCartney.

I turn and immediately collide into something. I step back and raise my hand to nurse my nose.

"Ow," I say and look up at the intruder. I immediately frown before I start glaring. I cross my arms on my chest and raise my eyebrow at him. He's wearing a white v-neck t-shirt along with his black sweat pants, his hair messy.

"You're leaving? You finished the work? You called me for something that you could have finished in fifteen minutes?" he says, slightly irritated.

I gape at him before clenching my fists on the side."No. I was not leaving because I finished the work, I was leaving because I got tired of waiting for someone who decides to show up-" I check the time on my phone," 37 minutes late to be precise."

He rolled his eyes and ran a hand through his hair, giving me a bored expression."Now you're the one wasting time," he says and I frown harder.

This guy is impossible. I'm just going to ignore him. I'm already come half-way through the month, I'm sure I would last another half.

I just sigh and turn around before walking to the door of the store."You know, you-you, you should be kicked really hard so that the ethics that have travelled out of you can-" I say all this while pulling the door that doesn't seem to be opening for some odd reason. He cuts me off by stepping in my personal space while looking down into my eyes.

"Janet," he says in his deep voice and I feel his hand on top of mine on the handle. I feel a shiver run down my spine at the touch, the warmth making me feel better than I should be feeling. I look at his hand on top of mine and red creeps up my cheeks. I immediately pull away before turning to glare at him, which I'm sure is coming out as a weak look. His lips twitch up slightly before he clears his throat.

"You had to push the door, not pull it," he says and pushes the door open. I stand there, embarrassed, not being able to move. I look at him, then the door then back at him before looking elsewhere.

He's standing with the door open and I stand there, waiting for him to walk. When I raise my eyebrow at him, he finally gets the point.

"Oh-after you," he says sweetly. In another situation, I would have smiled brightly at him, but right now I'm annoyed so I curb down the urge.

I walk in and I feel him follow me closely from behind. He bends down and I feel his breath on my ear lobe, which makes goose bumps rise on every inch of my skin."See, now you won't have to kick some ethics into me."

He moves away and I release a breath I didn't realise I was holding.

But I'm definitely going to have to kick myself if I continue to get affected by you.

"We need costumes for the three phases of the final act. For the qualifier, we need a police man, a goon, a party going girl and a normal common man. The qualifier is set in the 90's, so keep that in mind while looking around," I instruct him and he gives me a curt nod before going off in the store.

I go out in my search too.

Let's get some costumes picked.


"Okay, now only the costume of a party going girl and a goon is left," I say, putting all the other costumes we picked on the stand.

The actors had given us their measurements and so we hired the costumes accordingly.

That's when I realised.

"Crap, Kiara and Trevor didn't give me their measurements," I face palm when I realise that we don't have the measurements for the party going girl and the goon.

I look at Steven to see he has an annoyed expression.

"What? Don't look at me like that. You could have done it too. Infact, you should know you're fake girl friend's measurements," I say and cross my arms on my chest.

He rolls his eyes."Thank you for informing me about my tasks, in your dreams. Besides, she's my fake girlfriend but your real sister. I don't need to know her measurements. It's your job, you should have taken it."

"Yeah, I would have taken it if you and Kiara at least let me talk to Trevor," I say and realisation dawns upon him before it quickly changes to anger and he looks away.

It's true. Both of them always, somehow, have some stupid work with me whenever I try to talk to Trevor. It's like their intentionally not letting me do it. First, I thought it was a coincidence but now I'm having my doubts.

"I don't know about you're cousin, but why would I stop you from talking to him, it's not like you mean anything to me," he says and walks away towards the goon section.

I just stand there, my heart sinking and my mind confused as to why my heart is sinking and why I couldn't come up with a retort.

I shut my eyes and shake my head.

This has to stop.

I follow him to the goon section, my mind working rapidly to come up with a solution.

That's when I realise.

Steven and Trevor have almost the same body type, only that Trevor is slightly taller.

So Steven can measure his clothes out for him.


I can measure out Kiara's, our sizes being the same.

"Steven, I found a solution," I say to a Steven who is absentmindedly checking out the costumes.

"What?" he snaps and I frown but cover it up.

You misunderstood him Janet. It's you're turn to be patient now.

"Uh- you and Trevor have almost the same physique so, you could try costumes. The ones that fit you should fit him too..." I trail off and look at him hopefully.

His expression softens and he moves back from he rack.

"Pick out the ones that I have to try," he says and crosses his arms on his chest.

I smile and moves ahead to pick a few constumes that look decent before giving them all to him.

"Here," I say and he nods before going to the changing room. Once he disappears into the room, I keep looking at the door waiting for him.

Then I realise that it's too boring, so I look around. The room is filled with racks that are overflowing with all sorts of constumes. There's normal goons on one side, then there are the professional shooter constumes on one, then there are soldiers. In a far corner, I spot a pirate constume.

A smile involuntarily takes over my features.

I walk over to the constume and pull it out. There's a white shirt inside with black half pants on the inside with the scary looking coat. I pluck the coat and put it on. Then I reach out for the pirate hat placed on the shelves and perch it on my head.

Then, there is the hand glove with the hook on it. I pull it out too before wearing it. I smile to myself and walk to the nearby mirror. I laugh at myself, wearing the pirate costume on my dark blue t-shirt with black ripped jeans.

I turn around with a serious expression.

"Batten down the hatches, mates, it's gonna get ugly! Relatively speaking," I yell Jack Sparrow's dialogue.

"The Legend of Captain Jack Sparrow!"

"Right, mates. Now it's our turn! Let's show ol' Captain Calamari what we're made of, eh? Savvy? Port side cannon...Fire!" I say and turn but stop midway when I see Steven standing there, with his phone in his hand.

I stand there, eyes wide, mouth open, my hand still in the air. He is still recording me and the minute he sees my expression, he bursts out laughing.

He holds his stomach and laughs and I can't help but smile looking at him. He looks so...happy. Genuine, charming and beautiful smile, that heavenly sound that's making my stomach turn and that rare sight. I want to capture this.

That's when I shake my head and frown at my thoughts.

The joke is on you Janet.

"Alright, just stop laughing now, will you," I yell, exasperated.

"Why? Because the joke's on you?" he says, between laughs.

No, because I might do something as stupid as fall in love with that laugh.


A/N- a little long chapter in compensation for the late update. I hope you guys like it. Excuse my typos.


Love you guys

Keep reading

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