Nope, Not Awkward At All

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Question -

If you were to picture your self as Janet or Kiara, which actor would be your Steven or Jason?

Cliché alert cliché alert.

Janet's P. O. V

It was a coincidence, right?

This thought is poking my brain like a pin, every two seconds. It's annoying me and I'm tired of it propping up again and again, when all I'm trying to do is forget it.

It has to be a coincidence. Kiara can't possibly know what I said in the morning. It's impossible that she followed me there and saw what happened, right?

I half yell in annoyance and run my fingers through my hair, pulling them slightly.

Yes, that's how annoyed I had become.

"Ms Janet, are you okay?" Ms Melinda asks me and I snap out of my thoughts. I look around to see the class, staring at me in shock, some snickering within themselves.

"Yeah," I say softly and the teacher goes back to teaching. Luckily, this is the last class for today.I attended all my classes like the good girl that I am. Today is our first rehearsal and I'm going to be heading there after this.

The class bell rings and now I'm physically free. Well mentally, I wasn't in class any way, so...

Someone clears their throat behind me and I turn to see its Andrew. I immediately get up and hug him, like I haven't seen him in years.

"Where the hell have you been?!" I ask, slapping his arm after I pull back.

"Uh-occupied, I guess?" he says and scratching the back of his neck and I smirk.

"Oh off course! With The-sorry D-business, right?" I taunt and tilt my head sideways, a teasing smile on my face.

His eyes go wide and his cheeks redden ever so slightly, I wouldn't have noticed it in another situation."Stop it ya! Nothing is going on. If something happens, you'll be the first one to know, trust me."

I chuckle and he puts his arm around my shoulder. We walk out like that, getting weird looks from all the people as we pass by.

"So, lets chill?" he asks and I huff.

"I want to, but I can't. I have got drama rehearsal and today is the first day. I have called some people who volunteered last year for the back stage team, I also need to pick up people for the other roles and my leads need to start doing what they have to do and I have an asshole of an assistant, so I guess I'm the only one doing all the work. Then-"

"Woah! I get it!" he exclaims, his hands up in surrender, cutting off my rant. I just give him a sad smile.

"Okay then, I'll see you later, I guess?" he says and I nod. I give him a side hug and turn towards the auditorium when he calls out for me again.

"Janet, be careful. Don't get to close, you don't want to get hurt."


What did Andrew mean when he said that?

At that time, I just awkwardly nodded but that doesn't mean I didn't find it odd. All of a sudden such serious advice?

What is with the people around me today?

I shake my head to clear my thoughts. I look up the pile of chairs in front of me, that goes above my height. I sigh and scratch my head, wondering how will I manage to get them down.

I need to set up the chairs on the stage so we can work. People can sit on the chairs in the audience but that will lead to a lot of problems, mainly uncomfortable communication. If we sit with chairs on the stage, everyone will sit together and we can have a round table conference.

So much thinking I had to do just for the freaking seating arrangement.

I see a stool nearby and I decide to climb up on it to remove the chairs. I drag it on the wooden surface of the stage, the stool making a horrible sound as I did. I place the stool near the pile of chairs and climb on it. I adjust myself and see I have absolutely no support.

I'm going to have to be careful or I'm going to break my head.

I push the chair by its legs on top to remove one from the pile. I push it up and pluck it out successfully.

Thank god I didn't trip.

I move just slightly back and my feet find the edge of the table. With the chair in my hands, I become off balance with too much weight on one side and I slip, falling backwards.

Like I said in the morning, I need to freaking stop jinxing my luck.

I close my eyes, waiting for the impact to come, the chair flying out of my hands. I fall on something and I waited for my entire body to feel the impact but instead, I felt it only on my upper body and below my knees, like I fell on two rods.

And the fragrance filling my nose right now, is beyond amazing. I feel like eating whatever is emiting it. I've never been the type of girl who could write, otherwise I swear I could write a poem on this smell.

Am I dead? Am I in heaven?

"No you're not in heaven, unfortunately."

Good going Jan, you spoke your thoughts out loud again.

This similar voice broke my thoughts and I opened one of my eyes to look around. I didn't fall.

Thank god.

I turn my eye ball to see a broad and muscular chest. I snap open both my eyes to see the guy who saved my life and who has this heavenly scent and muscular chest.

I frown immediately when I see its Steven, all my hopes thwarting.

No, I was not looking for a knight in shining armor. I don't believe in love, remember? But good jawlines and blue eyes are a sight I would appreciate a lot. Except for this one time.

He's frowning at me too. I narrow my eyes and he places me down. He's standing too close to me, invading my breathing space.

"You can't even get a chair down by yourself, can you? Oh wait, I forgot, you're a baby who needs adult supervision all the time!" he snaps and I move back to create some space before crossing my arms on my chest. I want to argue, but I don't say anything because he's right. I frown and look down in embarrassment and also maybe because he was standing so close to me. I am embarrassed and I hate it. That's why I just walk off from there.

I walk on stage to see Kiara entering with Jason just behind her. They make their way to the stage, both of them not even looking at each other.

They both look at something behind me and I turn to see its Steven carrying four chairs, two in each hand. He places them in the center of the stage. He looks up at Kiara, then Jason with his usual stoic expression and finally glaring at me.

Kiara looks at Steven first and then Jason, with suspicion before she glares at me, crossing her arms on her chest.

Why is she angry? 

Jason rolls his eyes at Steven and then Kiara when they look at him before finally glaring at me.

So right now, all of them are glaring at me and I bite my lower lip nervously, playing with the hem of my t-shirt.

Nope. This is not awkward at all.

A/N- I hope you guys liked this :)

I hope you'll got the 'the' and 'd' joke. Incase you'll didn't, they have a similar pronunciation. Ya ya, I know, my sense of humour sucks. Sorry for the sad joke 😄

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Love you'll :)

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