Spree Of Moments.

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Question- Do you like Janet and Steven's love story?

Janet's P. O. V

Second rehearsal.

The first rehearsal passed pretty casually with everyone doing their work. Kiara and Jason had their own thing going on where they were stealing glances or doing some other stuff.

Schools over and I'm moving to the auditorium for the most exciting part of the day, note the sarcasm.

My day passed pretty casually with me focusing on my classes. I actively avoided Steven or Jason during this time. I met Delna a couple of times but she always seemed a little lost. I asked her about Andrew and she said she has no idea where he is.

I walk into the auditorium to see I'm the first one here, as usual. I'm just about to enter when I hear a familiar voice screaming my name. I turn to see Kiara running towards me, panting.

"Janet, I had told you to wait in class for me! I would have picked you up and we would walk to the auditorium together," she says in between of breaths and I roll my eyes.

"Big deal. You were late so I thought you'll meet me here directly," I shrug and she glares at me.

"Don't do that again. If I tell you to wait, you're supposed to wait until I tell you otherwise. Am I understood?" she warns me, her tone too serious to be ignored. It surprises me but I nod stiffly.

What's with her now?

We walk in and I make my way onto the stage. I'm about to approach the backstage to get chairs when Steven's loud voice stops me.

"Stop right there Ms Samuels."

I narrow my eyes at him. He jogs his way from the door to the stage before jumping up. "Where's your bag?" he asks me and I jerk my head in my bag's direction.

Kiara's bag is kept on my right and he moves it to keep his back in the place.

"I'm bringing you you're chair," he whispers into my ears, his breath fanning my neck before he goes and gets two chairs for us.

What's with him and whispering in my ears?

*1 hour later*

"Baby, get me my lunch?" Kiara requests Steven, who is seated in between of me and his fake girlfriend.

From the corner of my eye I see Jason frowning at his script and Trevor's smile, wiping off his face.

I look at them and I look at my stomach.

How I wish I had a boyfriend who would get me food.

I start working again and Steven gets up to get their lunch.

The moment Steven goes, Trevor gets up and moves towards the seat he just emptied. Selena is not around and hence he thinks it's the best time to come talk to us or more like Kiara.

He rounds the corner, his eyes on me. He's about to sit down, his body turned towards me, when Kiara pulls the chair from behind and he lands flat on his ass.

The entire hall erupts in laughter. Kiara raises her hand and Jason, who was frowning a while ago, high fives her before they burst into goggles.

Bipolar much?

I continue my work and after a few moments, a plate full of food is dropped in front of me. I smile and look up to thank the person when I see Steven smirking at me.

He bends down before whispering in my ear."I hate it when babies are not provided with food."


Third Rehearsal.

Today's the third day and things are getting settled slowly. Everyone has understood their jobs. The back stage team's coordination is getting settled. The costumes that they have organised have been approved by me. Some of them are working on the music and stuff.

The run through of the entire thing is going smoother than before, with the prop and scene changes happening more smoothly. Kiara and Jason have become familiar with the lines and the rest of the few actors have understood their parts as well. So all in all, I'm happy with the progress.

Except for a certain bitch along with her aunt and boyfriend, there's no problem.

Everyone has taken a break after one successful run through and we'll be doing another one after this before we call it a day.

I'm going through the script, trying to come up with the solution to cover a couple of plot holes when-


The papers in my hand fly in the air and I fall with a loud thud. The person sprawled all over me luckily places a hand under my head and saves me from the injury. How do I know it's a he? Well, because when I opened my eyes I saw a pair of blue eyes looking at me with amusement. He's worn a white t-shirt which I guess he must have paired with a black jeans. It is a casual look but it makes him look really hot.

Wait what? You're calling Steven Rome hot? He's creepy, remember?

I need a psychiatrist, this proximity is playing with my mind. What if he's mixing things in the lunch he brings for me everyday?

I suppose he must have just entered considering I didn't see him all afternoon.

"Is it really a coincidence or you love it when I save you so much that you decided to fall in trouble whenever I am around you?" he says, trying to sound sarcastic, referring to the time he saved me while removing the chair. His eyebrow is raised but the twitch of his perfectly kissable lips give it away.

"You can call it bad luck that it's always you who is around. I wish it is Tom Cruise," I say with a frown."Besides, I fell down because of you."

"Now if you don't mind, can you please move? You're heavy," I tried to push him but he is looking at me like I had come straight from a zoo.

"Don't lie, I know you love it, and what if I say I don't want to move?" he says sporting a perfect looking wide smile, which is making it difficult for me to concentrate.

I am about to reply when someone clears their throat loudly. That's when I realise what is happening...
Steven is sprawled all over me and we were having a conversation which is being watched intently by all the crew that's gathered around us.

Way to go Janet.

I think Steven realises the same thing because he springs up from his position and walks off. He did not even bother to help me get up.

Bipolar ass.

I get up and dust my self. Everyone is looking at me, trying to hide their smiles, some whispering amongst themselves while giving me the stink eye.

"Show is over," I yell and all of them scramble away to do their respective jobs.

Kiara is smirking at me and that's when I realise the magnitude of what just happened.

I just had a moment with my cousin's supposed boyfriend.

"Kiara, I'm sorry-" she cuts me off.

"Don't worry about it. Trevor or Selena were not here, so it's okay. Besides, you were clearly having fun," she smirks at me and I gag. That's when I remember.

"Steven was supposed to come home yesterday na?" I ask her and she shrugs.

"Well, he's coming today. I spoke to mom," she says and I'm about to reply when Mrs McCartney walks in along with the principal.

"Janet, can we speak to you for a minute?" principal sir calls me and I nod before walking over to him.

"Yes sir, tell me?"

"Janet, there's this single problem. Before the final competition, there's a qualifying round that their holding. You need to prepare another act, nothing as big as the final one, just so you can qualify. Same actors," he drops the bomb on me and I inwardly face palm.

What the fuck.


A/N- I hope you guys like this and the development in Javen.


Love you guys :)

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