This Is More Difficult Than I Thought

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Janet's P. O. V

Seventh Rehearsal.

Somewhere between the stolen glances and careless laughs, people fall in love.

I'm my case, I could comfortably change it to sarcastic replies and glaring. I'm not in love though, at least not yet.

I'm trying my best not to be, but my heart strings seem to be entagled with his charm or his body seems to be a magnet because whenever I try to look away or be far, I'm pulled right into him, everytime more closer and more deeper.

"Okay guys, last run through of the day," I shout out loud and there's this slight cheer and clapping. We've had three to four of them, with everything going smoothly except for the few occasional mistakes.

I hear the sound of a chair scraping beside me and I look to see Steven settling down in that chair. He pushes a tray of food in front of me and places his own in front of him.

It's a sandwich. I inspect the insides to see its minus the tomatoes, just how I like it.

"Minus the tomatoes, a little extra lettuce, a couple of more olives and mustard filling separately on the side. Also, sprinkle a little salt and pepper on the top," Steven imitates me while opening up his packet before glancing at me from the corner of his eyes.

I smile at his thoughtfullness."You remember?"

"I can't forget something that I do everyday," he says and takes a bite of his chicken wrap.

I look at him with a soft smile, noticing how he bites into his wrap, how a little sauce is always left over at the corner of his perfect lips, how the skin on his neck moves up and down as he gulps, as his arms flex slightly with every movement and how his hair somewhat flies in the soft breeze.

I look away before it becomes more difficult to do so. As I bite into my lunch, which he so perfectly got for me, I wrap my head around the fact that in all these days, he took care of me when I was too busy to do it. It dawned on me that he bought my chair for me, took care of my bag in his own twisted way, got my lunch for me, took the lead on getting everything organised when my team refused to listen and so many small things.

I may be running the show from up front, like the engine pulling onto the train, but he was like the person working inside the engine, making sure it could do it's job smoothly.

Horrible reference, I know but I'm not a author or poet or I don't do any level of writing.

And as I take another bite into my sandwich, I realise that maybe that's exactly why I got drawn to him in the first place. He acts all arrogant, bossy, reserved, putting his dark and rude exterior out for display for the world to see.

Why couldn't he show people the Steven who is taking care of me right now?

I glance at him and my eyes meet his eyes that, for some odd reason, were on me. He looks away immediately and runs a hand through his hair, making me want to do it too.

I look away and run a hand down my face.

What the fuck are you thinking Janet?! You are supposed to get over him, not drawn to his charm or study him like he's your favourite subject.

I take a deep breath again. This is more difficult than I thought.


Tenth Rehearsal

"Kiara, you're back is facing the crowd again. No one wants to see your back, however good it is," I comment and Kiara turns around to glare at me before rolling her eyes. Everyone in the auditorium laughs slyly because Kiara wouldn't really let go of the ones who laugh loudly. Yeah, she's rash that way.

She looks everyone in the eye and they all efficiently shut up. She looks at Steven and he shakes his head at her, giving her a teasing half smile.

Yeah, despite of the bickering, I could say that they had gotten pretty close.

She glares at him too and I look between them or more like just glance at Kiara for half a second before staring at Steven for a good three.

This time when I look at Kiara, she's already looking at me and she smirks and I roll my eyes at her. I look elsewhere to see Jason looking at Kiara in amusement. His eyes meet mine and I smile at him knowingly and he looks away, clearly embarrassed. That's when I look at everyone looking at me and the three of us, confused. Selena looks annoyed while Trevor seems pissed with the bonding.

Trevor, surprisingly, is not causing any problem, whatsoever. He's been coming for practice, doing his thing and walking off, without really approaching us or anything like that, which is odd. I also caught him fighting with Selena the other day.

I clear my throat loudly and Kiara straightens before continuing. Everyone starts off with their work and that's when I chance a look at Steven. I look at him and I swear I see him look away the same time.


Twelveth rehearsal.

Apart from me resisting a quick look at my new obsession, to looking anyway and then from trying hard to look away, to regretting looking at all, the rehearsal today went pretty good.

Kiara just finished the final dialogue of the last run through and everyone around me took a breath of relief, some stretching in their places and some like Selena dashing for the door like the air in the room is suffocating them.

I shouldn't but I wish it did. I don't want her to die but suffocation would mean she would never come here again and that would be like the best thing she ever did to me.

Some of the backstage team start to keep all the small and delicate stuff along with the important props inside while the others push the scene setting to the side of the stage.

Normally they would have to put everything, including bulky tables and chairs back in after rehearsal and back out for the next one but since we are the only ones using the auditorium for now, I chose to do it this way and save them alot of work.

Ain't I such a good person?

Some of the girls who were acting tighten their ponytails or open their hair completely and get their pocket mirrors out to check their appearance.

I frown at the sight.

Typical girls.

They then walk out after taking a swig from their water bottles.

All girls in my school may not apply makeup or dress like it's a pageant, but they still all upkeep their appearance. I may be the most careless girl on campus, as far as appearance is concerned.

I touch my hair tied in a messy bun and glance down at my red loose t-shirt and navy blue sweat pants.

This is probably the first time -

I don't get to complete my thought because Steven comes walking towards me and bends down to whisper in my ears, the answer to all my thoughts.

"You're beautiful, even in you're sweatpants, don't let anyone tell you or make you feel otherwise," he says and places a quick kiss on my cheek before dashing out of there.

My eyes remain wide and I remain still in my place, my hand slowly raising and touching the part where he just kissed me.

Oh my god, what does this boy want?


A/N- I hope you guys like this :)
We're nearing the end now and like I said earlier, it's going to be very happening.

So read on.

Don't forget to vote and comment :)

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