Chapter 19

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Ada Johnson's P. O. V

The sound of my breathless panting is all that can be heard in the lonely attic as I raise a hand and wipe a stray bead of sweat trailing its way down my forehead. Grunting in annoyance, I shove the cardboard box right at the back of the attic. Far away from sight. Not that Marjorie has a special dislike against it or its content but rather I do.

Nothing should be that dastardly heavy.

Flopping back down onto the ground, I stay weary of my surroundings, eying the cobwebs cascading down from the rafters and covering bits and bobs of items strewn here and there. The scuttling of feet against wood also causes me to stand with an abrupt yelp, not caring whether it is just my imagination or there actually are mice in the attic. One look at a trail of dust has me scampering down the stairs and shoving the ladder back into place.

Raising hand, I wipe at my forehead once more before placing my hands on hips and turning around. A startled scream ensuing out of my lips in the next moment as pitch black covers my eyes. Blinking a few times, I take a step back and peer at the chest clad shirt before raising my eyes with a gulp to meet baby blue ones.

The man stares back at me with a sly smirk as he looks at me and then takes in my disheveled appearance. I know exactly what he sees, right from the puffy red face to the bird nest hairstyle as my chest heaves from both exhilaration and the fright that he just caused me.

"Did I scare you?" He questions, voice drenched in amusement as he crosses his arms over his shoulders and I let out a huff.

"Yeah your face does that to me." I rebut before my eyes go wide and I clamp my mouth shut. Quickly clearing my throat, I shake my head, "Sorry. That's not what I meant." I wince immediately after I say it. My apology anything but smooth as I hope Gregory casually forgets that he's my boss in not one but two jobs and that I've just insulted him.

Greg lets out a scoff as his smirk grows wider, "We both know that's a lie." I blush at his retort but brush it off as I glance once more to the attic stairs before sliding past him, taking my phone out and checking the time. I only have a few minutes before I'm free I think with satisfaction. Not that I hate the job but who doesn't want to go home, curl up in bed and just spend the rest of the day there.

I really need to get a better social life with my priorities in order.

"What's up? What are you doing here?" I ask nonchalantly as I head down the stairs, making sure not to disturb Marjorie who should be napping by now.

"You mean other than the fact that this is my grandmothers house?" He questions with a laugh, following right behind me.

I pause momentarily as I consider his words before turning to glare at him for a quick second. "You know perfectly well what I mean. You show up early on the weekdays. Not on the weekends so what do you want?" I ask with a raised brow as I take in his casual attire of a black v neck t shirt that fits him like a glove paired with grey sweatpants that have my eyes lingering on certain areas for longer than I would like.

"Well don't you know me well?" Greg asks with sarcasm lacing his voice as he grasps onto my shoulders and gives me a gentle push forward to get my feet into motion. Grumbling under my breath, I do as he speaks, or rather lack of, and start going in the direction I have to before I can to go home.

"Marjorie's sleeping." I tell him over my shoulder as I head into the kitchen, making sure the fridge is stocked full of pre prepared meals along with some other fresh ingredients just in case the woman feels up to cooking something else.

"No she's not. Anyways I'm not here for her, I'm here to ask you for a favour." My eyebrows raise up in question as I once more turn to face him, wondering what on Earth he wants from me and knowing that it's something I most definitely don't want to do.

Why can't I just go home and sleep, I practically whine in my head and give a good childish stomp for good measure. All mentally of course.

"What favour?" I ask wearily, wondering what on earth this man could be asking from little old me. I mean other than trying to land a gorgeous girl who definitely likes him back.

Funnily enough, he hasn't said much to me regarding Chrissie but that could be due to the slight reason of me kissing him and then him kissing me which caused me to act like an awkward stuttering buffoon every time he even glanced my way. Luckily the day off that I, along with the other interns got, let me get my shit together. Or at least I like to pretend I did even though I'm still acting jittery around him like a crack head drug addict.

"You know how all you interns got a day off?" He questions to which I nod solemnly, not feeling guilty at all for the extra rest that I managed to score. "Well that led to me landing a pile of extra shit that my superior left me." I wait for him to go on but he doesn't to which I quickly speak up, "What does that have to do with me?"

"You're coming back with me to the office so that we can wrap it up before twelve. The client wants input on this huge merger and it's our job to try and make them realise that it's a bad idea." He says simply as I blink up at him and then to the watch on the wall that shows it's nearing seven o clock.

"Our job?" I pipe up wearily.

"Yes. Now get your cute butt into action so that we can hurry up and leave." I don't even bat my eyes as the onslaught of an upcoming blush courses through me. The now practically common motion of blushing knowingly out of my control whenever I'm around the man has me letting out a sigh as I nod my head, not being unable to say no to the boss.

"Do I get paid for this?" I jokingly ask causing the man to grin at me in return as he shrugs his shoulders, "If you're not out of here in the next thirty minutes then no. You won't be." He jokes back as he nudges me to get my butt into gear.

I continue to walk but stop just as I'm about to exit the kitchen as I whirl around to speak to him properly. Peering up at the man towering above me, I then lower my gaze to his attire as my gaze then flits to my own casual clothed body.

"How exactly are we going to the office dressed like this?" I mumble, feeling somewhat shy of my haphazard appearance but not feeling the urge to embarrass myself further by rushing around like a headless chicken to make myself more presentable. Maybe I could slip into the bathroom before we leave and at least set my hair a bit neater.

Greg glances down at my attire as I try my best to ignore the fact that he's lingering a bit longer than what a casual quick assessment should be, before turning his gaze to his own clothes as he lifts his shoulders in a half hearted shrug.

"It'll just be a skeleton crew. We'll practically have the whole office to ourselves." He admits before gesturing me forwards as I continue into the lounge to pick up my handbag and then over to Marjorie's room, as I knock gently. My nose wrinkles up as my face settles into an expression akin to me cringing as I worry about disturbing the woman. Gregory whose still trailing behind me, grunts and shoved himself forward and into the bedroom as my mouth falls open.

He's evading the privacy of an old woman! God knows what she's doing in there. On second hand, I'd rather not ever know what she's doing in her spare time, I think with a shiver as my mind trails down a path I do desperately regret going down.

Treading in lightly, my jaw unhinges further as I catch the sight of the scene in the room. Here I thought sweet old Marjorie would be resting away, catching up on the much needed- not to mention doctors ordered- bed rest. Instead I find her teetering on a stool as she tries to reach to the most shelf in her cupboard. I nearly have a heart attack as she stands on her tiptoes to lean up and grab whatever it is she wants. Before I can make a sudden a reach of indignation, Gregory sighs and without another word, lifts the old shrinking woman up and deposits her on her bed as she scowl up at him.

"You did not just pick me up Gregory William Maxwell," the old woman scolds as she places a frail hand to her watch while my lips tilt up in amusement. Shaking my head at the erratic woman, I place my hands on my hips as I come to stand besides Gregory.

"Marjorie, what did I tell you about doing these sorts of things? You hurt yourself just like this the last time and the doctor clearly said, no exerting yourself. You need bed rest." I coo gently as Greg nods in agreement at my words. The scowl on that old woman's face deepens as she scoffs in annoyance.

"That doctor doesn't know cock," my lips part in shock as Greg looks mildly disturbed at his over erratic grandmother, "I know what's good for me and sitting in bed on my backside is not it!" She protests firmly while making a move to stand up.

This time Gregory steps in with a stern glance Marjorie's way, "You can say all this to the doctor at your next appointment. It's on Thursday but for now, it's doctors orders. So get yourself comfortable in bed. If you need anything, no matter what the time; call me. Just don't do anything that isn't wise." He reiterates firmly while Marjorie grumbles her agreement.

Giving her a warm smile, I pull the covers down so that she can be warm and comfortable before rushing to the kitchen quickly to give the woman her meal along with a cup of water. Grabbing the plate of food, I head back to the room with a tray which I sit up for Marjorie. She gives me a thankful smile as I make sure her erotic romance novels lie on her bedside table. The woman has an obsession with them but who am I to judge what she reads and what she doesn't.

"The same goes for me too. Just call me if you need anything." I repeat Greg's words to which Marjorie gives me a smile and a loving pat on the hand. Saying quick goodbyes, Gregory rushes me out the door and into his car without giving me the chance to even set my hair properly. Grumbling under my breath, I slide into the passenger seat and as soon as I place my handbag down, I immediately raise my hands to undo my hair from its messy hairstyle so that I can put it up into a neat and as elegant a bun as I can manage. Pulling the hair tie taut in my hand, I go to pull my hair through but stop as I notice Gregory watching me.

"What?" I ask with a small laugh, feeling awkward at his stare.

"Let your hair down." He says in a voice so quiet, I almost think I've imagined it.

"What?" I repeat, my brain and tongue not believing at all what he just said and taking it to be the wrong functioning of my ears.

"I like your hair down. Let it down." He says in a louder voice, eyes piercing into mine.

With a hesitant gulp, I lower my hand only to run it through my unruly hair. Patting it down to look more presentable but letting it flow past my shoulders nonetheless. With one final look my way, Gregory gives me a relaxed smile before we're peeling out of the driveway and in the direction to where the firm awaits.

Entering the familiar building, I feel weirded out by the lack of hustle and bustle as the two of us stride to the elevator and go for the top most floor. The silence in the lift is overwhelming, causing me to make some small talk here and there regarding work with
Gregory. Luckily he doesn't seem to mind as we make our way out of the lift and to his huge office chambers. Upon entering, a groan escapes my lips at the numerous stacks of office file storage boxes. The sight makes me want to run away and I already dread the long night we have in front of us.

This is going to be anything but fun.

Before I know it, we've poured into box after box of history about nearly everything the opposing merger party has done. I practically know the bowel movements of the CEO.

Okay that's an exaggeration but still.

Grabbing my pen, I mull over the file in front of me as I underline one specific thing, noting a set pattern that has come up in three files but wanting to make sure I have concrete evidence before I start spewing stuff to Gregory.

"Ada." My head snaps up to where Gregory was before but my eyes glance around the room when I realise he's not where he was previously perched on the sofa.

"Yes?" I question as my grip on the file tightens. The man points to the phone in his hand as he then motions to the clock on the wall, "It's nearing nine. Do you want to order food?" Upon heading the word, I only then realise how hungry I actually am as I nod my head energetically. One part of me loving the way his smile flies onto his face at my reaction to the mere thought of food.

We lapse into silence once more after Gregory orders and I immerse myself into the file I was previously focused on. Nodding at the words in front of me, I definitely note that there is indeed a set pattern as I grab the other previous files from different years.

"Gregory," I call to which the man snaps his head up at immediately. The tone of my voice makes him stand up and rush to my side as I place the total of four files side by side in front of him. "I was reading through the files and noticed a set pattern about this company. Notice where I've underlined here. All four times they tried to merge with a smaller company, they exhibited suspicious trading weeks before they were set to merge. The same goes for the stock shares acquired. This literally points to insider trading within the company. That's at least one of the reasons why our client shouldn't merge with them."

Huffing, I place my pen down as anger starts to course through me at the contents of the file in front me. I barely notice Gregory's lack of silence but when I do, I turn to find him staring back at me with his lips parted. Raising a brow, I let out a hesitant laugh as he clears his thirst before blinking multiple times.

"Uh yeah. I'll go through it but excellent work." He says even though his tone is off. Leaning forward, I take in his somewhat stoic features wondering what on Earth is wrong with him.

"Did I do something wrong? Is this wrong?" I question hesitantly but he quickly shakes his head at my words.

"No it's great. You make a good lawyer." He says with a grin though I know it's somewhat forced. "Honestly if you hadn't have found this, I would've looked over it completely and I'd have my ass handed over to me." I let out a laugh before I shrug it off.

"No worries. I-," my words get cut off as a knock on the door ensues. The thought of food and completed work makes me call out for the person to come in. Wanting nothing more than to dig. The smile on my lips slips away as a feminine figure walks in.

The figure of Chrissie who gives a seductive smile to Gregory before raising a brow at me.

"Sorry. I didn't know you'd be in here Ada. I hope I'm not disturbing anything."

Unsurprisingly, my hunger diminishes quickly as I barely suppress a sigh at her entrance. The happiness of figuring out what I just did, not even sustaining me.

I just want to go home and sleep.


AN: Hi everyone! This chapter is nearly 3k words and it's around one in the morning here so I'm going to end it here for now. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

Question: What is your battery percentage?

Please remember to:


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