Chapter 6

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Draco's POV

Of course I'd end up sharing a room with bloody Potter. I don't know why I'd expected otherwise.

I ignored him as best I could in the short time it took for me to neatly pack and fold my clothes away and walk into the Common Room. I waited for a few minutes after he left to follow him out.

I liked these new dorms. They were more spacious than the previous ones; neater and more flexible. Although, in my opinion at least, they were a little too warm for what I had grown accustomed to. I'd liked the coolness of the dungeons, even if it was quite unwanted in the colder months. The fireplaces here were a welcome change however. I no longer had to sit and shiver before the measly green flames of the Slytherin Common Room.

You weren't forced to sit, squished up together on the couches anymore. No, now we had the leisure of beanbags.

A beanbag was something I was unfamiliar with. I'd never encountered such an object before in my life. It was such an odd idea. A bag of fabric filled with little hard balls. I'll admit, it didn't sound too appealing. However, when I actually sat down on it, next to Pansy and Blaise, I found it to be quite relaxing.

It did prove to be very difficult to look elegant on a beanbag. I gave up trying after a short time and relaxed backwards into it, enjoying the comfortable feel of it beneath me, and chattered quietly with Blaise and Pansy.

I spotted Potter and his little group at the other side of the Common Room, speaking with a Hufflepuff girl I hadn't seen before. Many people seemed to be talking with those of other houses.

Ravenclaws were locked in deep conversation with Hufflepuffs, Gryffindors chiming in at random times, being their annoying selves no doubt. Even a few Slytherins were snuggled up in the couches with other house members. There was a very tranquil feel to the place as it filled with murmuring conversation, quickly rising in pitch.

I'd never really thought about how many interhouse relationships and friendships there must be. It was unnerving to see everyone interacting to say the least. Then again, change is good.

Games began as the night dragged on. The little groups that had been dotted around the large room started up spontaneous matches of Scrabble and Wizard's Chess.

I'd never come across an enchanted Scrabble board before, so i wasn't all that sure what to expect as I joined into one of the games. One of the Mud - no, I'm done with that, it's just a reminder of my ludicrous father - Muggleborns had brought the set along with them. Surprisingly, it was a Hufflepuff, not a Ravenclaw as I would've first guessed.

They were clustered around a table depicting all four house symbols merged together in a multicoloured shield. Fitting really, since all four houses were at the table.

Potter and his little following had decided to breeze over and grace us with their presence. Oh goody. I shot them a glare as they made themselves comfortable. There were plenty of other games, albeit more crowded than this one. I'm sure they could have joined in somewhere else. I forced myself not to focus on Potter for too long.

Bloody Potter. I'd never be free of him would I? All I wanted was a nice, relaxing game and instead I'm sitting here, facing that stupid prick.

He smirked at me. SMIRKED. His eyes were very green in this light, glinting gemstones shimmering with the most beautiful glitter.

'Stop it,'I chided myself, flicking my gaze away from Potter and back to the board.

I watched as Blaise took his turn, adding the word 'Potion' to 'Pinnacle'. I didn't really take part, just watched from the sidelines teaching myself how to play.

The letters appeared of their own accord and swirled into position as words were spoken. The little pictures dotting the board moved and laughed at our failures.

I had more fun than I would have thought just watching, helping the players as their numbers dwindled until only two were left.

By now, I was too busy laughing to really pay attention. I found my gaze once more drawn to Potter. He looked stunning as he laughed, his birds-nest of hair bouncing with each movement. How is that even possible?

How the hell can he look so good all the time. Did he even try? It sure as hell didn't look like it. He just somehow managed to look perfect at all times.

At some point earlier on, drinks had been handed around. Their origins were suspicious, but according to the shady Hufflepuff who had passed them around in little plastic enchanted cauldrons, there was only a low alcohol content.

It was a bright, orange coloured liquid, smelling of a mixture of almonds and mint. I raised the miniature cauldron to my lips and was surprised by the cool, frothy texture. The drinks had been finished before long.

Everything was slightly blurred after a while, which lead me to suspect that there was a higher alcohol content in those drinks than had been let on. Frankly, I didn't really care. My worries had been numbed and I existed in a state of borderline reality. Everything was tinged a light blue.

I remember stumbling into my room at some point, possibly around half past twelve. There were still quite a few eighth years in the Common Room, including Potter and his group. I know better than to stay up too long, even in my delirious state of mind.

I stumbled into my silken black nightclothes and fell in a heap onto my bed. I was asleep within a minute.


I stood still, frozen to the spot as my cloak and hair whipped around me in the wind.

I was at the top of the Astronomy Tower, standing a little way back from the railing.

Dumbledore stood before me, calm and placid, stroking his beard in quiet contemplation. He wasn't speaking, not even attempting to utter a word.

The silence was deafening. My blood roared in my ears, every nerve screaming in warning. I knew something was going to happen, but I didn't know what.

I was apart from my own body, as if in third person view. It was very strange to see myself standing there when I looked down.

I didn't have my wand. I was defenceless. Whatever happened, I would have no way of deflecting curses that flew at me.

I turned to the right, making out the shape of my Aunt Bellatrix in the gloom, surrounded by a small pack hooded of Death Eaters. Fenrir Greyback stood among them - of course he did. Each of them looked murderous, their eyes glinting with malicious intent.

I turned back to face Dumbledore.

Only, my old Headmaster was nowhere to be seen. Now, Voldemort stood before me, near translucent skin illuminated by the crescent moon behind him.

I felt my heart hammer at my chest at what must have been a thousand beats per second as he fixed me with his cold, calculative gaze. My hands trembled at my sides.

"You are a failure, Draco Malfoy. If you cannot perform simple tasks such as this, you are of no use to us," he hissed, blazing eyes shining with malevolence.

I was completely immobilised, too terrified to move. I heard the faint click, click, click of my Aunt's heels as she moved around me, the other Death Eaters in tow.

"I-I couldn't. I couldn't do it. Please..." I stuttered. I knew what was going to happen now.

Suddenly, the scene changed. We were now standing in Malfoy Manor.

Voldemort was still standing before me, but now I was encircled by Death Eaters. My Aunt grinned from her place at the Dark Lord's side.

My father stood on his other side. He looked worn out, beaten. The expression on his face sent a spear straight through my heart even though I didn't care for him any more.

He looks hurt, disappointed. I couldn't stand that look from the man I had strived to please for sixteen years. The man I'd never been able to make proud of me, no matter what I'd done to please him.

A silence had settled over the circle now, then Lucius spoke.

"You have brought dishonour upon your family, Draco. You seem to want nothing but to hurt us. To make your family shameful in the eyes of the Dark Lord. I will not tolerate it any longer. CRUCIO."

The entire circle screamed the curse, firing all at once upon me. Instantly, I was back in my own body, seeing it all from my own eyes.

Then, the pain hit.

I had thought one Crucio was bad, but multiple at once was unbearable. Pain shot through me. I was a practice dummy at a firing range, torn apart from gunshots like I had seen in muggle movies. I saw red before my eyes. I screamed louder than ever before, convulsing on the ground like a dying animal.

All the while, the Dark Lord looked on, his laughter mixing with that of the Death Eaters as I lay on the floor before them, drowning in a pool of my own blood.



I awoke suddenly, shooting up in bed, and throwing myself from the covers, legs over the side. I was drenched in sweat and shaking from head to toe.

My face was wet. I must have been crying. My skin felt paper thin and raw, even though I hadn't actually just been hit by the curses.

I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and looked up with a start. Potter stood above me, his eyes glistening with concern.

"You ok, Malfoy?" He asked. His forehead creased in worry as I released a shuddering breath I hadn't realised I'd been holding.

"I'm... I'm fine," I said quietly back. Curse me for stuttering. Curse him for hearing my screams. Curse him for looking so cute with his ruffled hair and bare chest. Curse him for not wearing a pajama top. Stupid Potter, couldn't he stop being so adorable for one second? Stop being so perfect?

I realised I was staring at him, taking in each muscle on his tanned body, tracing my eyes over his various scars. I wanted to place my hand on his chest, heat myself up.

'No. You can't do that.'

I couldn't do that to my family. Even after it all. I couldn't fall for the enemy. That was outright shameful.

"Are you sure?" He asked, his other hand on my other shoulder now. Merlin, he was so close, I could stand up and kiss him, wrap my hands around his neck. I would feel better, after that. He didn't even need to return the gesture...

'No. Stop it.'

"I said I'm fine, Potter." I forced my voice to be strong, venomous even as my heart shattered at the sight of the hurt on his face. I couldn't take it. I stood abruptly, inches from Potter, and swept into the bathroom to splash cold water on my face.

I leaned over the sink, breathing heavily as images of my dream flashed like jagged rips in reality through my brain. I wasn't fine; I was holding together the cracks in my life without success. I was breaking apart, fragmenting before my own eyes.

Malfoys are strong. Malfoys don't break under pressure. Malfoys emerge stronger than ever.

'Maybe I'm not a Malfoy.' The thought sent a chill through me. I was nothing if I wasn't a Malfoy. The only reason I was given any recognition was because I carried that ton-weight of a name. Without it, I was just Draco. Draco the Failure. Draco the Disgrace. Draco the Unwanted.

My name was all I had. It was the only thing that was still natural in this new world that had been flung upon me after the war.

I dried my face off with a towel and slipped back into the room.

Potter still stood there. Of course he did. Fucking Potter.

I wanted, right then, to tell him everything. He looked so open, so accepting as he glanced at me from the corner of his eye.

I could just pour my soul out before him, and he wouldn't judge me. Why? Because he's The Golden Boy; fearless hero of the Wizarding World; survivor of the killing curse; The Boy Who Lived. He was brave and strong, loved and appreciated by his friends.

Lucky sod.

And, I realised, he'd just saved me. I was going to die there, in my head, and he'd saved me from myself. Bloody Potter, always saving the day.

I couldn't bring myself to growl at him, or sneer or do any of the many things I wished to. Instead, I uttered the words I never expected to say.

"Thanks, Potter."

He looked confused as I said them, as if he expected something more, or maybe because it wasn't what he had expected at all. Possibly both.

He went to say something, and thought better of it. He just nodded my way, and made his way back to his bed as I re-entered mine.

It was cold now as I pulled the covers up.

I knew I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep now; there was no way I was risking another nightmare with Potter nearby. Instead, I sat and thought, attempting to get a grip on my feelings and seemingly endless chain of problems.

It was going to be a long night.

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