Siri Doubts

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At Siri's House

When Siri thinking about Avinash, She heard loud shouts of her Parents and Came out from her room

Shekar : How can You said Yes to them?

Suchitra : What is wrong If I said Yes to them?

Siri asked them

Siri : Nanna, What happened?

Shekar : Ask your Amma.She went to One Movie Audition for one Vamp Character, they liked her and now she will going to do that Vamp Character.

Suchitra replied to Shekar angrily.

Suchitra : That is not small Movie, It is very Budget Movie. The Actress who already selected to that role met with accident so they approached on seeing my Photos.They liked my Acting and they selected me.

Shekar : So You will do that Vamp Character?

Suchitra : You Problem was not about that Character, You had Some Problem with Movie Production so you are stopping me to do that.

Shekar : What is the need to act in that Movie?

Suchitra : Then What I have to do. I asked you to give money for my Yoga School, you didn't agree for that.When My dream of doing acting came to me For that also you are stopping me now.You know I Have in Interest in acting.When we loving each other you said that you will encourage me for doing acting,After Marriage you stopped me for showing some stupid reasons, then Siri born you said to take care of her.But you became Big Director, I am What? Director's Wife that's it. Now My Dream came to me, Here also you are stopping me.

Shekar : Suchi, I am not saying not to act, Why you want to act such a waste Character, You can deserve better Roles than this.

Suchitra : Shut up!! Shekar, With those movies you earned all these Properties, Now I want to go into that,
Suddenly all these things became waste to you?

Shekar : What is less in your life? I gave you all money, luxury everything to you..

Suchitra : In my life Everything is less to me, Don't ask me this Stupid Question again and again? Life long I have to do service to you?

Shekar : For Whom you did? It is for your Husband and Daughter.I worked hard outside but you enjoying my hard work freely.

Suchitra became angry for this and shouted on him

Suchitra : Free? Is it free for you? Do House chores, Do Grocery Shopping, Weekly once clean Washrooms, Monthly wise clean the house, Then You will now. If you want make bill for my Service for What I did to you and Siri , Even your Whole Property is less infront of me.

On saying this Suchitra cried and Siri consoling her.

Shekar : Fine, It won't looking good If we arguing like this infront of Siri. We can discuss this later.

Suchitra : Stop it, Shekar. You never took decision for my Career, Now I am only taking the decision for me,I will do this Character in this Movie.You do whatever you want to do.

Shekar left that place angrily.

Siri cried on seeing this.

Suchitra wiped Siri Tears and said to Siri

Suchitra : Don't cry for this, Everyday we shouted on each other inside our room, But today it came out like this.

Siri : Amma..

Suchitra : Siri, Listen.. Don't do Love Marriage, You will also suffer like this.

Suchitra left on saying this.

Next Morning, At Siri's Shop

Siri was thinking about her mother words and became Confuse about marrying Avinash.

Divya observed it and asked Siri

Divya : Siri,What happened? You are looking so dull.

Siri : I am thinking about Avi.

Divya : Everything when you thinking about Avinash, Your face would glow.But now today why dull?

Siri : I asked Avi to marry me.

Divya : Did he say No? How dare he said that!!

Siri : Wait, He said Yes only.

Divya : Then it is Good News,Then why are you looking dull?

Siri : I am getting so many Doubts. Avi always Nice with me, he loves me ,Encourages me so much but Will he be like this after our marriage also? Will he also behave like my father behaving with my Mother?

Divya : Siri,.Don't see Avinash with those eyes which you are seeing your father.All men are not like your father.

Siri : I am not saying Avi is like that Person, What will happen to me If he also became like my father? We can't say that, Right?

Divya : I can Understand your Situation, On seeing your Parents. You are feeling like that. Nothing will happen like you are thinking. Avinash and You are not like your Parents, I can say that only.With your Unnecessary Doubts don't confuse Yourself and Don't confuse Avinash.Avinash is very Good Man, Don't lose him.

Siri thinking about this.

Precap : Avinash and Siri Unexpected Decision about their lives.Twist?

I want to Write Avinash and Siri Decision but This Update is Necessary for that.Please forgive me..

Forgive if any mistakes are there..

Pics Credit to Google..

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Loves You All..💕💕

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