Chapter seven- Understand

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             A green but fiery looking mist filled the treehouse. The fusion roared again as it waddled it's way to the tube, for the treehouse was too small. It then climbed out of the tube, and stomped, causing a strong earthquake that shook the ground. It roared again, stretching it's large, long arms. Usually a specific fuse is very quite, or mumbling gem language chants at the maximum, but this one..... Was angry....

~•🔶🔹Meanwhile 🔷🔸•~

           In the specific fusion's mind, there stood Sandstone, screaming. She was trapped, with no way out. It was dark, but it felt like everything was all red to the gem. Soon tears ran off of her face onto the non existent floor. She was angry, but was crying hot tears like missiles.

             "LET.... ME..... OUT!!!!!!!"  Sandstone screamed as loud as she could as a green tinted room formed as her setting. Green stood before her, crying. "Why can't you listen? Why can't you hear me?" She said, walking up to Sandstone. "AND WHY "CAN'T YOU ANSWER ME?!?!" Sandstone responded, hissing as a huge tear rolled down her face. Silence hushed them like food stuck in their throat.

         "Quiet, Quiet." A unfamiliar voice said, as the green tint in the room started to drain. "Sandstone. Green Diamond. You both need to listen, and answer, that's what we're here for." The voice said again, silencing them. "Green, you just want her to understand what you felt." The voice said again as Green nodded. "But Sandstone, you feel hurt, left, broken, but want to have the clues TO understand that Green isn't giving you, but you also want her to understand." The voice continued, and Sandstone nodded. "Switch bodies, and memories but not YOUR true souls for a day, and maybe you'll both understand." The voice said again, still resolving conflict.

~•🔷🔸 Meanwhile/Now🔶🔹•~

        The specific fusion sat down, silencing itself, as if it were listening like a predator listening for prey. It gasped, and it started to unfuse. "ACK!" Both Green and Sandstone said, falling from the unfusing. Sandstone's soul, but only her soul and a few of her memories, was now in Green's body, and the same for Green but vice-versa. They both got up, shook hands, and went to the treehouse.


    •~🔶🔷Green/Fake Sandstone's P.O.V.🔷🔶~•

          It felt like a dream, but those dreams where they turn into nightmares. I was a new gem, a new huminoid, a new living thing. I brushed the dirt off my lovely skirt as we went up the tube. I was something else, but I still remembered who I was.  It was.... Unusual.

           The dream had a deadline, and that was two months. For a dream, it would feel like two weeks. I went up a ladder that I remember making to go to the future non-toxic colony part. There was a tube for who I used to be, if I needed to talk to another gem. I felt like I was me, just.... not....

           When I went into Sandstone's bed..... I started to have her feelings and memories rush over me like a wave. "I'll miss you....." Sandstone cried as I remember, but in her perspective. I hated the feeling. The feeling of confusion and mourn, like a child that just lost his or her parents.

           I was happy that memories were starting already for me to understand, but because of the first memory, I felt guilty. I then fell deep asleep,  falling for whatever trick of a dream in a dream was there. The dream wasn't much, I didn't see anything. It was pure darkness. I didn't care, I wanted to know how Sandstone felt.

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