Chapter 7

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"I'm home!" Luke yelled as he walked through the door, he frowned as he didn't get an answer "dad?" he called confused, did he forget about a meeting or something? It wouldn't be the first time but his father always reminded him "dad?!" he called again, once more, no answer. He let it go and sat on the floor. After a while, the door opened, revealing Anakin and Obi-Wan, the Padawan got up "well, you're coming through the door this time" the boy teased, his father rolled his eyes and master Kenobi chuckled, the small boy grinned proudly

"That was just once, Luke, and your mother almost killed us" the oldest of the two masters said, Luke raised an eyebrow and pointed to the broken window "oh..." Obi-Wan mumbled

"It's been two years, let's see if you can get your former Padawan to fix it" the young Jedi said, "it's cold during the winter" Master Skywalker glared at him and the other two smirked

"I will, don't worry" Luke chuckled and Anakin pushed him onto the sofa "well, I'm leaving now, got training with Seamus" Obi-Wan smiled and left, closing the door behind him, leaving father and son in the room

Luke tiltted his head to the side "shouldn't you go too?" Anakin nidged his head playfully and left "don't kill anyone showing off" the young boy called, the master rolled his eyes and closed the door


Han walked to the room where the Emperor and his father were, he bowed showing loyalty to Emperor Palpatine, the dim lights just showed silhouettes, the young Sith couldn't make out the Emperor's face "you wanted to see me, your highness?" he asked solemnly

"Ah, yes" the Emperor said, "leave us" he then ordered Vader, who vowed and left "you will kill Anakin, and you will bring young Skywalker before me, if he tries to resist... kill him" Han couldn't deny, he felt the need to do whatever Palpatine told him to, but why? The young Sith didn't question anything, he just bowed and left, heading to the Falcon


Anakin and Obi-Wan were trying to find anwers, who killed all the Padawan learners and the Jedi? Only a few of them were left alive, just Yoda, Windu and them were the survivors, master Skywalker made Luke promise he wouldn't move from his room but, of course, he had to see what was going on

The Padawan got out of his room and out of the house, he gasped at the sight, evrything was completely destroyed, lifeless bodies here and there, all of them killed with a lightsaber, who could've done that? Seeing all that broke the Jedi's heart, he felt someone approaching him, it wasn't Anakin nor Obi-Wan, he didn't feel the safety he felt around them, it wasn't Han either, he didn't feel the warmth and love he always felt, he just felt cold and hate around him

When he finally turned, he couldn't believe what he saw, it was Han, but not the Han he fell for, this one was cold and full of hate and anger "H- Han?" The boy stuttered in fear

"What?" The Sith snapped, Luke flinched and the oldest chuckled at the boy's reaction "there's no need to be scared, you're going to be dead soon" he said, Luke frowned, dead? Why did Han want him dead now?

Han ignited his saber and the Jedi stepped back, not wanting to hurt the guy in front of him but being scared for his own life, this wasn't Han, he knew that, but he didn't know what was happening to his lover "Han, stop! You can't do this... please..." he pleaded, the young boy saw the Sith's eyes and terror ran through the Padawan's veins

The oldest retracted his saber and for a split second Luke felt like he had his Han back, but that thought vanished as he saw that his eyes hadn't changed one bit "stop? You don't know what you're talking about, kid" that was the first time he didn't  sound caring, even when they met he didn't sound like this, so hateful and angry

Lost in his thoughts and Han's- now yellow and red- eyes, Luke found himself finding it harder and harder to breathe, the Jedi looked at Han pleadingly Han, please... the boy pleaded, hoping he was strong enough to make the Sith hear, the oldest closed his eyes, Luke kept begging, but he was weaker each second so he doubted it would work

After a few seconds, when Luke couldn't feel anything, Anakin and Obi-Wan ran to them, both of them stopped in their tracks "Luke!" Master Kenobi yelled, igniting his lightsaber, Anakin just glared at Han, feeling hate, but not just towards the Sith but also towards himself, he knew he shouldn't have trusted him, but seeing Luke happy was worth everything

Anakin had felt like this just once, before Luke was born, when Ben turned, now more than ever, he needed Obi-Wan, it was his son who was in danger, he couldn't just turn and save Luke... right? 'No, Anakin, get your shit together, your son is literally dying' he thought. He looked at his former master in look for support, master Kenobi felt Anakin was confused and looked back at him, and as his master smiled at him, he got the strength to paralyze the Sith

Han's eyes widened as he remembered all he'd gone through with and for Luke and his love for the Jedi grew stronger than it'd been before

"Han!" Luke whined, the Sith smiled "stop it! It tickles"  the two of them laughed as Han got up, he'd been rubbing his head lightly against the youngest's bare torso for the past five minutes

"C'mon, you love it, you know you love it" the oldest smirked, the small boy glared at him payfully as Han turned to leave dramatically "but if you don't want me to be here, I guess I'll just leave" he said hiding the grin that was forming on his lips as he felt Luke grabbing his wrist

"Don't you dare leaving me here" the Padawan said, the Sith smirked and leaned down to kiss the boy before laying down next to him

The Sith let go of Luke and the boy fell, close to being unconscious, Obi-Wan walked to the young Jedi and picked him up, taking him back to his room "fuck!" He exclaimed, Anakin walked to him cautiously, Han looked up at him, confusion written all over him, why did he look so scared and confused? "Wh-What happened?" Then it hit the master...


"It was probably a mind trick" Anakin said, he really didn't want to continue the explanation but he knew he had to "you almost killed him" Han's face fell, he frowned, not understanding anything, a mind trick? On him? Why?

"Did I really?" He asked worriedly, the Jedi nodded sadly, Han wanted to run to Luke, make sure he was okay, hold him and apologize over and over, but he couldn't, he knew he couldn't "I-I am really sorry... I can't believe I did that to him" he mumbled the last but Anakin still heard

"I can"

The Sith blinked and decided to ignore the master's words "will you please tell him that I'm genuinenly sorry?" He pleaded

Anakin smiled and nodded "of course, that wasn't you, I know how you feel about him, don't worry" and, with that, Han left and vanished for over a week.

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