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No one knows the feeling of heartache until it happens to him or her. When a loved one is lost for no good reason, the emptiness is overwhelming; it is as though the heart has gone to another place and there is nothing left but a big gaping hole. A deep forbidding sadness envelops the entire being and never allows a glimmer of hope to light the way. Melody felt that way after opening her email one morning and finding a good-bye letter from Calvin. It was so out-of-the-blue that she didn't really believe it. At first she thought it must be a joke or perhaps she had read it wrong. After a second reading, she understood what he was saying to her.

Collapsing onto her bed in tears, Melody felt that overwhelming emptiness envelope her. What was she going to do? Cal meant everything to her. He was the first one she had spoken to about all her thoughts and ideas; all her dreams and wishes. He understood her and she understood him. It was as though the powers that be had made one for the other. Now that he was gone, whom was she going to turn to? Who was she going to tell all her innermost thoughts?

Melody met Calvin online. It was a funny thing because Melody didn't really believe in meeting people online but she had been playing around on the Internet one day and his name popped up. There was something intriguing about that name; something that made her want to get to know this mysterious stranger. So, holding her breath and striking the right keys, she sent off a couple of lines of introduction and wondered if she would hear from him.

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