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Calvin was waiting at the airport with a dozen red roses grasped tightly in his fists. Melody was amongst the first to deplane and made directly for her lover's arms. It didn't matter if the flowers were smooshed between them. They were together at last.

Meeting online was an excellent way to bring two people together. Many who believe it is impossible to get to know someone by chatting over the Internet may not consider it the best way. Calvin and Melody took advantage of the ability to converse and got to know each other in a deeper way than most. And, as long as they found joy in finding one another this way, who is there who says it can't be done? They love each other and that's really all that counts!

It would be a fallacy to believe they lived happily ever after. Naturally there were the families to face, but sooner or later all objections become things of the past. No one ever has a perfect marriage but, as long as Calvin and Melody were happy together, that's all that really counts. Cal continued to travel with his job and Melody became a novelist, a career that allowed her to move about as she chose. There were ins and outs and ups and downs just like everyone else, but they were really and truly connected. As they say, Love Conquers All.

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