Chapter-9- Guilty

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"If something is meant to go elsewhere, it will never come your way, if it is yours by Destiny, from you it cannot flee" --- Umar Ibn al khattab.
Zaid's pov
Guilt, the only thing I could feel right now..
I went to the sofa just after Nuska went off to the bed clearly feeling guilty to the extreme level because I know she cried in the bathroom..
I am not deaf, I did hear her sobbing..

Obviously, which girl would not cry if her husband rejects her on the first day of their marriage.

Wait... If I have to correct that, few minutes after the marriage...

I really can't even do anything to comfort her because if I do she will definitely come to me always expecting for a comfort but I cannot let that happen..

My mom... she will never agree on this marriage no matter what as she wants me to marry Zara, my cousin..
This is the only reason why I am afraid to accept Nuska as my wife, because if I accept her, Nuska and I will be the only ones who will be hurt in the end...

True, you might be thinking why don't I have the courage to speak to mom about this....
The reason would be, I can't hurt mom because she is the one who bore so much of pain to bring me into this world so how do you think I will ever disobey her???

But then again how can I spoil an innocent girl's life..

When it comes to Zara, nope I do not love her nor care for her like I do care Nuska.. I don't know why but I can't see Nuska in pain...

I know she is very hurt, I saw it in her eyes, an eye which contains naughtiness and innocence, both mixed together, it really is one of the most beautiful pair of eyes I have ever seen..

Zaid...zaid... what's wrong with you?, my inner voice interrupted me..

Huh, did u go too much deep in thinking about her eyes..

If I stay with her for a few more days then definitely I will fall for her.
It's 100% sure..

Ya Allah,please save me from her..

She is not dangerous idiot, my brain said

She is not but live Is, my heart said to which I completely agreed to..

I was in deep thoughts when I heard someone scream..

I sat up and saw Nuska screaming..

Why is she screaming??

I immediately ran towards her and shook her by the shoulders.

"Nuska, wake up" I said tensed.

"Nuska" I shook her again, tapping on her cheeks and then she opened her eyes..

It had fear on it, but why??

"Nuska what's wrong, why were you screaming?" I questioned her but she kept on staring at me.


"Huh.. it's nothing" she replied

"Nothing?" I asked her

How can it be nothing, I know she had a nightmare.
She could tell me right??

"It's just a dream.. you don't have to act as if you really care" she replied harshly.

Ouch! It did hurt but wht is she rude to me..

Maybe she is angry after all I did hurt her.

She got up from the bed and went into the bathroom while I sat on the bed yet again deep in thoughts.

I seriously don't understand what is happening in my life.

Ya Allah, please take both of us home safely and as soon as possible.

"Aren't you praying?" Nuska questioned me.

When did she come out of the bathroom.

"Don't you have the habit of praying" she questioned me again.

Obviously I do

"I do pray" I replied.

"Then join me" she asked me to join her to pray to which I happily agreed to.

"I am hungry" Nuska complained.

"Even I am hungry but what can I do, we have to wait till they give us food" I said feeling pity for both of our stomach.

"I know, I wish I was at home right now" she mumbled.

"Hmm" I hummed lazily.
4:00 pm

"Why aren't they giving us food?" Nuska again complained for the 10th time in this two hours, walking impatiently around the room.

Someone please send her some food soon, I can't bear listening to her complains any more..

"Nuska, patience is the key to success" I said.

"Idiot, how can I be patient? It's been two freaking hours and we still did not get any food. I am starving, don't you understand that" she shouted.

I was taken aback.

This girl really is a bomb.
I really can't understand her mood, maybe she should me called Mrs.Moody.

"Okay calm down, I will ask them" I said and walked towards the door

"Even I am coming, I will kill them if they have forgotten us" Nuska said angrily.

"Please Nuska, don't do anything stupid, if you do then sorry no food for us"

"Okay but I am not guaranteeing that I will keep quiet"

"Please" I begged her.

"Okay Fine, open the door"

I opened the door and there stood two men fully armed to guard us.

"Why didn't you give us food" Nuska yelled at them before I could even speak.

Ya Allah this girl will never listen to me.

"Ma'am actually Mr.Ahmad ordered us to not give you both any food today" one of the men said.

"But why?" I asked him.

"Sir, it's because of you. I mean he asked us asked to not give food because you two spoke back to him and also because you did not accept to give her to him" He told me.

"Is he mad? I am starving so I need food right now. Please bring food for us, GO" Nuska shouted at him.

"I am sorry, I cant do anything" He apologised.

"Alright" I said and dragged Nuska inside the room with me and locked the door.

"What the hell? Why cant they give us food?" Nuska shouted while tears leaked out of her eyes.

"Nuska please stop crying and sit down" I consoled her while taking her to the bed and made her sit on it.

I then poured some water into the glass and made her drink it.

What else can I do?
It's all my fault that she is suffering now.

"Nuska please stop crying, I will definitely get you some food" I assured her while rubbing her back to comfort her but she wouldn't stop crying.

Ya Allah! Why are you doing this to us?

At least give her some food, I dont even need it.

"Nuska stop crying dear, why don't you sleep for some time" I said and pulled her to a hug.

I know she was shocked but she need some comfort right now.

She immediately lied on my chest but she still wouldn't stop crying.

I ran my fingers on her hair to soothe her and it worked, her tears did subside a little.

Nothing wrong in touching her right after all she is my wife..😉

"I want to go home" she mumbled sadly.

"In sha Allah we will, Don't worry " I comforted her.

"Okay" she mumbled.

"Shall we pray?" She asked me to which I agreed and yet again we prayed together.

My only important day right now, to take us home safely and very soon.

After praying both of us went to have a nap in our respective places, she on the bed and the sofa reserved for me..
Not to forget our stomach still rumbling out of hunger.
Assalamu alaikum

How was the chapter today??

Sorry if you found it boring, in sha allah I'll try to make the upcoming chapters interesting..

Anyways tell me how the chap was through your votes and comments.

Also no update for a week because I have exams..

I will try to update as soon as the exams are over,
Till then,

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