Chapter 2

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~~~ 🕊️ ~~~

Zaid's pov

I pushed the curtains aside and opened the balcony's large, glass French doors. I stood by the door, allowing the cool breeze to blow directly into my face. I instantly smiled, looking at the pouring rain, because it brings joy and calmness to the atmosphere, which I enjoy.

I heard the gentle pitter-patter of raindrops hitting the ground below, and the sound filled me with a sense of calm and tranquility. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, allowing the fresh scent of the rain to fill my lungs.

Rainy day is one such day that is awaited by all because as it transforms a blazing hot day to a refreshing one. Indeed, rain is a blessing from Allah as said in Surah Furqan (48-49), "We sent down pure water from the sky. That with it we may give life to a dead land, and slake the thirst of things we have created- cattle and men in great numbers".

Getting drenched in the rain is also one such thing the Prophet Muhammed (Sal) has done and why not we do the same.

The world outside has changed, with the streets shimmering with puddles and the leaves on the trees glistening in the rain. I stood there immersed in the moment, cherishing each drop of rain when I heard a knock on the door.

I kept the curtains open to enjoy the breathtaking view outside while keeping the balcony doors closed to keep rainwater out. I opened the door to my room only to find one of the maids waiting outside.

"Good morning" I greeted her.

"Good morning, you have been called down for breakfast" she replied politely.

"Alright, let them know that I will be down in 5 minutes", I assured her.

"Okay, will inform them", she said and left from there whilst I closed the door and entered the bathroom to get ready for the day.


"Assalamu Alaikum" I greeted everyone and they all replied back to my salam in a chorus.

I gave mom and dad a quick kiss on their cheeks and sat on the empty chair next to my mom, to have my breakfast.

"Finally! our soon to be groom is here to have his breakfast" joked Saad, my older brother.

Ya Allah, why did you choose to make him my brother?

I didn't pay him any attention to him and started having my breakfast.

"Zai you know what...." Saad was again provoking me when Alishba, Saad's 2 year old daughter, chimed in," Zaiiiii"

"Aww my cutie I didn't see you. come here darling" I cooed and she came running straight into my arms.

"Zaid, you certainly has to wear spectacles if you didn't see her when you entered." Saad teased me. I rolled my eyes at him before giving my complete attention to Alishba.

"Zaii, Feed?" Alishba requested and I gladly accepted it. I started feeding her the food which Kadeeja, Saad's wife gave me.

We all continud eating in silence, at the same time I was feeding Alishba, until mom decided to break the silence, "Zaid, If you love kids so much, why don't you get married and have your own children?" Everyone agreed to it, including our little princess who doesn't even understand what was being discussed. Her adorable gesture made us all smile.

"Mom please. Please don't start your lectures now." Everyone chuckled at my response while mom gave me a stare.

"Mom, if I am ready for marriage I will definitely let you know, please mom, not now, alright?" I persuaded her.
"But Zaid you need to remember that Zara is waiting for you." mom replied.

"Mom please can you just ask her to get married, I seriously don't want to get married to her"

"That's rude, Zaid", mom said still giving me a deadly stare.

"I don't want her as my sister in law, she is an annoying pest" interrupted Sarah, my 17 year old younger sister.

"Alright, Alright lets talk about this later but for now finish off you breakfast everyone" my dad interrupted us.

With that everyone continued their breakfast in a peaceful silence but Saad had the nerve to disturb the peaceful silence again by teasing me " Zai I have a strong feeling that you will be getting married very soon"

I requested my sweet bhabi, who is anything like my obnoxious brother, "Bhabi, kindly ask your handsome hunk to keep quiet, otherwise he would have a bleeding nose"

Bhabi pulled Saad's ears and reprimanded, "Saad, could you please be quiet and have your breakfast."
"Okay love, anything for you" saad said with a wink.

Everyone burst out laughing while Bhabi smiled shyly.
They are the most cutest couples existing on earth. May Allah grant them happiness and bless them. Oh Allah, protect them from all evil eyes.

"Zaid finish your breakfast soon we have to leave for work, remember you have an important meeting today" told dad,  "You too Saad finish your breakfast and leave for work. I want you in our chocolate factory today."

"Ok dad" both of us replied and everyone continued their breakfast again, in silence.

After completing the breakfast everyone went to carry on with their respective work while I drove off to my company along with dad.


Despite my father's insistence that I take over some of his several businesses, I returned to my native country, Dubai, after completing my higher education in Canada and launched my own architectural firm with his assistance, I named it 'Zaid Architectural & Design'.
Alhamdulillah! Even though my business has only been operating for one and a half years, it has already achieved great success and profitability. In that short time, it even won the award for Rising Architect company of the year. Everyone was quite proud of me, but the only one to whom I can give credit is Allah, without whom I am certain that I would not have developed so rapidly in a single year.

"Zaid, stop daydreaming about your future wife, and return to the reality." My dad teased me.

Why does everyone have to tease me???

"Dadddd, No..."

"Alright, Alright but Zaid please don't get married to Zara, I don't want her as my daughter in law" Dad said smiling affectionately at me.

"As you say dad but you are the only one who can convince mom so please do it as soon as possible, so that I can live in peace" I pleaded.

"No worries I will do it" Dad agreed, "Shall we leave for the meeting?"

"Yes Dad"


"Zaid, I am sure you have the list of students who are joining on Monday" Dad asked.

"Yes, dad. I've prepared everything necessary for Monday. I've got 8 students this time. I've divided them, 4 in my team and 4 in Haziq's team."

"Raiha, Ramla, Arsalan and Hayat are on my team." I said.

"Haziq, what about you?" Dad asked,

Haziq, my best friend, who is also a part of my company, replied,"I've got Farah, Jessica, Zainab and Adam on mine"

"Great, I am sure both of you are well prepared for it. Do well and I am sure you won't disappoint anyone"
Both Haziq and I replied a yes and with that dad left to the chocolate factory while we continued our work.


I walked in through the front door of my house. The hallway was dimly lit, which meant everyone was asleep. I looked at my watch, it showed 11:30. I let out a deep sigh. It had been a long day at work and all I wanted was to go to bed and relax.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a cold bottle of water from the fridge, drinking it in one gulp. The cool liquid was refreshing against my parched throat.

I walked back to the dining table when I saw my mom coming down the stairs.

"Mom, you didn't sleep?"

"Not yet, I was waiting for you to come back" Mom replied, "Sit here, I will heat up the food and bring it for you"

"Okay Mom"

I was having my dinner in complete silence enjoying the food. Suddenly, my phone rang, interrupting my moment of peace.

It was from Aabid.

"Hey Aabid, what's up bro?"

"Ceiling" He replied chuckling.

"Lol, not funny"

"Bro, are you free tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yes I am. Tomorrow is Sunday so definitely yes"

"Perfect! Let's go out for lunch tomorrow. I've asked Haziq. He is ever so ready for it. How about you?"

"That's great, I am coming too but where are we going?"

"Tribes Dubai mall at 1"

"Okayyy, Meet you tomorrow then"


"Bye, Assalamu Alaikum" I declined the call once he replied to my salam.

After having a good dinner, I went off to sleep after giving my mom a kiss on her cheeks.

~~~ 🕊️ ~~~


Hey/ Assalamu Alaikum ❤️

Let me know your thoughts on this chapter ❤️

Next chapter is going to be really interesting and completely different from what you've read before.

So stay tuned,
See you all tomorrow  ❤️

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