Chapter 6

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The sheriff and I stepped out of the gun shop, the place was just robbed by two young girls.

Peter leaned against his car, seemingly deep in thought. "Alright, Detective, what do we have so far?"

   I sighed, resting my hands on my hips as I thought. "Three heavily armed girls traveling the back roads, robbing every gas station in sight."

   "Clearly there was a disagreement at some point, leaving one of the girls in the dirt." The sheriff said.

   "And, since then, the bodies stopped dropping." I added.

   The sheriff nodded. "So, she must've been the one with the itchy trigger finger."

   "Meaning the ring leader is still kicking."

   He stood then, pacing around the front of the car. "But, why? What's the endgame?"

  I shrugged. "Money? Fame? Same thing every kid wants."

  Suddenly, the gun shop owner ran out. "Sheriff, you gotta see this, one of those girls is on the TV."

   Peter and I shared a look before heading inside.

   The owner pointed to a small TV hanging from the corner of the room.

   "No shit." I said.

   "That's our missing girl..." The sheriff added, staring longingly at the TV. 

   I turned to the owner then. "Are you sure that's who you saw?"

   He nodded quickly. "I'll never forget that face."

   The sheriff let out a long breath. "This just got a lot more complicated..."


   Connie parked out in front of a local bank. "Here, take this." She said, handing me Cindy's face mask.

   I looked down at it for a long second before slipping it on. "Ok, so, what's the plan?"

   She slipped her mask on. "Let me do the talking, you cover the crowd. Everyone stays on the floor, no sudden movements."

   "And, if someone does move..?" I asked.

   She looked down, thinking for a second. "... Let me handle that..."

   I just nodded as she checked her shotgun. "Alright, ready?"

   I slipped the drum magazine into the Tommy Gun. "Ready as I'll ever be."

   She took my hand in hers, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Good luck and stay safe."

   I smiled a little. "Let's go."

   So, we hopped out of the car and ran up to the front doors.

   Connie kicked the glass door open before charging in. "Everyone on the fucking floor! This is a robbery!"

   The small crowd yelled out in fear as they dropped to the ground, the tellers behind the desk raising their hands.

   I scanned the crowd for any sudden movements while Connie walked up to the desk, dropping a bag on it. "You, fill the bag. Small bills only, no stacks."

   The woman nodded, opening her drawer and filling the bag with loose bills.

   I noticed a little movement out of the corner of my eye.

   I quickly pointed my gun in its direction. "Don't move!"

   The man shielded himself, freezing in place.

   "Alright, last drawer, let's go." Connie ordered.

   After filling the bag, she slung it over her shoulder. "Alright, B, let's move."

   We kept our guns trained on everyone as we quickly backed out of the bank, hopping back in the car shortly after.

   Connie fired it up and took off down the street...

   As we exited the small town, we pulled our masks off, throwing the guns in the back seat.

   "Here, check for dye packs." Connie said, handing me the bag.

   I unzipped it and peered inside. "Holy shit, Connie..."

   She took a quick glance at me. "What is it?"

   I shook my head. "There's gotta be a few grand in here."

   She refaced the road, a wide grin spreading across her lips. "Biggest score so far."

   I let out a happy laugh as I pulled out piles of cash, letting them fall from my hand back into the bag. "We're rich!"

   "What do you wanna do now?" Connie asked.

   I flashed her a smirk. "Spend it."

   She laughed. "Alright, let's go shopping..."

   We walked through the isles of a small clothes store, inspecting every article that hung from the racks.

   I pulled out a colorful blouse. "How about this one?"

   Connie scrunched up her nose. "To loud. What about this?" She asked, pulling out a pair of ripped up jeans.

   I shook my head. "What're you, sixteen?"

   We shared a laugh as we looked through every article of clothing in the place.

   I stopped at a shoe display. "Ok, these boots would definitely go with this skirt."

   Connie pulled a leather jacket over her shoulders. "What do you think?"

"Very tough." I replied.

She smirked, doing a few poses before slipping it off. "Alright, let's go pay, I'm starving."

So we headed to the counter to check out, paying to woman with a handful of bills before heading out.

We loaded the bags of clothes into the backseat before heading off to a local diner...

After grabbing a couple seats at the bar, we ordered.

I looked down at my new boots. "You know, I've never actually had enough money to afford designer clothes."

She took my hand then. "There's plenty more where that came from."

I looked into her eyes, a slight blush forming on my cheeks. "Connie..?"

She gave me a warm smile. "Yeah?"

I averted her gaze. "You know... I hung around that gas station so much because of you, right?"

She looked away, nodding. "I kinda had a feeling... I, uh, I used to look forward to your visits..."

It was my turn to smile. "Really..?"

She nodded. "You're just so kind and funny and... And beautiful..."

The blush grew. "No way, you're the beautiful one."

She faced me again, rolling her eyes playfully. "Please, I'm nothing next to you."

I giggled. "Hey, Connie..?"


   I looked down, picking at the utensils on the bar. "I really wanna kiss you..."

   She squeezed my hand then, prompting me to look at her again. "Me to..."

   My heartbeat quickened as I leaned in, seeing her close her eyes as she did the same.

   Then, our lips finally met, a warm feeling running through every inch of my body.

   She squeezed my hand tighter, resting her free hand against my cheek.

   When we finally pulled apart, I rested my forehead against hers. "Wow..."

   "You're a really good kisser..." She said.

   My cheeks warmed. "So are you..."

   The sound of plates hitting the bar broke us apart.

   We both looked over at the waitress.

   "Here you are, ladies." She said, loudly chewing gum, before turning and walking off to another table.

As she walked away, we dug in, taking little glances at each other the whole time...

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