Pup Pup Boogie

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One day, Chase went up to see if the delivery arrived. But then, he bumped into and Ryder.

Chase: (barking) Oof! Excuse me, Ryder, sir.

Ryder: What's the hurry, Chase?

Chase: Is the new and improved 'Pup Pup Boogie 2: Extra Dancing' here yet? I heard it was coming on the next train.

Skye: Not yet, Chase. (laughing) I'm playing the old Pup Pup Boogie. You want to try it too?

Chase: All right, let's boogie!

Then Skye and Chase went onto the dancing mats.

Skye: (giggling)

Chase: Huh? (keeps getting the wrong moves) Uh-oh.

Skye: (giggling and barking)

Ryder: Whoa, nice moves, Skye.

Chase: Skye, how can you do all those tough moves without messing up?

Skye: I have a trick. When I learn a step for the first time, I say the moves out loud, like this. Front paw, front; back paw, side. (getting the better moves)

Chase: Front paw, front; back paw, side! (getting the moves right)

Skye: You're Getting it

Chase: I'm getting it! (howling)

Skye: Get ready to sit up and...

Skye and Chase: Tailspin! (doing the tailspin) Wee! Whoa! Whoa! (bumping into each other) Oof!

Ryder: You both made the next level.

Chase: Yes! Phew! I need a water break.

As soon as Chase and Skye had their water break, Rubble and Marshall came.

Rubble and Marshall: (barking)

Rubble: Is the new Pup Pup Boogie here?

Skye: It's supposed to come later today.

Marshall: I can't wait. I've been working on my tailspin. Watch. (begins his tailspin) Whoo-hoo! Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Just then, he spinned and started crashing into Ryder.

Marshall: Nice catch, Ryder.

Then, the pup-pad rang as Ryder answered it, it was Mayor Goodway.

Ryder: Ryder here.

Mayor Goodway: Ryder, we have a big problem! A train car went off the tracks and bent some rails. Now today's train can't get into the station, and it's carrying a very important delivery. I need help!

Ryder: Don't worry, Mayor Goodway. No job is too big, no pup is too small! (using his pup-pad) I'll call for Noah.

As for the rest of the pups, they were all playing at the playground while Connor and Deadpool were sitting on a bench eating shawarma.

Rocky: (barking and howling while sliding down the slide)

Ryder: (on communication)Paw Patrol, to the Lookout!

Pups: Ryder's calling!

Connor Williams: (finishes eating) Let's go, everyone!

Deadpool: Right behind you, Connor!

Zuma: Race ya! (panting while spinning the spinning wheel) Wait a second... Uh-oh, whoa! (sent flying)

With the whole pups gathered together, Marshal was about to use his tailspin.

Marshall: And tailspin, whee! (spinning out of the elevator and hitting the doorway and entering the elevator) Wait for me!

Then the elevator went up. At last, they all reached the stop and suited up.

Connor Williams: PAW Patrol Ready for action, Ryder, sir!

Ryder: Pups, there's an emergency in Adventure Bay. (accidentally plays Pup Pup Boogie and started laughing)

Marshall: (dancing and tuning) Oh, yeah, do the Pup Pup Boogie!

Pups: (laughs)

Marshall: (sheepishly) Can't stop the Pup Pup Boogie (chuckles in embarrassment) Sorry, Ryder, I'm done.

Ryder: Nice moves, Marshall. (shows the emergency) A train car went off the tracks and bent up some of the rails. We have to move the car and fix the tracks or the train can't come through Adventure Bay.

Chase: The all new Pup Pup Boogie 2 is coming on that train.

Marshall: All new Pup Pup Boogie 2! I got to dance. I got to... (as everyone stares at him) stop doing that. Okay, I'm all done... for real this time.

Ryder: Chase, for this mission, I'll need you to use your winch to pull that heavy train car off the tracks.

Chase: Chase is on the case!

Ryder: Rubble, I'll need you to dig up the bent track and bring in new rails.

Rubble: Rubble on the double!

Ryder: All right, PAW Patrol is on a roll!

Connor Williams: Let's go, everyone!

Pups: (barking and howling)

At last, the deployment sequence for Chase and Rubble has begun. With that, Ryder rides his ATV with Deadpool in his Deadmobile following behind and Connor in his Ford Explorer Police Interceptor.

Soon enough, they arrived just in time to the rescue where Mayor Goodway was waiting.

Mayor Goodway: You're here! This is a disaster! The track's bent! This cargo car is too heavy to move, and the train's due in just a few hours.

Ryder: If anyone can fix it in time, it's the PAW Patrol and the Littlest Pet Squad. Chase, Connor, can you move the box car so we can repair the tracks and let the train through?

Chase: Will do, Ryder! (barking out the hook line and passed it to Ryder as Connor took his grapling hook gun and shot it, attaching it)

Ryder: Attaboy, Chase. (attached) Okay!

Connor Williams: (pulling the car out) Repairing the tracks.

Ryder: Good job, Connor!

Rubble: Hmm, these rails are bent. And look, this tie is... (jumped and slipped) Oof!

Deadpool: Oh no!

Ryder: Rubble, are you okay?

Rubble: (groaning and got his paw out and whimpering over the pain) Sure, I'm good. I'm great. (trying his paw) Yowch! I'm hurt.

Connor Williams: Calm down, I'll help you. (uses his healing powers to heal Rubble's paw)

Rubble: (tests his paw) Hey! My paw is now healed! Thanks so much, Connor! (jumps on him and licks his face)

Connor Williams: (chuckles as Rubble finally lets him go, then wipes the slobber from his face) Anytime.

Ryder: (chuckling) Looks like everything is under control now, but we still have a train to stop. I'll call the engineer and tell him to stop the train. (as he tried contacting the train) Hello? Hello? Hello?

Unfortunately, the train engineer couldn't answer his phone as it fell off.

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