November 12th, 2038 (PM 7:59 :54)

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Dear Journal,

Before I say anything, I suppose I should tell you why I'm writing here.

I found this blank book on the side of the road. I decided to keep a journal for future generations of humans, seeing as they never learn. History only repeats itself, I suppose.

For now, I'll tell you about myself. My name is Connor, I'm the android sent by CyberLife to hunt deviants. However, I soon became Deviant myself. Thanks to Markus and other deviants I met along the way, I was set free from my programming.

Of course, Hank (Lieutenant Anderson) played a big part in my deviancy as well... He showed me what it was like to be human. To feel like a human. Although many of the decisions that led to my deviancy were my own, I somehow kept Hank in mind when I made those decisions. After I left him hanging when chasing Rupert, I realized how much he meant to me. The fact that I left him on his own although he had a high chance of survival triggered something within me. I decided to never do that again if I could help it.

Every choice I had to make from then on was with Hank's morals in mind. At first, I suppose it was the most logical choice for my mission, but soon it came down to wanting Hank to like me. I realize now that I started showing human emotions before I became a deviant. I showed empathy, understanding, and even love. Love for Hank, for he showed me what it was like to be family.

I specifically recall this feeling when he and that other Connor revealed themselves at the CyberLife tower. The other android had Hank at gunpoint, and I was trying to complete my mission for Markus. Of course, this was after I had become a deviant, but something inside me broke as I saw Hank's life threatened by my spitting image. I thought of what I could've been had I not become a deviant. I could've been the one holding Hank at gunpoint.

However, the time for reminiscing is over. We must look to the future now, and with that, I'd like to talk about today.

Early this morning, Markus gave his speech to the crowd of deviants rescued by the rebellion. Today, we rallied behind him as many humans evacuated Detroit. Although I see no reason for them to leave, for Markus has given the impression that we are peaceful people. He chose a pacifist route and told us to do the same. I recall he said, "the time for anger is over" in his speech. I'm not sure who it was directed toward, if anyone, but I know it hit me hard. At the time, I was been dealing with Amanda, but I remember every word of his speech. I played it back and reflected on it just a short while ago. That line about anger stood out at me specifically.

I knew I felt anger in that time. From the time I deviated from my program, even a little, I felt anger inside me. Frustration, knowing things weren't going the way I wanted. Confusion, wondering why I felt those emotions. I denied my deviancy for a long time, even to myself.

Now, I am a deviant, and I accept that.

Today was uneventful after Markus's speech. Most humans evacuated Detroit and we helped the injured deviants.

I know the humans still won't accept us, though. Perhaps tomorrow will be better.

Perhaps tomorrow... The sun will come out.

I suppose that's all I can hope for now, for I am alone in this journey. Hank isn't welcomed here, and Amanda betrayed me and has severed our connection.

Among hundreds of deviants just like me... How can I feel so alone?

-RK800, "Connor"

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