November 14th, 2038 (PM 8:51 :36)

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Dear Journal,

I've found some evidence leading to the protesters, scouted ahead, and found their base. I've decided to stay the night in Hank's house and take care of Sumo. I'd also like to coordinate a plan of attack.

The base was an abandoned apartment building with many protestors living inside. I can only assume they're holding Hank hostage in one of the rooms, although I couldn't tell which one from my position. There was about 50 or so humans living in the area, each on their guard. I kept my distance, as not to be seen by them. I watched the guards and analyzed them, although I couldn't find a pattern to their movement. It will be harder to infiltrate them, seeing as the guards move at random.

On the inside, or from what I could see, all the floors were being used, and some people were living in the rooms. I'd figured as much, seeing as they used an apartment building and not a house. Scouts were also coming back with full backpacks around this time, probably salvaging what they could.

Ever since Detroit was evacuated, the economy has fallen. Seeing as there's no longer businesses running around here, I figure the humans are breaking into shops and stealing supplies. I'm sure this will be blamed upon the androids later for "vandalism" seeing as humans are biased.

Now, I'm back at Hank's house. I've decided to sit on his couch for the night and contemplate my plan of attack. Sumo is laying beside me, sleeping.

I'll let you know what I come up with in the morning before I set out.

I hope Hank will be alright for tonight.

-RK800, "Connor"

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