November 17th, 2038 (PM 5:30 :13)

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Dear Journal,

Markus, North, Josh, and I tried to reason with Allen and the other humans, only to realize they'd gone mad. Captain Allen had been appointed the leader of their group, but was just as mentally insane as the others were. He was a mess, and had obviously not taken care of himself, further proving his insanity.

They wanted Hank. They claimed they would leave in peace if they could take Hank with them. I immediately told them he wasn't here before anyone else had a chance. I refused to throw Hank under the bus. I looked to Markus for help, recalling that I told him my feelings yesterday. Markus agreed but the protestors got angry. Markus silently sent out a message for everybody to be prepared to defend.

Markus wanted to stay peaceful, but I was ready. I was going to protect Hank at all costs.

The protestors attacked, but all the deviants were ready to defend themselves and the wounded. I fell back to Hank's position, where he was hiding behind a bench. I told him to stay hidden; maybe they'd leave if they didn't know he was here. Hank tried to argue, but realized arguing with me was next to pointless. He kept his head down and stayed hidden.

That's when I realized Captain Allen had a gun. Markus was engaged in hand to hand with another human, trying not to hurt them too badly, not paying attention to Allen aiming right for him.

Well, Hank must've saw it too.

I don't think I've ever seen that man run so fast...

I immediately shot Allen, but not in time.

All fighting ceased as Allen and Hank fell to the ground, almost in sync. Markus immediately moved to Hank, while some of the humans moved toward Allen. They'd seemingly regained some sanity, but I didn't care. I sprinted to Hank's position and knelt beside him. Fortunately, when I scanned Hank, it seemed that the bullet didn't go too deep into his abdomen. Or rather, not deep enough to hit any organs. I was overcome with relief. We could help him.

One of the humans came over to us. My gun was still in my hand, and I was ready to shoot if necessary. However, the need didn't arise and the human simply apologized and promised to leave us alone from now on. Markus moved with him to Captain Allen and assessed the damage. His wound was also in his abdomen. I wasn't shooting to kill, after all. Markus told me later that Allen would also be okay, for he had his FBI armor still on and the bullet didn't reach his organs.

We immediately began tending to Hank. Some of the deviants were medical droids, so they did most of the work. I stayed beside Hank as they worked. I could tell Hank was in immense pain, but I took his hand. I knew humans liked to take pain out on other things, so I told him to squeeze my hand if it hurt too bad. He gave me a skeptical look, but soon after the deviants started on him, he started squeezing my hand. I didn't feel physical pain, so it didn't affect me.

After Hank had been stitched and bandaged up, about an hour later, we gently moved him to a bench to lay down. He groaned and talked to me a bit. Sumo licked his face, making Hank laugh a bit, which seemingly hurt, seeing as he'd been shot in the abdomen. One of the medical droids cane over with enough painkillers to sustain Hank for a few days. Seeing as the wound wasn't too deep, he would be up and walking around within a day or two.

Hank is now resting with me watching over him. I'll write later if I have more news.

-RK800, "Connor"

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