Chapter 7

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Hazel shot up from the dusty and cold floor. Her face sweating and heart racing. Her mouth hung half open and she looked to her sides. Cory was sound asleep and Jacob's spot was empty.

Oh no, she thought with panic.

"Woah, Hazel, you ok?" Jacob said from the other side of the room and Hazel whirled around to face him.

Hazel scrambled back against the wall, her heart still racing. Jacob walked over and knelt besides her. Hazel pressed herself to the wall.

"Hazel, it's me," He said softly and touched her hand gently.

Hazel snapped her hand back. Jacob looked hurt.

"Sorry, nightmare," She choked out.

He smiled and nodded, "I got mine too. So have Alex and Cory. They are trying to recruit us through our dreams. Images of stars. Friends or family that may be dead that also at points looked younger?"

Hazel nodded, "What do you mean?"

Jacob explained, "They have technology to slip into our dreams, they were testing us. Let's just hope your friend and brother fail."

Hazel looked at him in shock and Jacob caught her gaze.

"I mean, if they fail, they have proven their loyalty to society, to our earth. If they passed they would be proving their loyalty to them," Jacob told her.

Hazel stood up, "What's the plan for today?"

Jacob stood up too, "Once these two are up we can leave. We won't break into the base alone, we need at least three more recruits, there is a human base less than two miles away."

"I'll wake them up now," Hazel said but before she could nudge Cory's shoulder, Jacob grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"Hey!" She cried and Jacob put his hand over her mouth, muffling the noise.

They stood still for a second, Hazel pushed against him.

"Quiet, waking them up will kill them," He said, waited a second, a let her go slowly.

Hazel looked at them then turned to Jacob, "How do you know."

Jacob shifted his position so he stood with his arms crossed, "I found a dying person from the other world. They had been sent to die after they betrayed their kind, they warned me about everything, told me where the base was, then they died."

His eyes held part of the story to himself. Something was wrong.

"Who were they really?" She finally asked.

Jacob's gaze dulled, "My uncle who came with my father. My father had escaped from the other Earth but met my mother here. I am not one of the, Hazel, I think you can see that."

Hazel understood to not punish someone for something their parents did, it was the typical plot twist to almost any book. And to be honest, it was an annoying cliche.

"You could have explained that earlier, I may forgive you this easily but Cory may not," Hazel sighed.

"Why should I care what he thinks of me?" Jacob muttered and hazel gave him a sideways glance.

"We are a team, we need to stick together," Hazel tried to convince him and she heard a noise from the floor.

She saw Cory roll over and sit up. His eyes were still closed as he yawned.

"I had the wildest dream last night," He said with a tired tone.

"Yeah, about that," Hazel said and looked at Jacob for further explanation.

Jacob caught her gaze and sighed, "Well."

Jacob explained it to him right when Alex woke up a second later.

"You lied to us!" Alex said after Jacob finished, "I convinced Hazel to trust you!"

Jacob looked at the ground, "It has never been something I have told someone."

"But when you meet someone in this type of situation, it is important to be honest!" Cory pointed out.

"Ok, you're right," Jacob said quickly, "Let's just go, I don't want to talk about this."

He turned to the door and walked out.

"I'll go talk to him, you guys get ready to leave, we go to the nearest human base to recruit two more for our team," Hazel said to Alex and Cory.

Hazel ran out the door and saw Jacob leaning against one of the towering trees, his hands in his pockets and no expression.

"Hey," Hazel greeted and was met with silence.

Hazel sighed, this won't be easy.

"Listen, no one is blaming you for anything, Cory was right. This is a honest time but you didn't wait to the last minute to tell us," Hazel joked lightly.

Jacob sighed, "It's just a touchy subject for me. If anyone knew when I was growing up, I wouldn't be here. I have had to bear this secret for to many years and it just sounds weird out loud. Like it's not even true. My brain knows it is but my heart says otherwise."

"I understand, well not completely. This is a very hard time for everyone in their own way. All of us are far from our comfort zones and our families are dead," Hazel replied.

"My mother is alive. Her and my father were taken by them," Jacob said with grief.

"Alive?" Hazel said in shock.

"According to my dad, back on his earth, the worst punishment was to receive the thousand years medicine. It makes you invulnerable to illness, starvation, and dehydration. You can only die via gun shot, sword wound, or anything like that. But they could still feel the pain of starvation, of being alone in a cell forever, some would even attack the guards and use their weapons to kill themselves since the guards couldn't kill them, only push them. Only high generals or such receive this punishment, soldiers are sent to death, my father was a general," Jacob finished and he looked up ahead.

Hazel put her hand on his shoulder with sympathy, "We can only move forward right? We will free your parents, I promise. Now, i'll go get Alex and Cory so we can go."

What kind of promise did I just make! Hazel thought with distress as she walked back into the cabin.

She wished she could know for certain if that promise would hold, but she couldn't say for sure. That is a big promise, one she shouldn't have made without more thought.

"Let's go!" hazel called to Alex and Cory and shut the door.

Cory and Alex ran out and met up with Hazel and Jacob.

"This camp will hopefully have some recruits," Jacob said as they started walking.

"How do you know about it?" Hazel asked after five tense moments of silence.

"My father said it would happen on the other Earth they conquered," Jacob responded.

Cory inhaled as he was about to speak and Hazel elbowed him in the ribs. She shot him and glance and he nodded. We don't need to start this discussion again.

They trekked on for an hour through the woods, across brooks and streams. Alone. They saw no other people. The only living thing they saw was a deer that had quickly trotted away.

"Freeze!" Someone shouted and five people, fully armed, jumped out form the trees.

Hazel screamed and almost fell backwards but Jacob caught her. Cory and Jacob ad their arms up in surrender.

"We are from this Earth,"Jacob said slowly.

"Prove it, who was the first president of the United States?" One of them asked.

Hazel thought that was a weird question but then considered it could have been different elsewhere.

"George Washington," Jacob responded and they dropped their guns.

"Sorry, new protocol, welcome to our hide out," The one who seemed to be the leader said as they walked into the camp.

People turned and stared at them and Hazel felt her heart race. Other people. Their faces tired and dirty. Their eyes dull. Their hair matted and messy.

The man lead them to a camouflage tent and Hazel ducked in. Another man turned to see them.

"Who are they?" He asked.

"found them in the woods, they are from here sir, they are not them," The soldier replied.

We found you actually.

"Them. That word just doesn't fit. For they have captured many more Earths. I think a more fitting name would be the-"

"Conquerors," Jacob finished, "That is correct.

The man stood up, "How'd you know?"

"I overheard two soldiers talking," Jacob lied with discomfort and Hazel knew he wouldn't want to share his past with people who want his kind dead.

"Well, what do you want. You must be here for one of two reasons. Either to join or you need something else," The leader said and stepped forward.

"Yes, we need some recruits," Jacob answered.

"What're your names,": He asked and chuckled with what seemed to be disbelief, "You kids are real funny."

"I'm Hazel. That one is Jacob, that is Cory, and that is my brother Alex," Hazel jumped in and pointed to each of their team.

He nodded, "Very well. Where you going?"

"Their base, we are ending this," Cory responded.

He laughed, "That's a suicide mission, but shoot yourself, or let them shoot you actually. I won't stop you. Solider, go get the three from unit thirteen,"

The man who had lead them in nodded and walked out.

"Kids these days," The leader said to himself and laughed a bit, "I'm Sergeant Wells, used to be in the military, I created this place, I run it."

"We understand, but I think you'd be happy to get some people off your hands," Alex interjected.

Wells tilted his head to the side, "Hmm, I guess. It is a lot of work, plus, food will be easier. Plus, thirteen is perfect for your little mission. They are almost guaranteed to be dead anyways, why not rush it a bit."

Hazel decided she hated this guy and she was pretty sure the others did too. He was selfish but not selfish enough since he did start this. But it mainly gave him protection and service and to feel in charge of a world falling under his feet.

He's unstable, only feels comfortable when he is in power, which now is impossible. He likes to feel powerful, I can't keep my guard down, Hazel examined him and thought.

"Hey! Watch it!" A girl said rudely abut only one person was in view.

"You wanted to see us sir," A tall boy with dark brown hair and eyes asked.

"Yes, carter," Wells said.

"Kaden, sir," The boy responded, a bit irritated.

"Whatever. Your unit is to be sent with these people on their trip," Wells snorted.

"Only if they want to," Jacob added.

"They want to, believe me," Wells said quickly and ushered them out, "You can leave now, no escort needed."

Hazel tried not to fall as she was shoved out and she gave a scornful look at his tent. She turned back to the new recruits.

"Is he always like that?" Cory snorted.

"Pretty sure he is," Jacob responded with humor.

"Hi, sorry about that. He is always like that," The boy apologized.

"Told you," Cory whispered to Jacob and Hazel elbowed him to shut him up.

"I'm kaden Johnson but you can call me Kade," Kade greeted, "The rest of my unit is over here."

He lead them to the side of the tent and Hazel wanted to die at the sight of one of the people. It was Rebecca Ashley. She had gone to Hazel's school and was that annoying girl who thought she was popular and cool and had like four actual friends. She was obnoxious. She had long blond hair and devilish black eyes.

I'd rather be locked in a room alone with Cory for a week than travel with her, she thought with dismay.

"Cory! Oh it is so good to see you!" Rebecca squealed and Cory looked at Hazel with concern.

"Rebecca, what are you doing here?" Cory asked as she stepped forward, he tried to show no disgust it seemed.

"Those horrid people or whatever destroyed my mansion! Ugh! It was horrible! I have not seen a hairbrush for days!" She said as though she would die and Hazel rolled her eyes.

"Ew, it's you," Rebecca noticed Hazel.

"I thought the same thing when I saw you but I kept my mouth shut," Hazel muttered to herself and stepped back closer to Jacob.

"You two know each other?" Jacob asked.

"Unfortunately yes," Hazel responded bitterly.

"Unfortunately is right, who are you though?" Rebecca said and blinked her eyes at Jacob with a smile.

Jacob gave a panicked glance to Hazel.

Ha! Now you know a bit of my pain!

"Ok then, well, you've met Rebecca. Finally, this is Sophia Lane," Kade brought the girl forward.

She had light brown hair and dark brown eyes. She looked to be about in eighth grade.

"Hi," She said and waved.

"I'm Hazel Brooks, and that is my brother, Alex," Hazel said and pointed to Alex.

"I'm Cory Welch," Cory said.

"And I'm Jacob Henderson," Jacob finished.

"So, what's the plan?" Kade asked.

"We're going to the Conqueror's base to end this," Jacob said, "We should leave now, we have no time to waste."

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