I Am Us

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I am the hands that made this country great,
that built these roads across our land,
and spanned our lakes and seas.

I am the hands that keep this country strong,
that feed and nourish,
heal and nurture,
that guide us through the forest dark
toward sunlight's warmth and calm.

I am the country's shoulders
that bear our brother's weight,
that keep our heads above the flood
devoid of greed and hate.

I am this country's legs and feet
that move us ever forward,
that carry us through times of doubt
down roads till now untaken,
till once again,
this sleeping king,
now healed, will soon awaken.

I am this country's guardian,
its soul,
its fist,
its saber.
I'll see it through
till skies are blue,
I am this great land's labor.

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