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Rita POV:

After Maggie placed Luan in the car, I immediately started to go back to the others with anger clearly showing on my face. When I got close enough...all of the girls froze while Lynn was confused about why I was angry.

"Girls....Mall time is over." I said.

"But we haven't...." Leni started, but stopped once I glared at her.

"Girls...Get towards the car..NOW." I said. All of the girls ran towards the car with their purchased items..leaving me with Lynn.

"What happened Rita?" Lynn asked.

"Luan's friend...Maggie found Luan in the mall bathroom with wet hair holding her stomach. And she told me that Luna was the one who did it....and before that Lori said something to Luan which caused her to cry. Lynn...We need to talk to the girls because if this continues then there is no telling what Luan will do to herself." I said

"What?! The girls did that." Lynn said.

"Yes." I said.

When Lynn and I entered the car...the girls were all silent and were trying not to look at my eyes. The sight did little to lighten my mood...not after hearing how my daughter's a treating Luan. Luan who was still unconscious and had suffered for far too long at the hands of my other daughters. Something that I was too blind to see....considering the fact that the house was being  rebuilt and Lynn and I were worrying about Lincoln. 

When we arrived, all of the girls sans Luan quickly went inside the motel room while Lynn carefully lifted my daughters body and placed her on her bed.

"Girls...Do you know why I cut our mall trip short?" I asked.

"No. But does it have something to do with that faker laying on the bed." Lola said.

"Luan isn't pretending to be unconscious Lola. In fact...it seems like your father and I have failed to notice the terrible treatment that all of you are giving Luan." I said.

"But she..." Luna started, but stopped before she said something that she'll regret.

"She what? Luan feels terrible for what she's done to you, the house and most importantly to Lincoln, but do you girls see that....No!! Instead you bully her for it. But that ends now." I said.

"But she deserves it. She is a stain on the earth and everything would be better if she dies." Lori said.

"LORI MARIE LOUD!!! How dare you say that? Luan made a mistake...a huge mistake, but that doesn't mean that we want her gone." I shouted.

"In fact....We have a witness that says that you said something to Luan which made her cry. Did you say...that everything would be better if Luan killed herself to her face?" Lynn asked.

"No." Lori admitted quickly.

"Lori..tell the truth or we'll take away your phone for 6 months." I said.

"Fine. I did...and I'll gladly do it again." Lori said.

"Well guess what young lady...you are grounded. The same could also be said to Luna as well." Lynn said.

"What? Why am I getting grounded?" Luna asked.

"Because the same witness saw you walk out of the bathroom with a satisfied smirk on your face   before they discovered Luan laying near a bathroom stall toilet clinching her stomach while having her hair and face wet with toilet water." I said.

"So we're getting punished for getting Lincoln justice?" Luna asked.

"Justice? Would Lincoln really like you guys to treat Luan this way? No...Lincoln would be disgusted by your behavior. I thought that going to the mall would help calm you guys down, but it seems that it revealed how disgusting my children could be." I shouted.

"Give us all your stuff girls...We're returning all of it." Lynn said.

"But Dad..." The girls said.

"I said give us all of it. You girls don't deserve this stuff. Not after all that you've done to Luan." Lynn said.

"Lori...You are no longer allowed to keep your cell phone and will give it to us. It will only be returned when we feel that you've learned your lesson. You also won't be permitted to watch TV and computer use will be for school work only. Same can be said for you Luna...only that your music supplies will be taken away and placed in the basement." I said.

"I hope that this changes your attitude towards Luan because if it doesn't then we have no choice, but to report all of you to the authorities." Lynn said.

As Lynn took everything back to the mall, I looked at my daughters and shook my head. They should've known better than to treat Luan like a pariah, but it seems like my husband and I have more work cut out for us.

At the time, I had no idea how the bullying would escalate and how disgusted Lincoln would be when he woke up. 

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋 

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