Mall Part 3

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*Has a reference to Bakugo's infamous line in My Hero Academia...Episode One.

Normal POV:

After the parents finally managed to get inside the mall, Luan's sisters tried to keep their eyes on them while avoiding eye contact with Luan. Something that Rita noticed immediately which made her frown and started to plan to talk to them later....Not like it will do any good since her daughters were too stubborn and headstrong to apologize for treating her like a pariah. That and the girls were worried about their only brother...who was still in the coma.

"Girls..You can go to your stores...and we will meet back at the food court at 11:50." Rita said.

"And Luan.." Lynn Sr. Said before Luan interrupted.

"I'm going to hang out here." Luan said.

"But.." Lynn Sr. Said.

"Just let her do it Dad." Lynn Jr. said.

"Yeah besides this is cutting into my shopping time." Lola complained. As the group left...One of the sisters stayed behind for a bit before she walked over to Luan.

Luan POV:

As my family left me alone, I heard some footsteps come over prompting me to look up...only for my blood to was Lori. 

"How's your little pity party going Luan?" Lori said.

"Just leave me alone Lori. I already know that I messed up." I said.

"Messed up. You didn't just mess up Luan....You destroyed our family by your terrible pranks that has caused us more grief than laughs over the years especially when you had Dad purchase a hotel only to use it to terrorize all of us." Lori said.

"I'm sorry..." I started, but stopped once Lori placed her hand on the front of my shirt and lifted me up so she could see her eyes.

"Sorry. You don't get to be sorry. You're a worthless screw up. And that's putting things lightly. I hate you. I hate you so much that if you died in front of me..I wouldn't even drop a tear." Lori said. As Lori said that..I felt my heart breaking into pieces. My family wouldn't even miss me if I was killed right in front of them...Why? I know that I messed up...But did my prank warrant the treatment my (former) sisters were treating me.

"You surely don't mean that....Do you?" I said. Lori's response was to throw me back to the bench causing me to hit my back and my head.

"Of course I do. So why don't you do everyone a favor and just kill yourself or just disappear? That way...our lives will be so much better than we ever had with you." Lori said before she walked off...not even turning around to notice my tears. 

My family hates me. And my sister just told me to kill myself or disappear. I felt my heartbreaking and an unknown feeling started to creep into the surface. I didn't know the dark path that this feeling was leading me on, but at the was a comfort to the horrible treatment that my sisters were giving me.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋 

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