News Travels Fast Part 1

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Bobby POV:

It's been a couple of hours since Lori called me and I was worried about her. She always made sure that we talked on the phone almost every hour so something must have happened.

"Bobby...What are you doing?" Nie Nie Asked. 

"Waiting for Lori to call me. She hasn't called for a while and I'm worried especially since it's April Fool's Day." I stated.

"Okay..Enjoy waiting for your babe. I'm going to call Lincoln and see how he's doing. See you later." Nie Nie Said.

As time went on, my worry only grew until Lori finally called me back. Which I was glad for until she dropped some news that hit me hard and devastate my sister.


Lori..Are you alright? You never called me back for over 5 hours.

I'm sorry for not calling, but I had some more pressing matters to attend to. For one..A quarter of my house burned down.

Oh..My gosh Babe...Are you alright?

Yes..However the same can't be said about Lincoln.

Little bro? What happened to him? Is he okay?

Bobby...Lincoln is in the hospital with a broken arm, concussion and a spinal cord injury.

Spinal cord injury..But that means...No..Tell me that it's not true.

Bobby..he can't walk ever again, but that's not the worst news.

What could be worse then having Little bro lose his ablity to walk?

He's in a coma. They don't know when he'll wake up.

How..How did this happen?

You know my sister who likes to pull pranks?

The one who terrorizes your family on April's Fools Day.

Yeah..She put on a clown mask and held Lincoln at gun point. When he finally made a run for it..Luan shot a bullet at him which missed him, but hit the stove which exploded. The end result was Lincoln pinned by a bunch of debris. 

Was she punished for what she did?

Yeah...She's grounded harshly. I just wish that she never pulled that prank that way..Lincoln would still be normal and still be able to walk. Sniff..I just want my little brother back.

Babe..Don't worry. I'll try to be there for you as soon as I can so I can hold you and tell you that everything will be okay. We'll be reunited soon, just hold on for a little bit longer.

Okay Bobby. I'll talk to you later. Right now..We have to be situated into this motel that we're staying in for the time being.

See you soon Babe.

I hung up the phone and sigh..This will be one difficult conversation with Nie Nie. As I slowly walk out of my room..I slowly started to make my way to Nie Nie's room. I knew that this may destroy her, but this needed to be done. 

"Nie-Nie..May I talk to you?" I Asked.

"Oh sure Bobby. I was just waiting for Lame-O to call me back." Nie-Nie Said.

"Well..I just got off the phone with Lori and she shared some news with me." I stated.

"I'm sorry to say this Bobby, but Lori talking about your anniversary or driving up here for a visit isn't news." Nie-Nie Said.

"Actually...It's about Lincoln. You see...Luan pulled a prank on him and..." I started, but Nie-Nie stopped me.

"Let me guess...She went overboard and caused Lincoln some pain and misery."Nie Nie Said.

"That's part of it. You see Luan pulled a prank that destroyed a quarter of their house. However it also pinned Lincoln underneath some debris which caused him to be in the hospital." I Said.

"What?" Nie Nie Shouted.

"But don't worry..Lincoln is ok-ish." I Said.

"Why did you add the ish to ok? Usually when you do that it means that he's not okay." Nie Nie Said.

"Okay..You got me. Lincoln is in the hospital with a broken arm, spinal cord and concussion. However the doctor stated that he will never walk again due to the spinal cord damage." I Said.

"Then why are we still here..We have to go see him." Nie Nie Said.

"Wait...You didn't let me finish. Lincoln is also in a coma. Now we will see him, but first we have to get Mom's permission to go." I Said.

Nie Nie didn't say anything and just hugged me which surprised me a bit. She wasn't known to be affectionate so this was rare. As I whispered sweet things...I thought about little bro and hoped that he'll make a full recovery.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋 

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