Prank Gone Wrong

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Inspiration comes from Luan Goes Too Far by OXYD,  It was Just A Prank by GwoppyTrai and Ownership by dce1002.

Lincoln POV:

When I opened my eyes, I quietly started to raise out of bed while trying to focus on the calendar. You is April 1st. Normally one would find joy with the holiday, but in this's a day of endless sorrow and pain. You sister Luan loves pranks and has great joy in making us suffer today which is why I'm going to hide out in my room until the coast is clear. I mean...What's the worst thing that could happen to me if I'm not in the Bunker with the others.

After a while, I slowly went downstairs only to come face to face with Luan wearing a Joker mask with a gun. 

"Luan...Where did you get that?" I Asked while putting my heads up. I wasn't sure if Luan had a fake gun or a real gun, but I was still scared for my life. 

"Who cares Lincoln...What matters is that I have a Shooting for a good time." Luan Said. I slowly started to run towards the kitchen when Luan shot the gun which hit the oven. The same oven that exploded which ended with me being pinned by some debris. I was in so much pain and tried to get Luan to help me, but she seemed frozen in terror.

Lori POV:

When I felt something explode my blood ran cold. I slowly looked around and saw looks of horror come to our faces. So I did the most rationally thing that I could do...I bolted to the bunker door and swung it open only to come face to face with parts of the house on fire.

I quickly screamed then called 911 for help since I knew that Lincoln and Luan were still in the house. The fire trucks came quickly and the ambulances followed behind them minutes afterwards.

"We've found a survivor. Another person is still alive in the house, but they're pinned by some heavy debris." A firefighter yelled. The family quickly ran to the front of the house to find Luan on the sidewalk obviously shaken.

"What happened Luan?" I Asked. She just stared at me with huge unblinking eyes and quickly was just a prank. 

"Where's Lincoln? Where's my baby boy?" Mom yelled.

"I'm sorry Ma'am, but your son is trapped underneath some heavy debris. But don't worry..He'll he out before you know it." Another fire fighter said.

After a while, the fire fighters came out with Lincoln who was completely unconscious with various injuries. I started to cry seeing Lincoln like that. He was a pest most of the time, but I still care about him. 

"Lori...Your mother and I are going to the hospital with your brother. You need to take your sisters in Vanzilla and follow behind the hospital." Dad stated. I quickly nodded and gathered everyone in Vanzilla before the ambulance drives off.

As I started to drive to the hospital, the only thought on my mind is Lincoln. Please be safe Lincoln.....

I don't know how this family will survive without you.

Author POV:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋 

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