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Narrator POV:

When the Louds arrived back at the motel, Rita carefully picked up her daughter and placed her in bed. But before she left the room...she made sure to block the window and started to think of other ways to keep an eye on her daughter however...she had a meeting with the police about what to do with Luan. Sighing...she quickly called all of the girls into their temporary dining/living room.

"'re in charge of everyone. Your father and I need to go to a meeting." Rita said.

"What kind of meeting?" Lori asked.

"Sigh...on what to do with Luan." Rita said making her daughters gasp.

"But she didn't..." Leni said before Rita cut her off.

"Leni...she damaged our property and used an illegal firearm to injury and almost kill Lincoln. I know that it's upsetting, but we can't let Luan go unpunished for what she's done. Besides this isn't the first time that we have to deal with Luan's actions." Rita said.

"Not the first time?" Luna said.

"Unfortunately Luan has a terrible reputation with the police department. Given her previous pranks that she did to the town." Rita said.

"But it'll be okay? Right Mom..." Lori said.

"I don't know. But I promise that when the meetings over...I'll tell you what Luan has to deal with in the future." Rita said as she exited the motel room and went to Vanzilla leaving her nine worried daughters behind.

"This blows." Luna said.

"I know it does. But the police can't keep being lenient with Luan forever. I mean...what if she kills someone with one of her pranks or injures them severely like Lincoln." Lynn said.

"But the situation will only increase Luan's depression. And without anyone having her back...she could easily..." Lisa said before she cut herself off so no one, but Leni, Luna, Lynn and Lori knew what she wanted to say next.

"Easily do what?" Lana asked.

"I'll tell you when you're older. For now...I need to check on Luan." Lori said as she got up and went to check on Luan. When she arrived at her room...Lori noticed that Luan was sitting up on the bed looking at the wall blankly.

"Luan? Are you okay?" Lori asked. 

"No." Luan replied.

"Sigh...Luan, you can't keep doing this to yourself. We all care about you and no one would be happy to see you gone..not even Lincoln." Lori said.

"But why? I destroyed a part of the house, sent our brother to the hospital and tortured you guys with destructive pranks that could've killed you all." Luan said.

"While all of that is're still our sister and we could never hate you." Lori said.

" mean it." Luan said.

"Yes. Now I'm going to get some food for you and we can spend the time watching some Dream Boat." Lori said before she left making Luan smile. She hoped that her sister's words were true and that no one would hate her. Unaware that her troubles were far from over meanwhile..Clyde McBride was walking towards his best friend's house. He was worried especially since he hasn't heard anything from him for a couple of days. 

"Calm down Clyde...Everything is fine." Clyde said to himself before he looked at the house in horror. 

"What happened here?" Clyde asked.

"You there...step away from the scene please. This house is unstable." A voice said. Clyde turned around to see a man wearing a suit with a clipboard in his hands. 

"Sorry about that...I was just trying to see my best friend." Clyde said.

"You mean the white haired boy who lives here?" The man said before Clyde nodded.

"Unfortunately...Your friend was sent to the hospital. The poor boy was in such a serious condition that everyone in the family looked devastated." The man said. When Clyde heard that...he knew that he only had one person to blame for this predicament...Luan. Unaware that his hatred would soon lead to a series of events that will make or break Luan.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋

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