3DS in Zelda Breath of the Wild

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The Kingdom of Hyrule had been destroyed. A dark spirit known as Calamity Ganon had taken over everything. But a ray of light shone through the darkness. The prophesied hero, Link, had awoken after his hundred-year slumber. There was only one problem; he had lost all his memories. With the help of others around the world who remembered him, he had regained some of them. But he was not ready to face Ganon yet. He would be soon, but not now. The sun had just dawned on the ruins of Hyrule, and he was riding his horse through a forest. Things had been peaceful for a while. No moblins, Guardians, or lizalfos had bothered him for some time. He felt safe enough to get off his horse and rest a while. He stopped next to a lake and unmounted the horse, patting it on the side of its neck as he did so. He knelt down next to the lake to take a drink. The water was refreshing to say the least. Suddenly, something broke Link out of his trance. A loud splash in the water nearly a meter in front of him. Link immediately jumped back and drew his sword and shield, just in case it was an enemy. His stance softened when he saw a girl with red hair poke herself out of the water and gasp for air.
"A girl?" Link asked himself, putting away his sword. "What's she doing here? And where'd she come from?"
The girl began coughing and managed to stand up in the waist-deep water. She waded over to shore, close to where Link was standing. She glanced in his direction as she approached the shore. There was a small cliff over the edge of the lake that she would need to climb over.
"Hey, bud, you mind giving me a hand here?" She asked.
"Oh. Sure." Link agreed, holding out a hand. He dragged her onto the surface, where she removed her headband and began shaking out her wet hair to dry it.
"Thanks." She said. "Now, mind telling me where I am?"
"You're in Hyrule, miss." Link explained. "My name is Link."
"I'm 3DS." The girl said, sticking out her hand. The two shook hands, though Link was confused by her odd name, among other things.
"So... why did you just land in the lake like that?" He asked.
"I dunno. One minute I'm walking around with my girlfriend, the next I'm falling through a purple wormhole and I end up here." 3DS shrugged.
"I see..." Link nodded. "I still don't understand."
"Yeah, me either." 3DS sighed. She sat down on the grass with her hands planted behind her. Link sat next to her.
"You seem very calm for someone who just randomly teleported to another world." He said.
"Eh, it's no big deal. I'm sure I can find a way back somehow." 3DS said. "You know any portals or anything I can use?"
"No, unfortunately." Link said. He thought for a while, trying to remember if he had come across a portal in his travels, until 3DS suddenly stood up.
"What... is... that!?" She yelped. Link looked up, only to see a Guardian barreling towards him. Guardians were massive octopus-like machines that acted like sentinels for Ganon. They moved extremely fast, and were able to shoot lasers that could kill on contact. It produced a loud beeping, letting Link know that not only did it have a lock on them, but it was also charging its laser.
"We need to leave, now!" Link said. He grabbed 3DS by the wrist and dragged her over to his horse. They both got on, but the Guardian fired its laser right next to them, missing them by an inch.
"Oh my god!" 3DS shouted.
"Hold on!" Link warned. He yanked the reigns on the horse, and they sped off into the forest. The Guardian was not far behind, and fired another laser that passed right over their heads.
"What the hell is that thing?" 3DS asked again.
"It's a Guardian. They used to serve Hyrule, until Ganon took them all over." Link explained.
"And what's Ganon?" 3DS asked.
"It's an evil force that took over the kingdom 100 years ago." Link said. "It's my duty to defeat it."
It was a lot for 3DS to process, especially with a giant robot shooting lasers at her. Eventually, Link pulled his horde up to a cliff. There was a massive drop off. There was no way they would survive if they jumped off on their own. Luckily, Link had his parasail. He got off the horse and quickly helped 3DS before sending the horse off away from the guardian's path.
"What are we gonna do?" 3DS frantically asked.
"Grab onto me." Link said. 3DS did so, and Link pulled out his parasail. Just as the guardian came out of the trees, they began sailing away from the cliff. Since the parasail was only supposed to carry one person, having two people made it fall a bit faster. 3DS clung tighter onto Link and closed her eyes. She wasn't too fond of heights. Eventually, they landed. Link looked up at the cliff, only to see that the guardian was walking away, completely uninterested in them. He sighed in relief.
"It's gone." Link said.
"Good." 3DS said, as she panted heavily with her hands on her knees. Link thought for a moment as they both caught their breath. Eventually, he raised his eyebrows.
"I think I know someone who can get you back home." He said.
"Oh yeah?" 3DS asked.
"Yes, but... he's kind of a tree." Link continued.

After getting one of Link's other horses out of a stable, he and 3DS took off. 3DS was still confused as to what Link was talking about earlier.
"So... you think a tree is going to be able to send me home?" She asked.
"Yep. If anyone knows about time travel, it would be the Great Deku Tree." Link said. "It's gonna be a while until we get there. I just hope we don't run into any more Guardians."
3DS shuddered. She really hoped she wouldn't have to see one of those things again. Suddenly, the horse stopped. 3DS looked up.
"Why are we stopping?" She asked.
"Moblins." Link growled. 3DS cocked her head and raised an eyebrow.
"What's a moblin?" She asked.
"Those things." Link said. He pointed towards the three red pig-like creatures running towards them. They were holding clubs and swords, and made horrible disgusting squeals as they approached. Link got off the horse.
"Do you know how to fight?" He asked.
"Yeah..." 3DS said. Link handed her a sword.
"I'll need some help fighting these things." He said. 3DS took the sword and smirked as she got of the horse.
"Let's do it." She said. The two rushed at the moblins and defeated them easily. They dissolved into purple smoke, and 3DS wiped her brow.
"Those things were easy." She said.
"Yeah. The red ones are easy." Link said. "The black and white ones are who you should look out for."
"What about the really tall ones?" 3DS asked. Link turned back around, only to see a giant towering pig creature lumbering towards them.
"That's a bokoblin." Link explained. "They're not as easy."
"Then let's go!" 3DS said. The two ran towards the bokoblin. They nearly took it out, until the bokoblin swung its massive club, smacking 3DS into a tree. She keeled over in pain while Link finished off the creature. He ran over to 3DS.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
"Yeah... I think..." 3DS panted.
Link reached into his bag and pulled out a cooked apple. He held it out to 3DS.
"Here, eat this. It'll make you feel better." He said. 3DS munched on the apple, and immediately felt better.
"Wow. Thanks." She said.
It was then they realized how late it was. The moon was in the sky, and the clouds were making the sky a deep blue.
"It's late now. There's a town nearby we can rest at." Link said. "We'll head out for the Deku Tree tomorrow."
3DS nodded, and the two headed off for the town. Finally, they got there and sat down next to a fire pit. Link pulled out a strange rectangular device, and 3DS raised an eyebrow.
"What's that?" She asked.
"It's my Shiekah Slate." Link replied. "It has a map, camera, and it can do a bunch of magic stuff."
"Oh, we have those in my world too." 3DS said. "We call them tablets though."
Link nodded. He put the slate away.
"I just marked where the Great Deku Tree is. It'll be easier to get to him now." He said.
3DS nodded and yawned. The two rested near the pit until morning.

Finally, the two left the town when the sun appeared in the sky. They were near the Deku Tree, but the sun was beating down.
"You packed water, right?" 3DS asked.
"I knew I forgot something." Link muttered. "Sorry, I guess we can find some water at the next town."
"Let's ask that guy." 3DS said, pointing at a figure on the side of the road. Link stopped in front of him and 3DS got off.
"Hello there, travellers." The person greeted.
"Hey. You wouldn't happen to have any water, would you?" 3DS asked.
"I do." The person said, pulling out a flask of water. They handed it to 3DS, who accepted it gratefully. She was about to drink it, but suddenly an arrow peirced the flask, knocking it out of 3DS' hand and pinning it to a nearby tree. The arrow came from Link, who had his bow drawn.
"Link? What the hell was that?" 3DS asked.
Suddenly, in a puff of smoke, the person who had handed her the water transformed into a ninja like figure, wearing red and a white mask with an eye symbol.
"He's a foot soldier for the Yiga clan." Link explained, drawing another arrow. "That water was probably poisoned."
The ninja attacked 3DS with a sickle weapon, but she dodged out of the way. She got into a fighting stance, but the ninja's attention turned to Link when he fired an arrow at him. 3DS took the opportunity to kick the ninja in the side of the head, knocking him out. Link put his bow away and walked over to the ninja.
"These guys show up everywhere." He said. "They all want to kill me for some reason."
He knelt down and reached into the bag on the ninja's back. He pulled out another flask of water, as well as a bunch of bananas.
"What's with the bananas?" 3DS asked,
"I dunno." Link shrugged. "They all carry bananas. They're pretty good though."
He put the bananas in his bag, and handed 3DS the water. The two jumped back on the horse, and they sped off towards the forest.

They were now in the lost forest. It was a bright sunny day when they arrived, but now it was dark and gloomy. Link explained this was because of a spell put over the area to dissuade travellers. 3DS didn't like the forest. The trees were all gnarled and mangled into strange forms and shapes. Link held a torch that produced bright particles floating off into the distance. Link seemed to be following the particles. Finally, they reached their destination. A pedestal holding a sword sat in the middle of the forest. Tiny plant-like creatures ran around in the grass near it. One of them came up to them. 3DS pulled her foot away, but Link chuckled.
"It's fine. They're called Koroks. They're harmless." He said. He stopped the horse, and the two got off. More Koroks surrounded them, talking amongst themselves in a squeaky language. 
"So... where's your friend?" 3DS asked.
She got her answer when a loud bellowing yawn rang through the air. She looked up to see the massive tree above them had a face. And it was moving. It seemed pleased by Link's presence.
"Ah, welcome back, hero." The tree said. "Have you come to attempt to pull the Master Sword again?"
"I'm not strong enough for that yet." Link said, shaking his head. "I'm here for to help someone else."
"I see. And who might this be?" The tree asked. Its eyes shifted towards 3DS. She was frozen in shock.
"Uh... h-hi, giant... talking tree. I... um.. m-my name is 3DS." She stammered. The tree chuckled.
"There's no need to be afraid, my child." He said. "I already know your plight. I can help you get back to your own world."
"Oh, good." 3DS said. "So, how do we do this? Do you open a portal or something?"
"No. I cannot help you myself." The tree explained. "However, I do know how to help you." He shifted towards Link. "My boy, do you know where the dragons are?"
"Yes, I've seen them a few times." Link nodded. He was beginning to understand. "So one of the dragons will be able to get 3DS back to her world?"
"Indeed." The tree said. "The dragons use portals between dimensions to travel. If 3DS were to cling onto a dragon as it goes through one of these portals, you will be transported to your world."
"Wait... dragon?" 3DS asked. "Like a real dragon?"
"Yes, a real dragon." Link nodded. "They're pretty huge, and they can fly too. They're pretty much harmless."
"Are you sure we're not looking for one of those cute maid dragons?" 3DS asked. Link had no idea what she was talking about.
"Anyway, it shouldn't be too hard to find one of them. In fact, I think I know where one of them is." He said. He pulled out his Sheikah slate and showed 3DS the map. He pointed to an area on the other side of the map.
"There should be one right here." He said.
"How're we gonna get all the way over there?" 3DS asked. Link suddenly grabbed 3DS and pulled her towards him, and pressed a button on the Sheikah slate. They were instantly truened into a blue light and flew into the sky.

When Link and 3DS reformed, they were in the middle of the desert. More accurately, they were on a massive tower. 3DS looked around, wondering how they got there so fast, while Link looked through the camera on his slate.
"How did we..." 3DS began. "How... when did... we just teleported."
"Yeah, the slate can do that." Link explained. "Only to certain areas, though, like this tower... Wait, look."
Link pointed downward, where a massive serpent-like creature was flying around. 3DS' eyes widened.
"Whoa. Yep, that's a dragon." She said.
"Okay, so here's the plan." Link said. "We're gonna glide down onto his back, and then he'll take you home."
"Sounds good." 3DS nodded. She was still extremely nervous about landing on a dragon's back. She grabbed onto Link's back, and he pulled out his parasail. He jumped off the tower and began gliding towards the dragon. Within minutes, they landed on his back. It was hard to grab on, but eventually they did. One of the dragon's scales broke off in Link's hand, but the dragon didn't seem to notice.
"Oh man, I wonder how much I can sell this for." Link asked himself. He put the scale in his bag. He looked over at 3DS who was holding onto the back of the dragon for dear life.
"I guess this is goodbye, 3DS." He said.
"Yeah, g-guess so." 3DS said, shivering from nervousness. "Thank's for helping me out, Link."
"Anytime. I hope you get back to your world safely." Link said. And with that, he hopped off the dragon's back and parasailed back to the ground. Meanwhile, 3DS continued holding onto the dragon, until she saw a small purple light in the distance. As they approached, the purple light became a portal.
"This is it!" 3DS told herself as they approached the portal. She closed her eyes as she entered the portal. She felt weightless for a moment. She couldn't even feel the dragon underneath her. When she opened her eyes, she was at home, in bed. PSVita, Wii U, and her sisters were surrounding her.
"Oh... h-hey, guys." She said.
"Thank goodness you're awake!" PSVita sighed. "You passed out while we were walking. I brought you to your dorm."
"We were afraid you weren't gonna wake up." Wii U said. "How do you feel?"
"Fine..." 3DS said. She looked down, only to see she was in her bed. She placed a hand to her head. It was all a dream. Link, the tree, the dragon, they weren't real. 3DS raised an eyebrow.
"I wonder why you passed out." DS said
"It was probably the heat." DSi guessed. 3DS chuckled.
"Yeah, that was probably it." She said. "Anyway. I had the craziest dream..."

The End...

(Author's Note: I'm planning on writing a few other shorts like these, where Console Wars characters appear in videogames from the company their faction was based on. PSVita in Little Big Planet, XBox One in Halo, etc. If you have any game you'd like to see, please tell me!)

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