Chapter XVI

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Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Gryffindor Common Room

November 11th

11:49 pm

Percy laid screaming, his hands pressed against his ears. His eyes were screwed shut and his whole body was thrashing. Dust rained down from the ceiling and the ground began to shake. Harry stumbled back, falling flat on his ass.

"What's happening?" Ron yelled.

"I think it's an earthquake!" Hermione yelled back over the noise.

Harry's eyes stayed glued on the convulsing body of Percy. Annabeth rushed forward, pushing through the crowd of students. She fell on her knees next to Percy.

"Someone shut the egg!" She yelled, her gaze moving over to Harry. Harry would do everything in the world to make sure that she never glared at him like that again. He closed the egg and the terrible screeching ceased. The earthquake quieted.

Nico stumbled forward, a little unsure on his feet. He looked around him, her dark eyes sweeping across the room. He landed on Harry and scowled before kneeling next to Annabeth.

Percy had stopped screaming, but he was still convulsing and his eyes were still shut. His tears were highlighted by the firelight. Nico pressed his hand against Percy's forehead, and thankfully Percy stopped moving. His chest still rose and fell, but he was no longer struggling. The earthquake dissipated.

"What the fuck just happened," Seamus mumbled from his place on the armchair. Dean was pressed against him, snoring in the nook between Seamus's neck and shoulder.

"Someone get someone who can help Percy!" Annabeth instructed. She was still kneeling at Percy's side and didn't look like she was going to move anytime soon. Ginny, who was closest to the portrait hole, nodded and rushed out. Harry guessed that most of the professors would be awake anyway due to the large earthquake that just erupted.

Harry stepped forward, the tips of his shoes pressing against Percy's trousers. He just then noticed the trickle of blood flowing from his ears and nose. Annabeth looked up, "You never open that thing around Percy again," she nodded towards the golden egg that Harry still had wrapped up in his arms. "You understand?"

Harry nodded and her shoulders slumped. He turned around, looking around at the sea of students. "Alright!" he shouted. "Party's over.!"

Many grumbled, but no one outright complained about Harry shutting down the party, especially due to the fact that a guest of Hogwarts was currently passed out on the ground.

McGonagall appeared at the portrait hole. Her normally tightly knotted hair was loose, falling to her shoulders. Ginny climbed in behind her.

"Is everyone alright?" McGonagall asked. Her gaze went to Percy, who has not stirred. Her eyes went wide and her cheeks went pale. "Oh god," she whispered.

"You were right to come to me," McGonagall told Ginny. With a flick of her wand, Percy floated off the ground. "Alright then, off to bed - all of you," she instructed Ron, Hermione, him, Ginny, and the two other Americans.

"I'm going with him," Annabeth said. She stood, her gaze hard and defiant. Harry didn't know if McGonagall thought that it was too bad of a condition to argue, or that it was simply too late and she was too tired. Whatever the reason, she sighed and nodded. Annabeth sighed in relief.

"I'm not going," Nico told Annabeth. "He wouldn't want me there." Annabeth looked at the younger boy with sad eyes before nodding, turning and following McGonagall out of the common room.

"Why wouldn't he want you there?" Harry asked. Nico looked over, his eyes flickering to the golden egg. "None of your business," he replied sharply, stalking up the stairs and into the dormitory.

"He's cheery," Ron snorted.

"What do you think caused this?" Harry asked. They shrugged.

"Whatever it was," Ginny said. "I hope he's alright. He seems like a nice guy."

Harry nodded. "Me too."


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Hospital Wing

November 12th

12:04 am

Annabeth sat in an uncomfortable chair on Percy's bedside. Madame Pomfrey had pulled it out when she refused to leave, grumbling all the way.

Madame Pomfrey dripped a type of potion in Percy's mouth, causing him to groan, his forehead becoming beaded with sweat. Annabeth frowned, grasping Percy's hand and holding it between her own. When Madame Pomfrey finally retired and the light in her office went out Annabeth grabbed the flask of nectar that Nico had slipped her when they were both kneeling next to Percy.

She looked around, using the moonlight to check that the wing was empty. She then opened Percy's mouth and poured some in, smiling in relief when she saw Percy's face gain some color.

Slowly, she fell asleep. Percy's hand was still clasped in her own with her head resting on the edge of the mattress.

It was only when Annabeth felt Percy's arm shaking from under her that she woke. She blinked awake, squinting her eyes due to the sunlight shining through the windows.

Annabeth watched as the blurry shadow in front of her turned into her boyfriend. He was smiling softly, looking much better than he did the previous night.

"Hey," he whispered. The sunlight had created a type of halo effect with his hair. Annabeth smiled. Last night, she had felt like something went in and squeezed her heart, seeing Percy collapse on the floor. That scream, she hasn't heard anything like that since Tartuaras, and she never wanted to hear anything like it ever again. But he was here, and he was fine.

"Hi," she whispered back. Something caught her eye and she felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes. Happy tears. "You still drool when you sleep."


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Gryffindor Common Room

November 12th

11:57 pm

Nico flopped onto his bed, making sure to close the curtains around him. He usually didn't care, but tonight, he just wanted to be alone.

His head was full of questions and theories about the egg and what it did to Percy, but it only made Nico's eyelids heavier and limbs harder to move.

He passed out as soon as he closed the curtains, his body flopping down and hitting the bed.

You do not belong here, young one. A voice whispered from the darkness. But you will soon. You will be brothers with those you find beneath you. The voice faded, and Hermione Granger appeared.

It seemed that Nico was watching from the shadows. Hermione looked over as if she could sense him, but then shook her head and continued walking up the steps.

Suddenly, he was in Dumbledore's office. Dumbledore and Hermione were talking, seemingly about something important. Dumbledore then dismissed Hermione and she left, closing the door shut behind her.

Nico didn't know if it was another day or time, but Dumbledore then walked over to a glimmering cabinet that stood across the room from him. He opened it up, revealing a type of bowl filled with water and shelves of various bottles all containing a clear liquid. Dumbledore grabbed one and read the label before pouring the liquid into the lapping water.

The old man leaned down, placing his face in the water. Nico was pulled forward to the bowl. He was only able to see the light shining up from the bowl before he was sucked in.

Nico appeared in an underground room of some sort. The bricks were black and shiny, the light cool and bright. It seemed it was the exact opposite of Hogwarts. Wizards and witches scuttled about him, none paying attention to the teenager in robes.

He caught sight of Dumbledore and ran to him. He was there for a reason, he just needed to find out what it was. Dumbledore looked around with tired eyes, not seeing Nico. Suddenly, a shout came from behind them. They turned, seeing what looked like a younger Dumbledore and another man racing through the hall.

Young Dumbledore was chasing the other man, not caring about the wizards he was shoving out of the way.

"Jacob!" Young Dumbledore called as he ran. Nico looked over to see that Dumbledore's eyes were wide. It was obvious to see that he had no recollection of the event. Nico furrowed his brow and looked back over.

Young Dumbledore had finally caught up with Jacob and grabbed his sleeve, pulling him in between two fireplaces.

Dumbledore and Nico moved closer.

"Albus, let me go!" Jacob struggled, trying to loosen Young Dumbledore's grip.

"Jacob," said Dumbledore hissed. "You are sick and need to go to St. Mungo's."

"I am not sick!" Jacob protested. "I need to go, go, go, go-" He kept repeating the word "go" until Young Dumbeldore shook him.

"What did you see?" he pressed. After a moment, his eyes mirrored Normal Dumbledore's. "What are you?"

Jacob clenched his jaw. "Stop using mind magic on me! I hate it when you do that!"

Mind magic. Nico thought to himself before realizing. Young Dumbledore was reading this guy's mind.

"What are you?" Young Dumbledore repeated. Jacob collapsed against the wall.

"I don't know," he cried. "I don't know."

Nico felt guilty for the man before him. He's been there, wondering what was wrong with him. But all he could do is observe.

Young Dumbledore sighed and released his grip on Jacob's clothes, knowing that he wouldn't run anymore. "What did you see in there?"

"It was so cold," Jacob sobbed. Young Dumbledore sighed and leaned down to Jacob's level.

"Jacob, what happened?" his voice went soft. Jacob looked up, his eyes red and leaking tears.

"To preserve or raze. Child reaches 16 against all odds," Jacob muttered. Nico felt his breath catch in his throat. He heard the Great Prophecy. Jacob was a demigod.

But Nico thought that the worlds were separate. So how did Jacob become a wizard?

"Is that a prophecy?" Young Dumbledore asked. "Are you a part of the prophecy?" Jacob furiously shook his head, his brown hair flopping from side to side.

"No, no, no." he cried. He muttered something under his breath. Nico wasn't able to make it out and, apparently, neither Young nor Normal Dumbledore was able to either.

"Did you hear anything else?" Jacob nodded. "Okay, what?"

Jacob looked up, his eyes boring into Nico's. He spoke as if in a trance. Neither Dumbledores seemed to notice what was happening, simply staring at Jacob. "When the wheels are unspun, three who have already won shall travel-"

Nico felt himself be pulled back, away from both Dumbledores, away from Jacob. He fought, trying to get back to the prophecy, to see what he was saying. Jacob's lips were moving, but no sound was emerging. As Nico was pulled away, the scene grew tinier and tinier before it disappeared completely.

Nico woke up.


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Gryffindor Common Room

November 12th

2:21 pm

Percy was chilling on one of the sofas by the fireplace. He had been discharged from the hospital with promises not to do anything strenuous. He was twirling one of the magical toys between his fingers, not noticing the stern witch walking up to where he was laying with his feet over the side of the couch until she spoke.

"Mr. Jackson," she said. Percy looked up. "Hm?"

"Professor Dumbledore wishes to speak to you and the other students," she informed. "Where is Ms. Chase and Mr. di Angelo?"

Percy shrugged, moving so he was now sitting on the sofa instead of laying across it. "I don't know."

She sighed, "You will have to come alone then." She turned and started walking out of the common room, "Come along now."

Percy stood up, easily catching up with her.

"So how'd you get in the common room?" he asked. "I thought it was just for the students."

"I'm the head of the Gryffindor House."


They came upon Dumbledore's office much quicker than Percy remembered from last time. When they reached the door to the office, and the witch used the griffin knocker, he snorted.

"Griffin door," he snickered. The witch just stared at him.

"Come in," came from the other side of the door. The witch opened it and hustled Percy into it.

"Mr. Jackson is here to see you, I was not able to find Ms. Chase nor Mr. di Angelo."

"That is quite alright," said Dumbledore. "You are dismissed, Minerva." Minerva nodded and exited the room, closing the door behind her.

"So, what do you need?" Percy asked. He shoved his hands in the pockets of the robes he was forced to wear. They sloshed around his ankles, making Percy feel like he was wearing a dress.

"Mr. Jackson," Dumbeldore started, placing his palms against his desk. "Please sit."

Percy frowned but did what he requested. The chair was uncomfortable and something dug into his back, but he's been in worse positions before - so he said nothing.

"I heard about your strange fluke of health," he said. "I hope that it's been resolved."

Percy nodded, "Yup. Everything's good now."

"Do you know what caused it?" Percy shook his head. He did know, it was Harry's egg that caused it. But whatever affected him, it didn't affect anyone else. That meant that it had something to do with Poseidon. Which meant it was off-limits for anyone else to know about.

"Mr. Potter was entered into the tournament," Dumbeldore suddenly said, changing the subject. Percy furrowed his eyebrows but nodded.


"How did that happen?"

That was something that he could answer. "Okay, so, Annabeth got lost and we spent the entire day looking for her. When we found her, we had forgotten about entering our names. I'm thinking someone knew that and used it to their advantage."

Dumbledore nodded while he spoke as if he was agreeing with everything that Percy was saying. But the frown that his mouth was contorted into showed that he was much angrier than he appeared to be. Percy's seen the same expression on tons of his teachers before he was expelled.

"Do you expect me to believe that?" Dumbledore asked. His eyes attempted to study Percy's.


"Show me your arm," Dumbledore instructed. Percy stared at him, confused.


"I don't think that you nor Ms. Chase is telling me the truth about why you did not enter your names or why you are here in the first place. If you do intend no harm for Mr. Potter, you will show me your arm."

"What is with everyone wanting to see my tattoo," Percy grumbled. He pulled up the sleeve bunching around his left shoulder. His SPQR tattoo was on full display, the firelight in the office making the branding shine.

"Hm," Dumbledore observed. He pushed his glasses so they were no longer resting on the end of his nose, now on the crook. "What does S-P-Q-R mean?"

"It has something to do with the American military. That's all I know." Percy pulled his sleeve down once more.

"Why would you have a tattoo about muggle military?" Dumbledore asked. Percy was getting sick of all these questions.

"Holy shit, how many times do I have to explain this?" Percy said. "I got into some bad stuff when I was younger. I made a mistake."

"Hm." Was all Dumbledore said. That made Percy angrier, not liking the way that the old man kept trying to see past Percy's defenses. Something pricked at the edges of his mind, and without prompting, he knew immediately what the man was doing.

"Stop trying to fucking read my mind!" Percy yelled. He stood up, his chair falling onto the floor from the force. He stood, hands flat on the wooden desk.

Something tugged on his gut and he felt the grounds that the castle was standing on start to vibrate. He shoved his hand in his pocket, rubbing his thumb along his polaroid and the band-aid that Estelle had plastered on his hand the day before he left.

His breath slowed and he was able to halt the earthquake that was building. Dumbledore didn't seem to feel the minor earthquake, them being too many levels up. He just stared at Percy. He didn't say anything about him trying to read Percy's mind.

"How are you planning on protecting Mr. Potter?" he simply asked - as if the last few minutes had never happened.

"We are forming a plan," Percy grumbled.

"A plan?" Dumbledore questioned.

"Yes, a plan." Percy was still standing, but now he leaned forward, so he was eye-to-eye with the sitting wizard. "You didn't call us here, you didn't ask for us to come. We came for our own reasons and those reasons come first." Percy's eyes studied Dumbledore's. He didn't need magic to know what he was thinking.

Dumbledore was curious, definitely frightened, but more intrigued by Percy's attitude and actions. That only made Percy madder, something tugged at his gut. He wanted the man to be frightened, to know that he, Annabeth, and Nico weren't to be messed with.

"We are protecting Harry because of a lead to the problem we are searching for, no other reason. He's old enough to watch out for himself."

Percy liked the kid, he did. But it was tiring, having to make sure no one was trying to harm him - as well as involving themselves with the tournament.

"Just remember," Percy's voice became a whisper, leaning closer to Dumbeldore. "We don't work for you, you can't command us as you do with the wizards at this school. We can and will go around you to finish this mission if needed."

And with that, Percy turned and walked out the door. He only hoped the slamming of the door could be seen as the reason that the room briefly shook.

Albus Dumbledore

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Headmaster's Office

November 11th

2:42 pm

As soon as Mr. Jackson had left, Albus sketched his tattoo on a spare piece of parchment. He folded up the final sketch, placing it with the other things that Miss. Granger had given him. The prophecy that Jacob had told him all those years ago sat neatly on top, for him to be reminded of everything every time he looked over.

When the wheels are unspun...

No matter, Albus shook himself from his thoughts. He was not informed enough t

o analyze the prophecy and why Jacob would go to America for it. All he could do is try to figure out the Americans.

If Mr. Jackson had not been from America, Albus would have been led to believe that he was Tom Riddle's grandson, perhaps. He and Tom both have that aura of power, of charm. Albus felt himself be both drawn and repulsed by the air of power surrounding the American boy. And when Mr. Jackson had threatened him, he could have blinked and seen Tom in front of him, and he would have not been surprised.

That was probably something worth looking into, Albus thought. He grabbed another piece of parchment and re-dipped his quill in the ink bottle.

Severus, he wrote. I would like to discuss something with you regarding your second assignment...


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Outside the Headmaster's Office

November 11th

2:42 pm

Percy buried his face in hands, sliding down so he was sitting on the floor, his back against the door.

That anger, that he just experienced. It was as if the glass ball's cracks had been smoothed over but started to break again, trying to bleed him out from the inside.

That could never happen again, he thought to himself. That fear in Annabeth's eyes, he never wanted it on her or anyone else.

Percy grabbed his polaroid picture from his robe's pocket. It was starting to wrinkle, but he couldn't care. It was of Annabeth and Estelle.

He had just entered the living room from the bathroom. Annabeth had been sitting on the couch with Estelle in her lap, tickling her. They had been laughing and Percy wanted to stay in that moment forever, so he grabbed a polaroid that was sitting on his mom's desk and snapped a picture.

The flash and the sound of a picture being taken didn't snap Annabeth out of her tickling, continue to play with his little sister for another minute before realizing that he was standing there. Even though Estelle didn't really look like either of them, Percy had thought of having kids with Annabeth once more.

"What are you looking at, Seaweed Brain?" Annabeth had asked. Percy had just laughed and walked over, plopping himself next to his girlfriend, leaning over to ruffle Stella's hair.

Percy didn't realize he was crying until a tear hit the picture. He wiped it away quickly, caressing Estelle's face before shoving it back in his pocket. He didn't need Dumbledore hearing him cry right outside his office door.

He stood up and jogged down the steps, pressing his tongue to the roof of his mouth to prevent further tears from escaping. It was a little trick he learned back in 5th grade.

Thankfully, when he reached the common room, all his tears had dried up. Only the redness in his eyes could hint to anyone that he had been crying. 

Okay, I /know/ that I said that I wasn't adding any OCs, but I did add Jacob Addinall. This is only because of something that will be revealed later. I hope y'all can forgive me. If you want to see what Jacob looks like, I did post a sketch I made really quickly on my Tumblr (minimalist-dreamer).

I did cram a lot of stuff in this chapter, so if you have any questions, do hesitate to ask. I will answer them if they don't contain spoilers, and if they do - I will try to explain it the best I can. 

- Hoarder

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