Chapter 17: Cry For Help

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"Hello? Ma'am are you okay? I tracked down your cellular device and the police are on their way. Ma'am are you alright?" Lucy's rapid breathing drowned the sound of the 911 dispatcher's voice out. She heard sirens in the distance. She then heard someone shouting for her to open the door, followed by two officers running towards her.

"Are you alright?"

Lucy looked at the officer, who was telling her to stay calm and take deep breaths with him. Lucy saw the other officer talking into his CB Radio and looking around the room.

As Lucy's breathing calmed, the officer asked again, "Are you okay?"

Lucy nodded. "I'm sorry...I don't know what just happened. I was so scared. He was in my house."

"Who was in your house?"

Lucy shook her head. "He was here and he turned off the lights and then he threw that brick through my window."

The second officer was standing by the brick. He read the note. "I found you."

"Is that what it says?" the first officer asked.

"Yeah. Do you know who might have done this?" the second officer asked Lucy. 

"I...I don't know," Lucy lied, shaking her head. 

The officers looked at one another. The second officer cleared his throat before saying, "I'm going to do a walk-thru of the house to make sure everything is okay. Alright?" 

Lucy nodded, her arms wrapped around herself.  

Twenty minutes later, the officers had finished checking her home  and had taken her statement.

"Lucy! Lucy where are you?" Jake's voice was loud and clear. Lucy immediately relaxed and ran into his arms as he came into their house.

"I saw the police cars outside. What happened? Are you okay?" His eyes scanned her figured before he pulled her back into his arms.

One of the officers interrupted, "Do you live here, sir?"

"Yes, I'm her boyfriend. We live together. Why?"

The officer answered, "Is there anyone that might have left you the message, 'I found you' for any reason?"

"I found you?" Jake repeated, confusion in his voice. 

"Yes sir."

"No. No one comes to mind."

"Okay. We'll be out of your hair in just a few minutes." The officers walked back to the study to take the brick with them as evidence and take some pictures.

"This is insane," Lucy groaned in frustration. "Jake, I tried to call you."

"Did you? I'm phone ran out of battery."

Lucy held on tighter to Jake. "It was so scary. Someone broke in Jake. I turned all the lights on and they turned them off after I went into the study. Then they broke the window."

"Shhh, Lucy, I'm here now," Jake said as his hands rubbed up and down her back to offer comfort.

"What if he comes back?" Lucy looked up into Jake's face.

"He won't come back."

"How do you know that?"

"I don't but this was probably just some kind of prank pulled by some stupid kids. I found you? What does that even mean? It's nonsense, Lucy. Don't worry about it. We'll get the locks changed tomorrow first thing."

"I want an alarm system." Lucy gripped Jake's bowling shirt.

"Are you serious?" Jake asked, staring into her eyes.

"As a heart attack."

Jake nodded. "That's serious. Alright, fine. We'll get a security system installed. Will that make you feel better?"

Lucy waited until the police left before she and Jake duct-taped a large piece of cardboard over the broken window.

"We're not getting any sleep tonight," Lucy murmured. "Well, at least I'm not."

Jake sighed as he placed an arm around her. "I'll stay up with you."

The next morning Lucy awoke to the sound of Jake on the phone, "Yeah. I got it. Let me make sure things are okay here first. Yeah. Bad timing. I understand."

"Who was that?" Lucy asked.

"Someone from work. There was an accident on one of the rigs. They need as many men as they can get to help out," Jake hedged.

"And? What does that have to do with you?" Lucy was suddenly wide awake. "Jake, someone just broke in last night and now you want to leave me by myself?"

"I'm sorry, Lucy, but I have to go. I already called someone to fix the windows and the guy who's going to install the alarm should be here any minute. I told them it was an emergency."

Lucy could feel herself shaking. She would have to handle this herself. A serial killer was probably after her and she was going to be an easy target for him. 

Jake frowned before saying, "Lucy, if I really thought you were in danger, I'd stay. This has to be some kind of prank. You'll be fine."

Lucy wanted to tell him the truth. That it wasn't a prank and she knew exactly who was after her--O, the murderer.

Lucy crossed her arms and gritted her teeth. "It's fine. Do what you have to do."

"We'll talk about this again when I get back. I have to pack." Jake left her to go back to their bedroom. Lucy scowled at his retreating figure. She knew she had no right to be angry as he didn't know the truth. She had no one to blame but herself. She could've told him the truth but it was too late for that. Now she only had one person to turn to.

Several hours later, Detectives Lahr and Cruz were parked outside Dillon Sheffield's loft, waiting.

"I can't believe I let you talk me into this Lahr. Your car stinks like beer," Vicki complained. "You need to get it together. I introduced you to the woman in your life and you're not paying her any attention."

"What the hell?" Holden's eyes narrowed. "Are you and my girl talking about our love life? Does she tell you about our sex life too?"

Vicki snorted. "It's more like she's complaining about her love life with you. You've been too focused on this case, Holden. It's not healthy. What if she breaks up with you?"

"Then we break up. I'll be sad about it but our job is important. You know that."

"It must be nice to be so flippant about your love life. Besides, nothing is more important than your personal life," Vicki argued. "Definitely not more important than my happiness. And it does not make me happy to sit in this dirty car."

"I brought you coffee," Holden winked at her.

"So not worth it. Are you sure he's our guy?" she asked. 

"No, but he's the closest lead we have to catching O. He's the brother to an unsolved murder five years ago and he was connected with Deidra Hamilton. That has to be more than a coincidence."

"Well," Vicki said as she took a sip of her coffee. "We've been here for hours and he hasn't shown up yet."

"Do you think he's hiding?" Holden asked.

"Well, you did say he ran from you yesterday," Vicki reminded him.

"Only the guilty run away," Holden said solemnly. 

Vicki rolled her eyes as she pulled out her ringing work cell. "Detective Cruz speaking. I'm sorry...who is this? Just me? Okay. I'll be there in an hour. Hang tight."

"Who was that?" Holden asked.

"Lucy Hanson. She wants to meet with me."

"Just you?" Holden asked, surprised.

"Yeah. Just me. So, let's put a pin in this stakeout since our star has yet to make an appearance. I need to get back to the station."

Holden frowned. "Cruz, what do you think a stakeout involves? It means you and me in this car trying to catch our guy even if it means having to spend time together for hours and hours."



"Shut up." Vicki pointed to the keys, "Let's go."

"Fine. But I'm only doing this because I have to use the bathroom and I really do think this Dillon Sheffield has gone into hiding."

Vicki laughed. "That and you don't really have a lot of evidence against him to get him to talk to you willingly."

"There is that," Holden muttered.

After they got to the station, Vicki told Holden she was going to visit Lucy Hanson.

"Are you sure she only wanted to speak with you?" Holden asked.


"What did she say it was about?"

Vicki shrugged. "I don't know but what else can it be about except that break-in she did at that junkyard?"

"Then, why not call me?"

"Did you hit on her?" Vicki asking in an accusing tone.

"No! And I resent the accusation," Holden huffed.

"Fine. I apologize. Maybe she just feels more comfortable talking to a woman." It was a logical explanation he could accept.

"Fine, but let me know how it goes." Holden tossed his car keys onto his desk and sat down.

"Of course," Vicki laughed as she left him to find out what exactly Lucy Hanson wanted. On the phone Lucy told her not to bring anyone else, including Detective Lahr.

For a moment, Vicki was afraid Lucy was going to make a formal complaint against Holden for hitting on her. Holden liked the ladies a little too much. Even Vicki, his partner and friend, couldn't ignore that flaw of his.

Once she arrived to Lucy's house, she rang the doorbell. She didn't have to wait long for Lucy to open the door and let her in. 

Before she could greet her, Lucy said, "I need to show you something. It's very important that you believe me."

"What is it that you have to show me?" Vicki asked, hoping it wasn't something awful like another dead body.

Lucy handed her a green leather journal and explained, "I believe this is the diary of O."

"O? Our serial killer O?" Vicki asked, not quite understanding what was going on.

"Yes. This is his diary and I need you to catch him as soon as possible. It's very important to me that you do."

"Why is that?" Vicki couldn't help but ask as she stared in awe at the green journal now in her hands.

Lucy took a deep breath before answering, "Because...he's trying to kill me."

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