He Can't Recall

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"Wh-What is it exactly that you want in exchange?" You manage to ask, turning your face away.

He leans away from you, but not far enough. You can still feel him. You can still feel how he inhales every time you exhale. How he holds his breath every now and then as if he was trying to absorb you into his lungs.

You can still feel his stare burning holes into the side of your face.


Isn't this romantic?

You are safe now, right?


As long as you don't piss him off.

Do that...

And he'll probably eat you.

"Stay with me," he says. "Feed me your love and attention-- and your tears. They are so, so yummy..." He trailed off, a dreamy expression creeping onto his face. He shook his head. "In return, I'll keep you all in one piece."

"But, why?"

"You made my heart beat in my rotting chest, (Y/N). I felt it..." He took your hand and pressed it to his chest. "Call,

me crazy-"

"I will."

"But, you've got a spell on me -or maybe we're just meant to be! Even in this crazy, crazy world, where the dead eat the living- it might be so!"

You snatch your hand back. "I didn't peg you for a romantic."

He shrugs and leans back against the wall. "All I know is that I have to have you."

"What makes you think I won't make a run for it the second you turn your back? Join the other survivors?" If there are any.

"Then I will hunt you down." He says. "Wherever you go... I will find you. And I will have you. One way or another. That is if the hordes don't get you first."

"I'm starting to think I don't have much of a choice..."

"No, not really." He flashed you an almost boyish smile. "Don't worry your pretty little head, (Y/N). The safest place for you is with me. I won't hurt you."

"I must be crazy. I can't believe I'm negotiating with a zombie!"

"You probably are. I'm not like the others, though. You've seen that. I, at least, have a few working cells."

You chuckle before you could stop yourself. Quickly, you play it off as a cough. "Your friends are douchebags."

"Yeah. But, there all I have... Or they were. Until now." He gazes at you from under his hair, longing in his eyes.

In some weird, sick, twisted way... You are a little flattered. No one has ever looked at you like that. With such intensity. With such hunger. With such need.

No one has ever really looked at you at all.

Mostly because your crazy overprotective parents used to beat people off with a stick.

Then after the accident...

You started beating people off with a stick- not wanting anyone to get too close. Because the closer they were, the more devastating it would be when they enviably got eaten by zombies.

Going through that again would have killed you. It still will.

Just thinking about it took a toll on your health.

"You are... Different." You breathe the last word softly. Wait. What is this creature- this boy's name?

"What should I call you?" You ask. You're genuinely curious. For a second, you forget you hate him and meet his eyes.

He blinked. "Uh... My n-name?" He frowned as if in deep focus. " It's... It's..." You catch a glimpse of what have been pain in his eyes before he slides down the wall and hides his face in his hands. " I forgot. It must be the virus... Slowly

eating me away."

The pure despair in his voice makes you feel... Sorry Worried? Sad?


This guy hasn't been nice to you at all! Nor does he seem to give a rat's turd for your wellbeing.

However, he is offering to protect you.

Even if he did want you in return.

And your tears.

Which is... terrifying.

But, deep down, you want him to take care of you. You don't want to be alone out there with all those flesh-eating hordes. You won't have a chance. You need him whether you like it or not.

If he wants your tears... then he can go ahead and grab a glass, because anything is better than becoming some monster's dinner.

Maybe, just maybe, you might even become something close to friends. A friend. When was the last time you had one of those?

You place a hand on his shoulder. It's so cold to the touch, even though his shirt. Maybe caring for him won't kill you.

He is already dead, after all. "Maybe it'll come back to you over time?" You suggest.

He just chuckles. "Maybe." He lifts his head, a weak, little smile in place. "Tell me. Where am I supposed to get a gas mask?"

You think... "There's an abandoned military base not too far from here!"

"Great idea. You're coming with me." He must have seen the horror on your face because he adds," I can't have you running away, now can I?" He yanks you down to the cold, stone floor-- rolling so that he was on top of you, hovering just a few inches from your face. You are trapped. AGAIN.

"WILL YOU QUIT!" Your breath comes fast and your cheeks burn.

He's wearing that wicked, wicked little grin of his. "I like to see your face get all red. It's really, really cute."

"I don't want to come."

"It could be our first date." He whispers. You feel his cold fingers dancing over your hip.

You wiggle away from his touch, but he doesn't stop. He drags his fingers down, down to your thigh. "Stop moving." The steeliness of his words turns your blood to ice. You don't dare move a muscle.

He's bad enough as it is. You don't want to see his real bad side.

He's just toying with you, don't worry. He won't do anything. Hopefully...

"Good girl." He takes a deep breath, drawing you in like a euphoric vapor.

Hell no. You turn your head away and hold your breath.

"Seriously? Are you five?"

Your cheeks inflate.

"You have to breath at some point." He says.

Your face goes from red to purple to blue.

He sighs and squishes your cheeks flat.

You gasp for air.

"When I get this mask, will you love me?"

"Um... No. But, I might be able to look at you without throwing up in my mouth."

"Good enough." He heaves you over his shoulder once again. "Let's go!"

Kicking your legs, you squeal, "WAAAIT!"


"W-What I-If o-one of them c-catches me and e-eats me?" You're trembling.

"Stop that," He snaps. "I told you I'd keep you safe and I WILL. What, you think I'm weak or something? You want to see how "weak" I am, huh? It's me you should be afraid of! You better hope I don't get hungry on the way there, girl."

"No! I-"

"Don't ever doubt me again."

You gulp down the lump in your throat and nod rapidly.

You are sooooo dead.

((A/N: Edited by: TheAesthetic_Edits))

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