Remembering You

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☣️Zombie's Point Of View☣️

The town was covered in snow. Why snow?

Why not just a normal day, let the sun be shining with a nice, gentle breeze to top it off.

I smile softly at that thought. It would be a really nice day to go out on a picnic.

I wonder if mom is busy.

Maybe, she's always with dad, checking up on him after this strange virus got out. Me personally: I'm not scared. I'm really into this virus.

“———! They said the virus is related to the rumors of zombies. Can you believe this, ———?!” My friend, Ben, tells me. I sigh, annoyed with him already.

“Yeah, Ben. I know. I wasn't born yesterday.” I growl at him, shutting him right up. We were walking out of the school yard from our classes. Yes. Even under heavy snow like this, they still want to drag us prisoners to that hellish place called School.

Ben tsks at me, rolling his hazel eyes. “Dude. You're such a smartass.” Ben chuckles a bit, turning away to not meet my eyes.

I stare down at the short guy, his messy blondish brown hair almost covers his eyes today. “Tell me Ben. When the hell are you going to get your hair cut? Your hair looks so messy. But it does bring out your eyes.” I tease him.

I found out last semester that Ben— my childhood best friend —had a huge crush on me, during a Truth Or Dare game in one of our classes. One of the other guys wanted to embarrass the shit out of him. But, I personally didn't mind him crushing on me.

Come on, we've been friends for a very long time. I'm sure he's just mistaken that loving friendship as more than friends. I on the other hand didn't really like him in that way. Yeah we cut up and joke around and have bromances every now and then, but it's nothing more.

I want someone, who is rare. Special in a certain way. A person who... Is submissive to me.


I sound crazy. If only Ben could hear my thoughts, he'd be so submissive, it would annoy the hell out of me. I smile at him, his face snapping my direction to glare at me.

“What's so funny ———?” He asks.

“Nothing. Just thinking about you.” I smirk and his face lit up like a Christmas tree.

Haha. Priceless

I was too distracted by Ben that I didn't notice who I had bumped into. They fell to the ground with a gasp as my head snaps their direction. I see a student with (H/C) fall to the ground.

“Watch where the hell you're going ya fucking Softie!” Ben tells at the student, making her frown and her cheeks turn a bright pink against her (S/C) skin.

Ben hated Sophomores: also known as Softies. I glare darkly at Ben who shuts the hell up immediately. I go to glare at the girl. “Oi. You. What's your name?” I ask in a stern, masculine voice to try and scare her.

She had tears threatening her eyes as she got up, not even me nor Ben offering to help her up. “(Y/N)... I'm so sorry... I.. I did-didn't see you walking by...” She tells us in a shy tone, her head bashfully turning away. She took a step back, hoping we wouldn't answer or start anything, but when she turns her head back, her eyes meeting mine, her face turned a deeper tone of red and she froze.

When I looked deep into her (E/C) eyes, my breathing halts, my heart skips a beat, and my mind goes blank.

Completely. Fucking. Blank.

Who-Who is this girl?! Ben called her a Softie, she looks so much older, in a good way. Wow...

I felt myself becoming nervous with (Y/N) looking at me like that. I tug at the collar of my thick hoodie and try to secretly cover my blush from her.

“C-Come on Ben, let's get out of here...” I tell him, my eyes still glued to hers as I mindlessly nudge my elbow against his arm.

Once my legs moved, I turned to look away from her. But, my heart was aching to see those (E/C) eyes again.

What was that? It was so weird. Have I met her before?

No. I'm a Senior. Well, yeah. Maybe one year I've seen her, but not this year, until now...

What is this feeling? Why... Why do I feel like I'm doing something so wrong? Should I go back?

I'm too far gone. No. I can— GAAAAAHHHH!!!

I jerk my head around to look and see if (Y/N) is still standing there. My eyes widen when I see her running this way— towards us.

“Oh shit! Ben look!” I mumble at him with my teeth grinding together.

“Hey! You forgot something!” She shouts, waving her arm carelessly above her head. I stop and turn towards her. Ben on the other hand, makes it so dramatic.

First, he sighs deeply, next, he stomps his foot and turns his body her direction, crossing his arms while raising an eyebrow. “What the hell is it?!” He hisses at her.

His rudeness somehow made something inside me want to bash his skull against a locker so badly right now. But, sadly there were none around. “Be nice, you asshole.” I mumble at him as I give him a quick glare then bring a nicer gaze back towards (Y/N).

Man. Something about this one made me... Just... Just... Crazy. I wanted to reintroduce myself, so I did without further hesitation.

Once she got close enough, I extend my right hand out towards her, offering a handshake. This catches her by surprise, her eyes widening. “Huh?” She said, dumbfounded.

“I didn't introduce myself. My name is ———. Sorry for not helping you, and Ben,” I jab a thumb his direction. “He's just an ass. Don't mind him. So. What is it that we forgot, little Softie?” I ask her, my tone so serious that it takes me aback secretly. Ben just scoffs at me, not daring to say a word.

I didn't like the thoughts running through my mind about this girl. Yet somehow, I did. Maybe it's just in my nature, I'm guessing.

Like father, like son. I think silently.

She nods a bit. “Yeah. One of you dropping this, it looks like an important slip of paper. Sorry to waste your time, but I... Yeah... It looks important.” She smiles bashfully, making my heart tighten in my chest.

So. Fucking. Cute. She. Is.

I take a deep breath. A smile slowly forming over my pained expression as she holds the slip of paper out shyly towards me. Taking it without even removing my eyes from her only makes her look away.

There is that blush again. again. “Thank you. We'll see you around.” I tell her, turning around, and walking off again. Ben gladly follows.

Once far away from (Y/N), Ben starts rolling the jealous insults and complaints. “———, no way in hell that slip of paper is ours. She just might have pulled a yankie on us, dude. Come on. She likes you! Already! She doesn't even know you. I don't like her sh—” He went on as I trail into my deep thoughts, unfolding the slip of paper.

I saw in neat, ink handwriting a phone number, I smile to myself.

This girl gave me her number. Sly move (Y/N), very sly.

I chuckle openly as Ben still rants, thinking I'm agreeing with him. But little does he know...

I'm hooked.

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