Special Chapter

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[Back to the scene where Zombie showed up with the hoard of the undead]


When will this end....please let this be a dream... The chant swirls around in your head, hoping it all really will be a nightmare in the end.

At least it won’t leave something on you that will make you remember it..

But here you are, feeling and seeing the scene right in front of you.

Zombie holds out his hand in front of you protectively, motioning for you to come fourth to him.

Kevin’s face wrinkled up in pure anger.



Kevin lunges forward to Zombie, his hand outstretched, planning to seize.....

.....his throat?!

You managed to get your voice out a little. “Z-Zo—-UWAH!” before you could process what happened, you felt Zombie's arms around your waist just as you fell to the ground with him along side you; keeping you in a tight embrace.

“Are you okay, my princess?” His voice was soft and full of longing to hear your voice for after so long of being apart. You whimper, not really knowing what to say in this current situation.

Even if there’s a fight going on, he still manages to ask that?!

“If you weren’t afraid, you could’ve fought back.” Kevin teases, his eyes glowing red.

“I know...” he growls along your ear before unraveling his arms from around you and stands, his back facing you now.

“....But my princess here doesn’t want violence. She just wants this to stop.” Zombie looks back at you, smirking slightly.

You really did fall for this Zombie.

“This won’t end without violence, my brother~” Kevin licks his lips as the craziness seeps through his eyes.

Kevin moves his body in a tilt to stare you down with a bone chilling gaze upon you that was filled with desire and lust. “And I can’t wait to get my hands on you again, my lady~”

You shiver having to look away-- quickly you get up to clutch the back of Zombie's clothing.

Zombie snarls blocking Kevin's view. "You touch her again. I'll have to remove your intestines and wrap them around your neck to choke you out... Then let my friends here have some fun with you..." He snaps.

You gasp as you didn't feel the sudden tickle upon your cheeks from the streaming tears.

Zombie turns around hearing your gasp then his eyes soften and he smiles sadistically. He moves his arm as he extends his thumb out to wipe away your tears. “Don’t cry, my love...” He coos softly, pulling you to his chest as Kevin scoffs at the scene between you two.

You tremble against his slender, tall embrace to then lean your forehead against his to blurt out

“I missed you s-so much.... I-I'm so-sorry I-I ran... I-I onl—" Zombie cuts you off by placing a finger on your lip as he grins wider. His face moving closer to lick your tears away with a moanful soft gasp coming from his agap mouth to soon close after getting a taste of your fear.

"Mmm~ You don't know how much that made my day, [Y/N]~" he purrs, his finger lifting your chin up, his face now dead serious and full of boiling hidden anger.

"You know damn well I missed you too, darling..." He chuckles nudging his head towards the hoard of zombies, "But we will have to talk about this later... Right now... I feel like having some fun with this sick bastard who touched you and make him scream bloody murder..."

The hoard watches with a ticking impatient growing. They are starving and watching the two guys fight over you was driving them nuts. Drooling; grinding, broken jaws fill the intense air.

"Gr... Aahh..."

"Ssah..." Another groans out in an inhuman manner— almost demonically.

Zombie caresses your cheek before turning to face Kevin again and glares at him.

An intense atmosphere surrounds Zombie that even makes you petrified.

"Stop this. Now. Or my friends here.. Are going to have a lovely snack." He growls in the same manner as the zombies— his teeth grinding together.

What you couldn't see was him baring his human teeth at Kevin to try and scare him.

Kevin just laughs manically. "You think they'll help you?"

Kevin's grin widens.

"Let me enlighten you on a secret." Kevin stares with red eyes just the same as him. "You and I are exactly the same, my friend. But you... Seem a little distracted and confused on what you are. Me on the other hand?" He puts a hand on his own chest.

"I know what I am. We are the same. People who can get infected, but fight to stay alive. Yearn to keep this virus down and contained. While..." He takes his hand out to gesture it to the hoard of the undead.

"These are the lost; broken and willing to obey or go savage upon the remaining unaffected humans or people. They need an alpha. That's where we come in Zombie. Why do you think I rallied up all these survivors?" He rests his hand by his side.

"You're making no sense— Alpha for what?" Zombie stares with a low growl.

"Why to control the undead, of course! Ya know, I would have never believed to have to work with someone so fucking stupid as you! You are not using the given powers the stars above have given you, Zombie! I am so glad I'm not alone, but you? Oh you don't even know what you are!" Kevin snaps as saliva flings out of his mouth and at Zombie as both are now in each other's faces.

You watch in slight confusion.


What was Kevin talking about?

You feel anger surging through you now as you suddenly feel yourself walking up between the two males. You put a hand on each of their chests to push them apart and to blurt out, "Idiots! This is stupid! Whatever y-you're talking about Kevin, it's stupid!"

You finally snap. "Can y'all act any more childish?" You look in anger at their stupid behavior.

Both males look at you with the look of wild monsters. Zombie's eyes are blazing red now; the same as Kevin's and in unison they both growl at you, but Zombie suddenly realizes what he did.

You back up a little when they both growl at you. You were confused on why he was acting strangely toward you.

"Sorry... Stay out of this [Y/N]–" Zombie quickly pushes you behind him away from Kevin.

Slight fear overwhelmed little by little in you. You didn't understand why Zombie looked at you that way and had his eyes that way the same as Kevin's.

You look down, feeling an ache in your heart. You didn't want to be part of this no more. You back away from his touch and his figure, your hand was grasping your own shoulder as you rub it gently out of hurt. Your gaze was on the ground now, a sadden frown formed on your face from how he treated you.

Why does it hurt so badly?...

"Please... don't touch me..."

You don't even look at him as you speak.

You were only trying to calm down the situation.

Guess it didn't work as you thought, Y/N.

That action he did really hurt your soul.

Just as you backed away, you heard their grinding broken jaws just behind your ears.

Too far and you could be food for these undead beasts.

"Graaahhh..." One nearly snatches at your arm until Zombie pulls you to his chest.

"GRAAAAHHH!!!" Zombie shouts back, his eyes radiating that same deadly red color. His grip upon you was stronger than all the other times he was rough with you.

The zombie whimpers, "eerrrrhh ..." It groans hollowly, limping back a bit, hanging it's ripped face down in shame.

Kevin snaps, snatching you away from Zombie's tight grip. You didn't have time to react— all you remember was whimpering out a soft scream before falling to the ground before the two males who were now fighting.

You look up to see Kevin on top of Zombie, screaming in his face while baring his teeth. "Don't treat them like that you peasant! You have no right to control them anymore!" He snaps.

Zombie growls demonically at Kevin. "Oh yeah? Says the dead man!" He shouts, managing to break free as his teeth clamp down on Kevin's shoulder.

A blood curdling scream erupts from deep within Kevin's stomach.

His hands claw at Zombie's hair, forcing him off and slinging him into the hoard of zombies.

Zombie staggers back, causing the zombies standing behind him to fall under him with growls and grunts.

None attacked him, though.

They knew better.

Kevin snickers as he glances over at you, turning to smirk sadistically at you, cocking his head.

"Hold him." He demands the zombies— shockingly, they obey.

Zombie roars out,thrashing against the sudden zombies who go to lay across him, holding him down.

"Don't you dare touch her!!! I'll fucking kill you!! Don't do it!!" Zombie roars, thrashing effortlessly to get to you.

Kevin snickers and pins you down against your will, your hands above your head as he stares into your [E/C] orbs.

"You have a choice, [Y/N]... Be with me... Or choose that no good bastard. I can treat you so much better than he can, you just have to accept my love, is all. I can make you feel like a queen in this decaying world, [Y/N]. Be my queen and I'll be your king, babe... What do you say?~" he purrs, kissing your neck in front of Zombie.

An uproar came from him, bones being smashed as the hoard kept trying their best to keep Zombie away, but a red aura was forming around him.

"Don't... You ... Fucking... Touch... Her... Like," he snaps a zombie's neck, throwing the head at Kevin to aim for his skull, but Kevin catches it with one hand, not even budging to look Zombie's way.

You whimper feeling disgusted by Kevin's lips upon your neck.

You felt... dirty.

"Tell me your choice now, [Y/N]..." Kevin demands in your ear.

You were just in shock at all the things that were happening.

As Kevin waited for an answer, you look at him with a strong glare.

"Thanks... but no thanks."

You kick him off of you with the small strength you had at the moment before scurrying to stand up, looking for anything to use as a weapon.

You see a pipe, and take it.

Your attention goes from the pipe in your hands to Zombie.

True. His action before this scared you, but your heart kept beating for only him.

You only loved him.

You felt it.

You couldn't deny it anymore after seeing him now.

Him and you were meant to be.

To be together in this struggling, dying world.

He looks at you shaking his head no and screaming at the top of his lungs for you to not do it and to just run, but would you listen?

No— you were stubborn and wanted— no –needed to save him.

He saved you, after all.

So, it was your turn to save him.

You raise the pipe over your shoulder as you yell while charging at them.

"Get off of him!!!"

A/N: I just wanna thank
Along with
Sorry for the long delay, but there is sadly one chapter left after this one. I hope you all liked this special chapter, sorry if it wasn't that fun, but it was fun making it. Again go check them out, their @ s are on my message board, if you want, I'm sure they'd love a follow. Don't forget to vote and stay tuned for the final chapter ... It's a real biter 😂😜🐑❤️❤️❤️❤️

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