Taken Hostage -By A Zombie?!

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((A/N: Things you need to know/already know before you read.

(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last name
(N/N): Nick Name
(S/C): Skin Color
(E/C): Eye Color
Etc— you get the point.

Hope you enjoy. 🐑💕))


Breathless, you shake the sky-high fence that trapped you- as if you could somehow tear it down with your bare hands.

Stupid alleys.

Always with these giant dead-end fences. It's like they were made to be a pain in the ass.

A sinister chorus of groans and clicking teeth rises behind you — louder  and louder and LOUDER. The rancid smell of rotting flesh desecrates the air. Terror stricks you cold as you realize there's no escape.

They've found you.

Shaking, you turn to find a horde of crumbling, broken bodies closing in on you— some crawling, others limping —tripping over their dragging limbs. Their discolored, green faces are twisted with hunger; blood and saliva drip from their snapping jaws.

It's fair to assume they aren't here for a friendly chit-chat.

What they wanted from you? You can't really pinpoint the wants these creatures have, but they always end up ripping people apart and eating them.

There is only ever one thing these creatures want...


You were their lunch.

It was, after all, getting dark and these zombies have been chasing you for a while now. Starving these infected creatures like this?

Such a shame (Y/N).

The zombies came to a halt as if they are waiting for you to do something stupid– But, you don't. You remind utterly still... You were surrounded by them, their rotten bodies only a few feet away from your lushest, still normal (S/C) skin. 

All it took was one sudden movement– one twitch of the mouth to set these bastards into a rage. And then what do you get?


Drooling, dumb zombies is bad enough. Running, drooling, dumb zombies is a whole new ball game. A fatal one, at that.

One zombie steps out of the horde. As his— or its —lifeless, ghostly blue eye gaze meets yours, a slow grin spreads across his face. Teeth gleam off the side of its cheek.

You scream.

In a split second, it's on you, pressing you into the fence, hissing in your face– its teeth barely an inch from your nose.

Are you really going to die in this first chapter?

Such a shame.

You squeeze your eyes shut as if it'll make it vanish. This is it for you. . . You are going to be eaten right here, right now. A tiny, hopeless sound escapes your lips.

Abruptly, the beast stills, now silent.

You open your eyes. Its are wide.

It tilts its head like a bewildered puppy. “That... Sound...” It struggles with each word.

It states at you like something strange.

Behind it, the groaning of the horde becomes louder, more frustrated. Bit by bit, they creep closer, looking about tired of their little friend hogging their lunch.

It spins around with it's teeth bared like a rabid animal. “MINE,” It growls. Suddenly it picks you up, heaves you over its shoulder, and— runs?

What should you do now?

Scream? Cry? Pray?


Maybe, all of the above.

((A/N: Special thanks to TheAesthetic_Edits!!! Who edited this!))

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