The Other Survivors

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You don't remember how you got in, but you are grateful to even get in. Blinding spotlights land you, making you squint and cover your (E/C) eyes.

A stern voice shouts at you, their footsteps heavy along with their sudden grip on your arm. “State your name! Are you infected?!” He asks, dragging you along with him.

“(Y/N)! I-I'm a survivor!” You stutter out in fear— or was it relief?

Once out of reach of those ravishingly blinding spotlights, you find yourself in a small room with a few people who all turn to stare at you.

One of the females turn and points her AK47 at you, about to pull the trigger until the guy beside her places a hand on her shoulder, making her snatch her head over to look at him to find him shaking his head in a no manner.

She has bright red hair, pale skin, and beautiful light, green eyes. She was very slender and tall, a few freckles painted on her cheeks. The dude beside her has light brown hair, black eyes, tan skin, and was slightly built. His hair seems to be growing out wildly around his head, becoming a shaggy manner.

He was still taller than the red-headed girl, so you guess he was around 6'8ft?

“Who is this, Kevin?” The girl asks, turning to glare at you, making you shyly look away. “She managed to get past the gate. She isn't infected, so you can stand down Isabella.” Kevin says in a warning tone, returning a glare back.

She just rolls her eyes, putting her gun down. “Well, I'll check in the Bathing Room. Then we can talk later back in the office.” Isabella says, handing the brown haired guy her guy then to gracefully walk over to you, offering a hand out towards you.

What?! No way you were going anywhere with this girl who was about to shoot you a minute ago!

“Oh don't give me that look, sweetheart. I won't shoot you this time.” She gives you a playful wink as she grins.

As you growl softly, she takes your hand anyway, too scared to even protest against this girl as she drags you out of the Office and out into the open fields.

Looking around now without those spotlights on you, you see that this place is a legit small town. So many people were walking around; laughing, joking, running, talking, etc.

The Bathing Room wasn't as small as you thought it would be. It was a public bathing room and bathroom. It was empty at the moment so Isabella tells you right away.

“The quicker you do this, the quicker we can leave for dinner. I've got some spare clothes in here from when I was going to take a shower, but you can have them. You need them more than me.” She says, going over to get her spare clothes.

You blush softly, not understanding. “H-Huh?” You ask.

“Strip!” She shouts a bit annoyed. “How else am I supposed to check to see if you're infected?!” She adds with a soft laugh.

You growl and whimper, not really comfortable doing that. She comes back to find you with your arms crossed like a child. She presses her lips together, giving you that really look.

“Don't act all shy now. It's just me in here— and we're both girls. So it's nothing new. Now strip or I'll strip you, yourself.” She says in a serious tone.

You sigh out, slipping your shirt off and the rest of your clothes. After Isabella finishes checking you for any sign of the virus, she steps back, “You're infection free. Now put these on. Then follow me to burn these.” She says, throwing her spare clothes at you.

You nod, your face red from embarrassment after Isabella basically violated your body from searching for any bites.

This is gonna be weird, very weird. But, dinner sounds so nice right now. Your stomach growls at you, demanding your attention as your hand draws up to rub your tummy.

Isabella giggles at you. “Come on. Kevin is cooking [your favorite meal] today.” She says as you two walk out to a burn barrel. She chunks your old clothes into it then turns to you.

“Come on. The Mess Hall is just ahead. I'm sure the others would love to meet someone as cute as you, sweetheart~” Isabella teases you, poking your cheek as you bashfully pull away while giggling.

She came off as rude and hostile at first, but maybe she's a sweet person, just scared for her friends and the others to be infected, you thought.

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