Joshua x Evel

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Joshua was yet having another terrible day. Why you may ask?

Well, His lead villain quit on him!!! Right on the spot! Like seriously! Who does that?! They were about to begin recording and then he says "I'm Quiting."

Joshua was quite offended, who in the world would not want to be by his side and make a movie with him?! NO ONE.

Joshua was busy complaining to his manager in his little studio. "And you know what he said before he left? He said that he had his own fans to attend to! Like, who does he think he is?!" Joshua complained.

"Uh- Sir umm, it seems like you-" the manager said But was interrupted by a complaining Joshua.

"And you know what he also said?! He called me Obnoxious, attention whore, and needy!"

"Sir- Um I think you should-" The manger said But was yet interrupted by Joshua

"He was the perfect villain! How am I gonna find someone like him?! You know what! I'm leaving!" Joshua yelled, and got up from his seat. He went to the closet and got out a big brown coat, sunglasses, and a hat and put them on. Why would he do that? Oh right he's famous, he needs a disguise of course!

He then immediately walked out the door. His manager sighed and shook his head. "He never listens to me does he?"


Joshua walked around the park. What was he going to do now? He let out a big sigh and looked around the park. The leaves on the trees have grew back again, it was just the start of spring!

Joshua then noticed something, There were lots of couples around the park... This made Joshua feel... lonely...

But he can't waste time on love, he has more important matters to take care of. Stars like him can't love. It will also ruin his reputation, most of his fans are female anyway.

He kept walking around the park and realized that people were staring at him. He stopped dead in his tracks, 'Could they have found me out already?!' He thought and immediately ran away.

In reality people were just wondering why someone would wear a big trench coat in spring, winter was over already.
After running for a minute he stopped to look at where he was. He read a sign saying a random street. He just shrugged and kept walking, There were a lot of people here. 'Must be some type of event.' Thought Joshua.

He kept walking around, it seemed like he was in the food court. Lots of people here were eating things like hot dogs, curry, ice cream, and other food items.

He saw something and immediately stopped. Why he stop you may ask? Well it seems like he found something or a someone he needs!

He silently tip toed behind him. Some people would probably thought he was going to kidnap or steal something because of that. He also looked very suspicious.

Joshua looked at what he was doing, it seemed like he was a bey trainer of some sort? He was researching a bey that he never seen before. How cool! So this guy probably Beyblade too!

Joshua took off his trench coat, sunglasses, and hat and yelled out "You Over There! I want you!" Why would he take off his disguise? Well it was just some sort of instinct he had. He pointed at whoever that person was.

The person flinched when he yelled that and turned around. Joshua got a better view of him.

He had tired looking eyes, pale white skin, blue hair, and a lab coat! Joshua knew that this person could be the perfect villain to play in his movie!

Some people started looking at Joshua weirdly when he yelled that out but realized that it was Joshua, the Hollywood Star!
The person looked at him weirdly and said "Sorry, I'm not gay." Joshua was confused when he said that and then realized what he yelled out. "No! You got it all wrong! I want You to play in my movie!!!!"

"Oh... well No then. I have no interest in playing in some dumb movie." He said getting up from his chair and leaving. Joshua felt... well he usually will feel offended but he didn't feel that. He felt... What's the right word? Hmm... perhaps he felt really really upset.

"Wait!! Don't go!" Joshua yelled and grabbed his shoulder. "What do you want?" He said. "If you are gonna ask me the same thing again then No. and I mean it."

Joshua couldn't respond to that, no one ever said no to him!

"Well? Nothing to say? Then I'm leaving." The guy said and walked away.

Joshua didn't know what to do now. How was he going to find someone who looks much like a villain like him?! The thing is he can't! This was a one time thing, he won't be able to find someone who looks much like a villain like him.

So what should he do? He should go after him of course! Joshua was about to catch up to him but then heard a bunch girls squealing. That's when he knew it. FAN GIRLS.

'Sh*t' he thought and started running away.

"It's Joshua!!!!" A girl yelled, "He's getting away! We need to catch him!"

All the girls started chasing him. This was not going to be a fun day.


Joshua had finally escape the fan girls. But how was he going to find that mysterious guy now?!

Joshua sighed and decided he should give up. He went back to his hotel room and started moving around. A few minutes later a knock came from the door, it was his sister! He totally forgot that his sister was coming to visit. He was about to get up and open the door but his sister came right in and said "Hey Joshua!"

Joshua waved back. He didn't feel like doing anything today. "Why the long face?" His sister asked. "Is it Free again?"

"No," Joshua grumbled, his sister knew that something was definitely wrong. Usually Joshua was that out going, prideful guy. But today he looked depressed. His sister went over to him and said "Cmon, What's wrong? You can tell me everything ya know."

"My Lead Villian quit on me." He mumbled, His sister gasped and said "Wait What?! Why would he quit on you?!"

"I know! Why would anyone quit on ME. And you know what's worse?" He said, his sister shook her head so Joshua continued "I found a perfect villain earlier this day! And when I asked him, I ended up saying it wrong and he got a misunderstanding, he thought I was gay, what an embarrassment. And when I did say it right and ask him to play as the villian, he rejected me!! Why would anyone reject me!! This is Absurd!"

His sister then asked "Couldn't we just find another person?"

Joshua shook his head and said "No Way! That guy was perfect! His skin was pale, he had tired eyes, his hair style was weird and blue, and on top of that, he had a lab coat! He looked like an evil scientist! He was perfect I tell you."

His sister then said "He was probably using make up," but Joshua disagreed and said "No, it was natural! There were no signs of makeup!"

"Well Whats his name?" She asked, Joshua shrugged. His sister sighed then said "Ok, well I'll try to find him for you."

Joshua's eyes lies up and he yelled "Really??" His sister nodded and gave him a grin. Joshua hugged her and thanked her, she ruffled his hair saying "of course I would, after all I am you sister"

She left soon after while Joshua waited.... He soon grew tired of waiting and fell asleep....


Then he was awoken by someone yelling his name, he woke up immediately and saw his sister. "I think I've found him!" She yelled while waving her phone, Joshua snatched it out of her hand and looked at the screen. There I showed the exact same guy! He seemed to be sitting down under a tree doing whatever on his tablet.

"Yes! This is the guy! How did ya find him?!" Joshua yelled, his sister chuckled and said "I have my ways." She took the phone and looked at it, "You are right, he does look like a good villian." She stated.

Joshua said "Of course he is! If I say he is then he is!" Joshua couldn't wait to see this guy again! He needed to be the villain in his movie! "Well, Where is he?!" Joshua asked, his sister replied "What an impatient little boy you are, but he is in Central Park."
Joshua got up from his bed and yelled "Get the car ready! We are moving out!"

His sister then threw a pair of clothes at his face and said "We need a disguise though right? So go change."

Joshua ran into the bathroom and changed. he got out right away and pointed to the door "Let's go shall we?!" He said, his sister nodded and they both went out.

They got into the car and his sister started the car. She pressed on the gas petal and started driving! They both drove to the Central Park, his sister was barely driving over the speed limit and almost drove a green light. They didn't care at all though. This guy was the perfect movie villain!

They soon got to Central Park and immediately got out of the car. They ran over to the area where the guy was and saw him. "There He is..." Joshua mumbled and pointed at him. "So, what are we gonna do? Should we go directly or indirectly?" His sister asked. Joshua answered with directly and walked right up to him.

The guy looked up from his tablet. "Oh... it's you again...." he mumbled, he seemed annoyed, he wasn't in the mood to be talking with Joshua. "Yes it is! Now, I want you to play as my lead villain!" Joshua said with pride and pointed at him.
And.... he got rejected, "No." the guy said bluntly.

"Whaaaat???" His sister gasped. "How could you not accept! This is an honor!" His sister yelled.

He gave her a glare and said "Give me one reason why I should?"

"Well, you fit the role perfectly! Your skin is pale, you have tired looking eyes, you have such a weird hairstyle, and you have a lab coat! You look like a mad scientist!" Joshua said.

Now the guy was just offended, "I didn't ask why I fit the role, I asked why I should play as the lead villain in your little stupid movie."

Joshua paused, he thought for a moment and then said "Money!"

The guy looked at him with an 'Are you serious?' face. He sighed and go up and started walking away, Joshua was about to stop him then he said "Money, Money, Money, all you people are the same. Money can't solve anything you know? And do you even know the real me? You are only judging me by my looks, what if my personality doesn't match your description as a villian Huh? What are you gonna do then?"

Joshua didn't know how to respond to that. Now that someone actually said that, he realized that he has actually been judging people by his looks.... now he felt terrible and disappointed in himself. The guy started walking away and his sister said "Don't listen to him, he doesn't know what an honor it is to play in your movie." Joshua ignored his sister and yelled "Hey Wait! At least tell me your name!"

The guy turned around and said "Once you change then I will." He continued on his way to where ever and disappeared.

This filled Joshua with determination, he wanted to know more about this guy. And Joshua still thought he was the perfect villain. He thought what the guy just said was so cool!

But where could he start? Someone can't just change their way of thinking in one day.... can they..?

He then told his sister "Call Free for me." His sister was confused but did so anyway, Free answered and he took the phone away from her. "Hey Free, are you Free right now?" He asked.

Free responded with a yes and asked why. Joshua just said "meet me in Central Park right now." He then hanged up on him and started walking away. "Josh, what are you doing?" His sister asked. Joshua replied "I'm going to get his name!"

His sister sighed and said "He isn't worth it ya know?"

Joshua disagreed and said "I pick what's worthy or not, not you." He started walking away and his sister sighed, she walked back to the car, leaving Joshua alone with Free.

To be honest, Joshua would've thought that this wasn't worth it, but... Something about that strange man drew him in. He was just so mysterious and silent. Joshua wanted to know more about his but he knew this was going to be hard. 'I guess he is playing hard to get huh? This will make things more interesting!' Joshua thought and felt someone tap his shoulder. He turned around seeing Free there. "So... What cha want?" Free asked.

"Oh, Hey Free! You are smart right?" Joshua asked. Free looked at him strangely but said "Yea.... Why..?"

"Well, how do you stop judging people from their looks and popularity!" Joshua said and gave Free a smile. Free sighed and gave him an 'Are you serious?' look. He then said "Are you really asking me this?" Joshua nodded, keeping his smile.

Free sighed and said "Of course you a serious... Well then, since you are an idiot but my friend," Joshua couldn't believe that Free was calling him his friend! He finally said that out loud! Free continued "I will teach you, but follow me." Free started walking away to who knows where, while Joshua looked at him strangely, 'What does he want to show me?' He thought but didn't bother to ask and followed.

Once they got there, Free stopped and Joshua looked around, he saw a bey stadium with a kid blading. Joshua immediately thought 'Oh, a kid. He doesn't look like a good blader. He probably sucks, but I won't judge him. Of course he isn't up to my standards.'

"So, Joshua what do you think of that kid?" Free asked, Joshua replied "He looks... terrible...! His hair style is terrible, and he sucks at beyblading! Why do you ask anyway? Of course that kid isn't up to my standards!" Free gave him another of those 'Are you serious?' face and he slapped his own forehead. He looked at at Joshua and sighed, "You are such an idiot... What did you ask me again?"

Joshua replied "How to stop judging people from looks and reputation." When he said that he then realized what he just done. The complete opposite on what he wanted to learn how to! Free noticed that Joshua realized and said "You see what you just did there? If you want to stop then try to get to know that kid, The best way is by facing him."

"Why would I face him? He isn't worthy, he is going to loose anyway." Joshua scoffed. Free shook his head and glared at him.

Joshua and Free stared at each other for about a minute and then Joshua said "Fine, Fine, I'll do it!"

Joshua started making his way toward the kid, the kid noticed him and asked "Who the hell are you?"

Joshua was offended but he let it slide, not just because he had too, it was because he thought that the kid didn't recognize him with his disguise on. "Huh? Wait is that Free? Oh Hey Free!!!" The kid shouted, calling Free's name.

Joshua looked at Free and said "You know this kid??? Why would someone like you even talk to him?"

Free sighed and said "You are doing it again... Hey Aiga battle him would you?"

Aiga nodded and said "Sure thing! But why?"

Free replied "Because, he is an idiot who needs to be taught a lesson, now go defeat him."

"Gladly!" Aiga said and looked over at Joshua. He pointed at him and yelled "You there! You will be versing me! Get ready to loose!"

Joshua thought 'This guy must really be an idiot to be versing me. He is waaaay out of my league! But I will only verse him because Free said so.' Joshua scoffed and said "Know that it's an honors you will be facing me! And sorry but you will be the one loosing you newbie."

"Just battle already..." Free asked and so they did.... Joshua of course didn't use his full power and ended up loosing... Aiga laughed at him and Free chuckled a little. Joshua underestimated him too much and he lost!

"AHAHAHA, WHAT WERE YOU SAYING AGAIN?" Aiga mocked him, Joshua kept his cool and said "I wasn't using my full power! If I did then you would've lost already."

"But you lost underestimating you opponent, Joshua that is your weakness, you think of yourself as a king, but what is a king to a non believer? Nothing. They don't care if you are greater than them, they might try to take your throne. Anything can happen, so don't underestimate anyone." Joshua nodded, Free was right... "And don't think it's shameful for being weak." Free said. "It's only shameful if you stay weak."

"Wow.... such awesome words!" Aiga said, Joshua agreed with him, those were cool movie lines.

That line got Joshua determined and he said "Alrightttt, Aiga let's have a rematch! I'll use my full power this time."

"But that won't matter!! I'll still win anyway!" Aiga said and they battled once more.


This continued on for about a month, Joshua hasn't seen that mysterious guy again and Free kept introducing Joshua to new people. Right now Joshua was having another battle with Aiga, Joshua has now learned to not underestimate people and not judge them from their looks and reputation, but that doesn't mean he doesn't. Joshua sometimes judge people by their looks and reputation but he gives those who don't match up to his standards a chance.

Joshua has defeated Aiga once more, Joshua could see that Aiga was getting a lot better and soon Aiga might actually beat him, he is a bit worried since he doesn't want Aiga to beat him but that he can prevent that from happening by training harder.
In the corner of his eye, he saw someone watching him. His eyes widen when he recognize that person! It was that mysterious guy!

"Ok! Ima take a break!" Joshua said, Aiga agreed with him and sat down for some water.

Joshua went over to the guy and said, "Hello!!! What brings you here?"

"No reason." He replied, "But why are you hanging out with him? Isn't he not up to your standards?"

"But that doesn't matter! He is actually a fun guy to hang out with and it's not shameful being weak. It's only shameful staying weak!" He said. On the outside Joshua was trying to play it cool like in the movies, on the inside he was excited because he used the same line Free did!

"Soooo, can I have you name...?" Joshua asked. The guy looked at him and then looked at Aiga, then back at him. "Fine. It's Evel Oxford."

'Evel Oxford, What a cool name!! It fits him! It also makes a cool Villain name.' Joshua thought, he then noticed Evel walking away, 'Wait he can't go yet!' Joshua thought. He ran up to him and said "Hey, Wait!"

Evel turned around and said "What? You want me to become your villain?" Joshua nodded and Evel gave him a no. "Wait, Wait! At least think about it!" Joshua complained while Evel replied "I already did" and he started walking away.

Joshua couldn't loose him! Not yet! He took out a little notebook and started writing something on it. Evel looked at him weirdly and thought 'What in the world is he writing?'

Joshua the ripped out the piece of paper from his notebook and said "Please think about it more! I need you! You are the only one who can do it!" Joshua lifted the paper up for Evel to take. He took it and stared at it, on it was a Phone number. He looked back at Joshua and said "I don't want it."

"No, you must take it! Please just think about it more." Joshua begged but Evel still stuck with his decision and shoved the piece of paper in Joshua's hair. Evel walked away immediately and Joshua felt as if someone rejected his love. He took the piece of paper out of his hair then noticed that the paper felt different, he looked at it and saw a number.

But not just any number, it wasn't his, it was Evel's!!!!!

Joshua looked back at Evel and saw him looking at him over his shoulder. Evel noticed that Joshua was looking back at him and turned around. He continued walking away then heard a buzzing and felt his phone vibrating. He took it out and saw a random number, which was Joshua's. He turned around and said "You don't need to call me now!!"

Joshua grinned and said "How about we get some coffee later and discuss things about the movie! I could also get to know you better."

Evel stared at him, and stayed silent for a moment then mumbled a 'fine'. Joshua was full of joy! He couldn't wait to know more about Evel. He then noticed a tint of pink on Evel's pale skin, he was about to ask if he had a fever or something but he heard Aiga's voice yelling "Come on Joshua!!! Hurry up!! Let's continue our battle!!"

Joshua was about to tell Aiga to wait for just a moment but heard Evel saying "Just go, I'll cya later... I guess..."

Joshua yelled "Bye Evel!! I'll Cya Soon!!" And he ran back to Aiga, they both continued to battle while Evel watched from afar... he then started walking away and said to himself "God, Why is my cheeks a little pink? What is the meaning of this??" He heard someone reply "That's Love boi." He turned his head over to see who said that and saw Free leaning against a tree, "No impossible, why would I like an idiot like him?" Evel asked, Free then replied "A crush is when you have a reason to like someone,"

Evel looked at him strangely and replied "But I don't like him, why would I like him anyways? He is an idiot."

Free then continued his sentence "Love is when you like someone but have no reason or explanation for it."

Evel thought about it. He was blushing.... so does that meant he liked him..? But he is an idiot! Why would he like him?! But.... Free said Love is when you like someone but have no reason to.... 'Sh*t- do I love him..?! No way! Just no way!' He thought.

Free laughed to himself and started walking away, 'Victory' He thought and went to where ever.

Evel stood there for a minute and thought about it. In the end he didn't believe it at all but the idea still followed -more like haunted- him...

he then remembered that he agreed to having coffee with him later. He crouched down and ruffled his hair 'Sh*t, Sh*t, Sh*t, Sh*t. Why am I so stupid????' He thought.

He lied on the ground and looked up at the Sky, 'Do I really love him..?' He thought. He got up and gagged 'No way in hell I would, i'm not gay!' He thought.

Looks like he was wrong ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I finished!! (Barely on time xD, idk if this would even qualify or not.)
This was a hard ship I was given since I have no idea how Evel really acts (just barely). And to me Evel is that silent guy who is anti social and thinks the people around him are idiots.
And who was the person who quit on him? Oh that was Zac, he wanted to see who was Joshua since some how Joshua became famous.
Zac decided to check it out for himself and he was fine with it at first but Joshua was seeking all the attention and he was a perfectionist, he kept making everyone repeat the same scene again and again. So he got annoyed and quit. He went back home and started complaining a bunch and Akira and Zac then posted bad things about Joshua (that was his manager was trying to tell him about)
Anywayssss I hope you like it.
Word count~ 4171!

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